Needle-making equipment, 1819. The large machine at bottom right is George Priors dry grinder with a box partly enclosing the grindstone to minimise dust (1813)
Steel Foundry, 1932. Creator: Armand JamarSteel Foundry, 1932
Casting one of the plates for the great steam-hammer at Woolwich, 1872. Creator: UnknownCasting one of the plates for the great steam-hammer at Woolwich, 1872
Statue of Mr. John Cockerill at Seraing, Belgium, 1871. Creator: UnknownStatue of Mr. John Cockerill at Seraing, Belgium, 1871. The town of Seraing...contains 25, 000 inhabitants, all dependent on the great iron-smelting and engine-making works of Messrs
Presentation of a testimonial to Mr. W. F. Dixon, by the workpeople of James Dixon and Sons, Sheffield, 1870. Mr. W. F
A visit to Penn's Marine Engine Factory, at Greenwich: casting a great cylinder for a marine steam-engine, 1865
View of Lima, the capital of Peru, 1864. Creator: UnknownView of Lima, the capital of Peru, 1864
Interior of a Copper Foundry in Falun, 1781. Creator: Per HillestromInterior of a Copper Foundry in Falun, 1781
In the Anchor-Forge at Söderfors. The Smiths Hard at Work. Creator: Per HillestromIn the Anchor-Forge at Soderfors. The Smiths Hard at Work, Unknown date
Esquisse pour la salle des mariages de la mairie du 13ème arrondissement : Vertus civiquesEsquisse pour la salle des mariages de la mairie du 13eme arrondissement : Vertus civiques. 1878. Sketch for interior of reception hall for marriages. Civic virtues: blacksmith's forge
Esquisse pour la galerie des Métiers de l'Hôtel de Ville: ForgeronsEsquisse pour la galerie des Metiers de l'Hotel de Ville: Forgerons, 1890. Blacksmiths
Esquisse pour la galerie des Métiers de l'Hôtel de Ville : FondeursEsquisse pour la galerie des Metiers de l'Hotel de Ville : Fondeurs, 1890. Foundry workers
Sketch for the salon des Sciences of the Hôtel de Ville in Paris: FireSketch for the salon des Sciences of the Hotel de Ville in Paris: Fire, between 1889 and 1891. Metalworker at a furnace. (Esquisse pour le salon des Sciences de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris : Le Feu)
Iron Ship Fitting at the Royal Dockyard, Woolwich, 1854. Creator: UnknownIron Ship Fitting at the Royal Dockyard, Woolwich, 1854
Casting a Monster Cylinder, at Messrs. Scott Russell and Co.'s Building-Yard, Millwall, 1854
Map of the Russian Empire showing the regions of the precious metals, 1890
The International Exhibition: blowing-engine in the Belgian Department of the Western Annexe, 1862
Manufacture of the Armstrong Gun at Woolwich Arsenal: casting the shot and shell for 100 pounders, 1862
Manufacture of the Armstrong Gun at Woolwich Arsenal: finish-turning a 100-pounder, 1862
Manufacture of the Armstrong Gun at Woolwich Arsenal: the beehive, 1862. Creator: UnknownManufacture of the Armstrong Gun at Woolwich Arsenal: the beehive, 1862. This is the upper floor of a two-storied building upwards of 200ft. in length and 60ft
Manufacture of the Armstrong Gun at Woolwich Arsenal: welding the coil, 1862
Manufacture of the Armstrong Gun at Woolwich Arsenal: coiling the bars, 1862
Manufacture of the Armstrong Gun at Woolwich Arsenal: drawing down and welding the bars previous to coiling, 1862
Progress of the International Exhibition building: the forge, 1862. Creator: UnknownProgress of the International Exhibition building: the forge, [London], 1862
Casting a monster cylinder for Her Majesty's armour-plated frigate Agincourt at MaudslayCasting a monster cylinder for Her Majesty's armour-plated frigate Agincourt at the foundry of Maudslay, Sons, and Field, Westminster-road, London, 1862
Toning the Bell, 1874. Creator: Walter ShirlawToning the Bell, 1874. Musicians in a foundry, helping the blacksmith tone a church bell
Novelty Iron works, Foot of 12th St. E. R. New York. Stillman, Allen & CoNovelty Iron works, Foot of 12th St. E.R. New York. Stillman, Allen & Co. Iron Founders, Steam Engine and General Machinery Manufacturers, 1841-44
Bell Foundry, Germany, ca. 1874. Creator: Walter ShirlawBell Foundry, Germany, ca. 1874
