A tiger-hunting party in India: preparing to start, 1870. Creator: UnknownA tiger-hunting party in India: preparing to start, 1870. Engraving of a photograph by Colonel Ross, commanding the 24th (Second Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot, of a hunt near Hyderabad
A cartoon: "into whose hands will the Chinese ball fall?", 1909. Creator: UnknownA cartoon: "into whose hands will the Chinese ball fall?", 1909. 'A Chinese "Illustrated London News'': Pictorial Journalism As Practised In The Far East (Illustrations From A Chinese Paper)
The War in Abyssinia: King Theodore, as he lay dead at Magdala, April 13, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe War in Abyssinia: King Theodore, as he lay dead at Magdala, April 13, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Major H. A. Leveson
Travelling in Africa: two days without water, 1869. Creator: UnknownTravelling in Africa: two days without water, 1869. 'It is scarcely needful to remind those who have ever perused any account of such expeditions that one of the most trying experiences of
Travelling in Africa: the rain-pool by the way, 1869. Creator: UnknownTravelling in Africa: the rain-pool by the way, 1869. 'A common and sometimes rather annoying incident of African travel is shown in one of Mr. T. Baines's sketches
The Royal Caverns at Jerusalem, 1869. Creator: UnknownThe Royal Caverns at Jerusalem, 1869. Caves ' the head of the Valley of Jehoshaphat, or Kedron Valley. It is not many years since these caverns were explored...On visiting these caverns
Travelling in Africa: cutting a road for the waggons, 1868. Creator: UnknownTravelling in Africa: cutting a road for the waggons, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. Thomas Baines, '...illustrating his personal experiences, in company with Mr
The War in Abyssinia: trial of two natives for stealing commissariat stores, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe War in Abyssinia: trial of two natives for stealing commissariat stores, 1868. British officers stand over two African men restrained with ropes
The Queen's Drawingroom: the Ambassadors' Entrance, Buckingham Palace, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Queen's Drawingroom: the Ambassadors' Entrance, Buckingham Palace, 1868. Guests of Queen Victoria. 'The Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers having been introduced in the order of precedence
The British Expedition to Abyssinia: Shohos bringing in grass to the Commissariat, Undel Wells, 1868 Creator: UnknownThe British Expedition to Abyssinia: Shohos bringing in grass to the Commissariat, Undel Wells, 1868. The British Army in Ethiopia needed forage for their pack animals which included Indian
The Expedition to Abyssinia: Sir Robert Napier entertained by the Prince of Tigre, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Expedition to Abyssinia: Sir Robert Napier entertained by the Prince of Tigre, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. G. A. Henty '...of the interview, near Ad-Abaga, on Feb
The Expedition to Abyssinia: meeting of the Prince of Tigre with Sir Robert Napier, 1868. Creator: C. RThe Expedition to Abyssinia: meeting of the Prince of Tigre with Sir Robert Napier, near Ad-Abaga, 1868. 'the army of Tigre...numbered about 4000 men, who moved in a long
The Abyssinian Expedition: the water-tanks at Zulla, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: the water-tanks at Zulla, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Captain F. F. Atkinson, 45th Regiment (British Army)
The Empress Eugenie's new Abyssinian page, 1869. Creator: UnknownThe Empress Eugenie's new Abyssinian page, 1869. 'The Empress of the French appears to be partial to coloured servitors. Formerly she had a Nubian page
The Abyssinian Expedition: review of the British Army on the Queen's birthday, at Senafe, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: review of the British Army on the Queen's birthday, at Senafe [in Eritrea], 1868. 'After Sir Robert (Napier) had passed along the line
The Abyssinian Expedition: departure of the released prisoners from the head-quarters camp... 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: departure of the released prisoners from the head-quarters camp, Plain of Dalanta, [Delanta, Ethiopia], 1868
The Durbar at Umballah: meeting of the Governor-General of India and the Ameer of Cabul, 1869. Creator: UnknownThe Durbar at Umballah: meeting of the Governor-General of India and the Ameer of Cabul, 1869. Engraving from a photograph by Captain Taylor, aide-de-camp, showing '...members of Council