Nasmyths patent steam hammer, 1844. Creator: UnknownNasmyths patent steam hammer, 1844
A Blacksmiths Shop, August 25, 1771. Creator: Richard EarlomA Blacksmiths Shop, August 25, 1771
The Making of Armours, from Hymmelwagen auff dem, wer wol lebt... 1517
[Factory Interior], ca. 1880. Creator: Louis Lafon[Factory Interior], ca. 1880
The Forge. Creator: Leonard DefranceThe Forge
Metalworkers, Styria, Austria, c1935. Creator: UnknownMetalworkers, Styria, Austria, c1935. Factory workers using an industrial hammer to shape steel. From " Osterreich - Land Und Volk", (Austria, Land and People). [R
Forging the Anchor, 1892. Creator: UnknownForging the Anchor, 1892. Scene in a foundry, men hammering a ships anchor. After a painting in the Colchester and Ipswich Museums Collection. From " Modern Art Monographs"
Fiskars ironworks, 1830-1839. Creator: Pehr Adolf KruskopfFiskars ironworks, 1830-1839. The village of Fiskars in Finland is the site of the former Fiskars Bruk ironworks, which was founded in 1649 and gave rise to the company Fiskars
Interior of the old workshop at Hellebæk, 1859. Creator: Constantin HansenInterior of the old workshop at Hellebaek, 1859
A copper factory in Cornwall, 19th century. Artist: Jean Baptiste Henri Durand BragerA copper factory in Cornwall, 19th century
Blast furnaces, Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Company, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, 1890. A charge being taken to the top of a furnace on a railway
Making Armour for the Knights of Old, c1934. Illustration showing an armourers workshop containing a forge and anvil, and pieces of armour
Work in an Iron Foundry and Smithy During The Period of the Middle Ages, c1934. Illlustration showing iron founding and tool-making
Shoe Lane, London, c1806. Artist: William Henry PyneInterior view of Russell, Pontifex and Goldwins copper and brass works at nos 46-48 Shoe Lane, London, 1806, showing the men at work
Money making; stamping and milling the disks and weighing the finished coins, 20th century
Money making; cutting strips of silver into disks, 20th century. The cutting machine stamps out a double row of disks
Making money; lowering a pot of liquid metal into a machine, 20th century. ArtistMaking money; lowering a pot of liquid metal into a machine, 20th century
Making money; pots of liquid metal being handled in the melting room, 20th century
Deutsch Paters box baler crushing scrap, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1963. ArtistDeutsch Paters box baler crushing scrap, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1963
Linderman Aleta cutting jaws, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1963. Artist: Michael WaltersLinderman Aleta cutting jaws, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1963
Linderman box baler crushing scrap, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1963. The machine baled the scrap in The Edgar Allen Steel Cos Rotherham yard before it was sent to their Sheffield foundry for melting
Scrapyard worker, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1963. Artist: Michael WaltersScrapyard worker, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1963
Forge in action at Edgar Allens steel foundry, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1963
Close-up of a forge being worked at Edgar Allens foundry, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1962
Recycling scrap, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1965. Artist: Michael WaltersRecycling scrap, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1965. Edgar Allens of Sheffield used this plant in Rotherham to recycle scrap from their main facility in Sheffield
Trapiche or Mill Used at the Lavaderos or Gold Washings, c1826, (1911). From Chile, by G. F. Scott Elliot, M.A. F.R.G.S. [T. Fisher Terrace, London, 1911]
Cancha De Beneficiar, or Mode of Amalgamation of Gold and Silver, c1826, (1911). From Chile, by G. F. Scott Elliot, M.A. F.R.G.S. [T. Fisher Terrace, London, 1911]
Furnace Used In The Smelling of Copper, c1826, (1911). From Chile, by G. F. Scott Elliot, M.A. F.R.G.S. [T. Fisher Terrace, London, 1911]