The Durbar at Lucknow: return visit of the Governor-General to the Rajah of Kapoorthulla... 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Durbar at Lucknow: return visit of the Governor-General to the Rajah of Kapoorthulla - presentation of gifts, 1868. Engraving from a drawing by Mr. R. Clint
Sitting of the Conference at Paris on the Turkish and Greek Question, 1869. Creator: UnknownSitting of the Conference at Paris on the Turkish and Greek Question, 1869. 'The central figure in our Engraving is M. de Marquis de Lavallette, president of the Conference
The Abyssinian Expedition: a sketch on the shore at Zulla, Annesley Bay, 1868. Creator: C. RThe Abyssinian Expedition: a sketch on the shore at Zulla, Annesley Bay, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Captain F. F. Atkinson, of the 45th Regiment (British Army)
Suppression of the Slave Trade...coast of Africa:H.M.S. Daphne capturing a slave-dhow, 1869. Creator: UnknownSuppression of the Slave Trade on the east coast of Africa: the cutter of H.M.S. Daphne capturing a slave-dhow off Brora, 1869
Embarking elephants at Bombay for the Abyssinian Expedition, 1868. Creator: C. REmbarking elephants at Bombay for the Abyssinian Expedition, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. Frank J. Capp, Bombay Staff Corps
Fetes of the Viceroy of Egypt at Cairo: the dromedary-race, 1869. Creator: UnknownFetes of the Viceroy of Egypt at Cairo: the dromedary-race, 1869. 'The Viceroy of Egypt celebrated the anniversary of his accession, on January 18
Ball at the British Embassy, Constantinople, in honour of the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1869. Creator: UnknownBall at the British Embassy, Constantinople, in honour of the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1869. 'In the evening the grand ball took place at the British Embassy
Finding the remains of the lost explorers Harding, Panter, and Goldwyer...North-West Australia, 1865 Creator: UnknownFinding the remains of the lost explorers Harding, Panter, and Goldwyer, near Lagrange Bay, North-West Australia, 1865. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. D. Francisco. Mr
The New Zealand Chief, William Thompson, negotiating with Brigadier-General Carey, 1865. Creator: UnknownThe New Zealand Chief, William Thompson, negotiating with Brigadier-General Carey, 1865. Engraving of a sketch by Major Tupper
An Exploring Party on the West Coast of New Zealand: crossing the River Teramakau, 1865. Creator: UnknownAn Exploring Party on the West Coast of New Zealand: crossing the River Teramakau, 1865. Engraving from a sketch by Albert Walker
The Indo-European Telegraph: Landing The Cable in the mud at Fao, Persian Gulf, 1865. Creator: UnknownThe Indo-European Telegraph: Landing The Cable in the mud at Fao, Persian Gulf, 1865. When some four miles of cable had been paid out
Obsequies of the Duke of Malakoff at Algiers on the 4th of June, 1864. Creator: UnknownObsequies of the Duke of Malakoff at Algiers on the 4th of June, 1864. Engraving from a sketch by Mr. Churchill, the Consul-General....the mortal remains of the Duke of Malakoff (Marshal Pelissier)
English Excursionists at Calais, 1865. Creator: UnknownEnglish Excursionists at Calais, 1865. In these days, as well as in the age of Hogarth, Smollett, and Sterne the humorous situation of an ordinary party of English excursionists
The Punjaub Exhibition of Arts and Industry at Lahore: interior of the building, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe Punjaub Exhibition of Arts and Industry at Lahore: interior of the building, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by Messrs
Camel-carriage used by the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjaub, 1864. Creator: UnknownCamel-carriage used by the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjaub, [India], 1864. Engraving from a photograph by Messrs. Howard, Shepherd, and Bourne, of Calcutta, taken at Government House
Landing of Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B. at Yokohama, Japan, 1864. Creator: UnknownLanding of Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B. at Yokohama, Japan, 1864. Engraving of...a sketch by Mr. Wirgman, our Special Artist, which...represents the landing of Sir Rutherford Alcock
Peruvian bark tree plantations in the Neilgherry Hills, India... 1862. Creator: UnknownPeruvian bark tree plantations in the Neilgherry Hills, India: Sir William Denison, Governor of Madras, planting the first tree in a new plantation, 1862. Mr
The Post Office of Auckland, New Zealand: arrival of the "Home" Mails, 1864. Creator: UnknownThe Post Office of Auckland, New Zealand: arrival of the "Home" Mails, 1864. "The mail-steamer from Sydney comes here once a month, bringing letters and papers from England
Maori war-canoe at Tauranga, New Zealand, 1864. Creator: UnknownMaori war-canoe at Tauranga, New Zealand, 1864. Engraving from a sketch by Lieutenant Robley, of the 68th Regiment, stationed at Tauranga...The natives of the shores of the Bay of Plenty were
The Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition - Portaging a Canoe and Baggage, 1858. Creator: UnknownThe Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition - Portaging a Canoe and Baggage, 1858. Engraving from a photograph taken during...the expedition sent out last spring by the Canadian Government
The Livingstone Expedition in Africa - Dr. Livingstone's station [on] the Kongone River... 1860. Creator: UnknownThe Livingstone Expedition in Africa - Dr. Livingstone's station at the mouth of the Kongone River, on the Zambezi Delta, 1860. Engraving from a sketch by...T. Baines, Esq
Christmas-Day Service in Calcutta Cathedral, attended by the Prince of Wales...1876. Creator: UnknownChristmas-Day Service in Calcutta Cathedral, attended by the Prince of Wales, from a sketch by one of our special artists, 1876. The future King Edward VII in India
The Royal Visit to India: the Madras Club Ball, from a sketch by an officer of the Serapis, 1876. Creator: UnknownThe Royal Visit to India: the Madras Club Ball, from a sketch by an officer of the Serapis, 1876. The future King Edward VII...attended a ball given in his honour...The Prince [of Wales] wore
Massacre of a mission party of the "Alan Gardiner" by the natives at Woolya, Tierra del Fuego, 1860. Engraving after a sketch by Mr. Havers
Dutchmen's Quarters, c1802. Creator: HokusaiDutchmen's Quarters, c1802. Curious Japanese watching Dutchmen on Dejima
Mme. Potard. - N'est-il pas vrai, brave turco.. 1859. Creator: Honore DaumierMme. Potard. - N'est-il pas vrai, brave turco.. 1859. Mme. Potard - N'est-il pas vrai, brave turco, que vous preferez les Francaises aux Africaines? - Mr
The War in China - Punjaub-street, or La Grande Rue, Pehtang... 1860. Creator: UnknownThe War in China - Punjaub-street, or La Grande Rue, Pehtang - from a sketch by our special artist, C. Wirgman, 1860. European and Indian soldiers
The Nebraska and Kansas Territory: Settlers entering Nebraska, Pappea Creek, 1856. Creator: UnknownThe Nebraska and Kansas Territory: Settlers entering Nebraska, Pappea Creek, 1856. View of...extensive unoccupied territory of the United States...[which] hitherto has been the home of the crafty
Reception of the Archduke Maximilian of Austria by Prince Napoleon, at the Strasbourg Railway Termin Creator: UnknownReception of the Archduke Maximilian of Austria by Prince Napoleon, at the Strasbourg Railway Terminus, at Paris, 1856. The Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, brother of the Emperor of Austria
Searching for Rebel Santhals, 1856. Creator: UnknownSearching for Rebel Santhals, 1856. In the Sketch representing the searching for Santhal rebels is a very fine elephant, the property of Mr
Travel views of Cuba and Guatemala, c1920s. Creator: Arnold GentheTravel views of Cuba and Guatemala, c1920s
Springbok Hunting in South Africa, 1850. Creator: UnknownSpringbok Hunting in South Africa, 1850. The Springbok, or Bontebok {Antilope euchore) a most magnificent animal, larger than the gazelle, equalling...the speed of the fastest race-horse
French in Miyozakimachi (Furansujin, Miyozakimachi), from the series "Famous Places... 1861. Creator: YoshikazuFrench in Miyozakimachi (Furansujin, Miyozakimachi), from the series "Famous Places in Yokohama (Yokohama meisho)", 1861. [French couple seen through Japanese eyes]
Picture of a Banquet of People of Five Nations at the Gankiro Teahouse (Gokakoku... 1860. Creator: Utagawa Yoshiiku)Picture of a Banquet of People of Five Nations at the Gankiro Teahouse (Gokakoku gankiro ni oite sakamori no zu), 1860
Easter in the Old World Barnyard, from Puck, 1895. Creator: Joseph KepplerEaster in the Old World Barnyard, from Puck, 1895
Procession of the British Envoys to Madagascar from the seashore to the Fort of Tamatave... 1862. Creator: UnknownProcession of the British Envoys to Madagascar from the seashore to the Fort of Tamatave to dine with the Governor of Tamatave, 1862. Engraving from a drawing by Lieutenant P. P