Advertisement for the Women Metal Workers company in London, 1901. Illustration from The Connoisseur, (December 1901)
Tinman, 16th century (1849). Artist: Jost AmmanTinman, 16th century (1849). A 19th century version based on an original 16th century wood engraving
Section of a Blast Furnace, Showing its Food, c1880. A print from Great Industries of Great Britain, Volume I, published by Cassell Petter and Galpin, (London, Paris, New York, c1880)
The Bessemer process for the mass-production of steel, c1880. Artist: CJBThe Bessemer process for the mass-production of steel, c1880. A print from Great Industries of Great Britain, Volume I, published by Cassell Petter and Galpin, (London, Paris, New York, c1880)
The blast furnaces at Summerlea by night, c1880. Artist: WD Scott-MoncrieffThe blast furnaces at Summerlea by night, c1880. A print from Great Industries of Great Britain, Volume I, published by Cassell Petter and Galpin, (London, Paris, New York, c1880)
Smelting iron furnace, 1751-1777. A print from the Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers by Diderot & d Alembert, 1751-1777. Private Collection
Smelting iron furnace, pig iron mould, 1751-1777. A print from the Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers by Diderot & d Alembert, 1751-1777. Private Collection
Forging mill, furnace, ground moulding, 1751-1777. A print from the Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers by Diderot & d Alembert, 1751-1777. Private Collection
Metal gilders, 1751-1777Gilder, 1751-1777. A print from the Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Arts et des Metiers by Diderot & d Alembert, 1751-1777. Private Collection
Preparation of copper and silver to be alloyed for production of coins, 1683. Copper is melted (1) while an apprentice (9) soaks birch twigs in water
The Iron Founder, Rotherham, Yorkshire, 1821. Metal worker ladling molten metal drawn off from the furnace on the left into a mould created by a pattern pressed into damp sand
Iron foundry, 1802. At top are two views of a furnace, on the right showing the operation of the bellows which supplied the draught and, on the left, smelted metal being poured into moulds
Henri Etienne St Claire Deville, 19th century French chemist, (c1955). In 1854 Deville (1818-1881) discovered the process for obtaining pure aluminium by reducing aluminium chloride with sodium
Women washing the precious metal platinum from alluvial gravels, Urals, Russia, 1916
Laboratory for refining gold and silver, showing typical laboratory equipment, 1683. 1) Athanor or Slow Harry, a self-feeding furnace maintaining a constant temperature
Washing ore to extract gold, 1683. Water is fed into a sieve containing crushed ore. The solution containing ore in suspension is fed along collecting pans, often lined with dark woollen cloth
Carglaze tin mine, near St Austell, Cornwall, England, c1825, (1837)
Georgius Agricola, 16th century German physician, mineralogist and metallurgist
Dalcoath copper mine, Camborne, Cornwall, c1830. View of the mine showing engine houses and Bolling Maidens who broke ore into small pieces. The mine later also produced tin
Tin mine between Camborne and Redruth, Cornwall, c1860
Smelting of ores (gold, silver, copper and lead), 1556. A workman beats clay to make lute to line a furnace. On the floor are various tools needed during the smelting process
Lead smelting, 1556. From De re metallica by Agricola (Georg Bauer). (Basel, 1556)
Separating lead from silver or gold in a cupellation furnace, 1556. The Foreman consumed quantities of butter to avoid being poisoned (to prevent absorption of lead in the stomach)
Blast furnaces, South Wales, 1885
Industrial laboratory at Thomas Firth & Sons Norfolk Works, Sheffield, c1900
Interior, Thomas Firth & Sons Norfolk Works, Sheffield, c1890. Twelve men, each with a work station facing a window, hand-cutting files from blanks of crucible steel
Needle making workshop, 1751-1780
Tapping a blast furnace and casting iron into pigs, c1900. From The Marvels of Metals by FM Holmes. (London, c1900)