The International Exhibition: the Treaty of Commerce Screen Carpet, by T. Tapling... 1862. Creator: UnknownThe International Exhibition: the Treaty of Commerce Screen Carpet, by Thomas Tapling, of Gresham-street, 1862. It must at the outset be understood that [this machine-made item]
The banquet on board the Viceroy of Egypt's yacht, the Faid Gihaad, 1862. Creator: UnknownThe banquet on board the Viceroy of Egypt's yacht, the Faid Gihaad, [on the River Thames, London], 1862. The decorations of the table, even putting out of question the plate
The Prince of Wales in Egypt: Jereed exercise performed by arnouts and arab chiefs... 1862. Creator: E. SkillThe Prince of Wales in Egypt: Jereed exercise performed by arnouts and arab chiefs before His Royal Highness a the Governor's Palace, Assiout, 1862. The future King Edward VII in Africa
The Prince of Wales in Egypt: the Royal Party leaving the Hall of Columns, Karnak... 1862. Creator: UnknownThe Prince of Wales in Egypt: the Royal Party leaving the Hall of Columns, Karnak, on their return to Luxor, 1862. The future King Edward VII in Africa....horses having been provided
The Prince of Wales in Egypt: ride of the Prince and suite to Edfou Temple, 1862. Creator: UnknownThe Prince of Wales in Egypt: ride of the Prince and suite to Edfou Temple, 1862. The future King Edward VII in Africa. Here the Prince remained for a day inspecting its magnificent temples
"Jack Manly": the Gabon Cliff, Africa, 1862. Creator: Unknown. "Jack Manly": the Gabon Cliff"Jack Manly": the Gabon Cliff, Africa, 1862. It may, perhaps, surprise some of the readers of the numerous romances of so popular a writer as Mr
Shooting Rhinoceros; Life in a South African Colony, 1875. Creator: UnknownShooting Rhinoceros; Life in a South African Colony, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London] Belle Sauvage Works.London E.C
Wrestling Match before the Court of Tananarivo; Recent Explorations in Madagascar, 1875. Creator: Alfred GrandidierWrestling Match before the Court of Tananarivo; Recent Explorations in Madagascar, 1875. [European guests watching local entertainment, east Africa]. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates
New Caledonians constructing a house; Some Account of New Caledonia, 1875. Creator: UnknownNew Caledonians constructing a house; Some Account of New Caledonia, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London]
Rest after the Chase; A Buck Hunt in a South African Colony, 1875. Creator: UnknownRest after the Chase; A Buck Hunt in a South African Colony, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London] Belle Sauvage Works.London E.C
Foreign Words (Ikoku kotoba), 1860. Creator: Utagawa YoshiikuForeign Words (Ikoku kotoba), 1860
Americans on an Outing (Amerikajin yuko no zu), 1860. Creator: YoshikazuAmericans on an Outing (Amerikajin yuko no zu), 1860
North America (Kita Amerika shu), 1866. Creator: Utagawa YoshitoraNorth America (Kita Amerika shu), 1866
Foreign merchant house, 1865. Creator: Sadahide UtagawaForeign merchant house, 1865
Picture of Men and Women from Many Countries (Bankoku danjo jinbutsu zue), 1861
Dish with Europeans Playing Musical Instruments, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period (1661-1722)Dish with Europeans Playing Musical Instruments, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Kangxi period (1661-1722)
China and Russia (Nankin, Oroshiya), 1860. Creator: Utagawa Hiroshige IIChina and Russia (Nankin, Oroshiya), 1860
A Prosperous American Merchant Building in Yokohama (Yokohama asanban shokan hanei no zu), 1871
True View of a Yokohama Mercantile House (Yokohama shokan shinzu), 1861. European and Japanese women playing battledore and shuttlecock
Foreign Mercantile House in Yokohama (Yokohama ijin shokan), 1861
An American Mercantile Building in Yokohama (Yokohama ijin shokan no zu), 1861
Banquet at a Foreign Merchant House in Yokohama (Yokohama ijin shoka shuen no zu), 1861
Foreigner Checking Documents at a Merchant House in Yokohama (Yokohama shoka komojin)Foreigner Checking Documents at a Merchant House in Yokohama (Yokohama shoka komojin sho mitomu no zu), 1861
Holland (Oranda koku), from the series "People of the Five NationsHolland (Oranda koku), from the series " People of the Five Nations (Gokakoku jinbutsu zue)", 1861
Sales Room at a Foreign Merchant Shop in Yokohama (Yokohama ijin shokan uriba no zu), 1861
Five Men Doing the Work of Ten Bodies (Gonin jushin no hataraki), 1861