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82 Items
Juri and Botocudos, of the Brasilio-Guarani nation, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
The War Dance, by the Ojibbeway Indians, 1848. Artist: HarrisThe War Dance, by the Ojibbeway Indians: The Flying Cloud, Tobacco, The Moonlight Night, The Flying Gull. 1848
A native of Omdai Island, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, third edition, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, 1848)
A Woman of the Tuda Race, 1848. A woman from Nilgiri, southern India. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Man from the Samoan Islands, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Woman from the Samoan Islands, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Kafir of the Bechuana, 1848. A man from what is now Botswana. Kafir, an offensive term, is no longer used
Female of the Bushman Race, 1848. Woman from southern Africa. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
Kafir of the Amakosa, 1848. A man from the Amakosah people in what is now South Africa. Kafir, an offensive term, is no longer used
Native American women and child, 1848. Artist: HarrisNative American women and child: Ne bet-neuh-qua, Wos see ab neuh qua, Nib-nab-i-quah, 1848
Woman & Child of the Bushman Race, 1848. Mother and child from southern Africa
Ak-quee-we-zaints, The Boy, 1848. Artist: HarrisAk-quee-we-zaints, The Boy, 1848. Native American in traditional costume
Not-een-a-akm, The Strong Wind, the interpreter, 1848. Artist: HarrisNot-een-a-akm, The Strong Wind, the interpreter, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
A Man of the Tuda Race, 1848. A woman from Nilgiri, southern India. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
The last of the Charruas, 1848. The Charrua of South America were wiped out by European settlers
A Patagonian, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
Araucano, Native of Chili, 1848. Mapuche Indian from southern Chile, A specimen of the Andean family
Heo-a-h co-a-h -cotes-min, a Flat head Warrior, 1848. Artist: HarrisHeo-a-h co-a-h -cotes-min, a Flat head Warrior, 1848. Native American with a painted face
Hee-doh-gee-ats, a Chin-ook Boy, 1848. Artist: HarrisHee-doh-gee-ats, a Chin-ook Boy, 1848. Native American in a fur cloak
Hunters of Bay San Francisco, 1848Hunters from the Bay of San Francisco, 1848. Native Americans referred to as Tscholovoni
Natives of California, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Meach-o-shin-gaw, The Little White Bear, A Konza Warrior, 1848. Artist: HarrisMeach-o-shin-gaw, The Little White Bear, A Konza Warrior, 1848. Native American in traditional dress
Wah-ro-nee-sah, The Surrounder, An Otoe Chief, 1848. Artist: HarrisWah-ro-nee-sah, The Surrounder, An Otoe Chief, 1848. Native American with earrings, feathers and animal claws
Mah-to-toh-pa, (The Four Bears), 2nd Chief of the Mandans, 1848. Artist: HarrisMah-to-toh-pa, (The Four Bears), 2nd Chief of the Mandans, 1848. Native American man of the Mandan people, a branch of the Sioux family in North America
Mi-neek-ee-sank-te-ka, The Mink, A Mandan Girl, 1848. Native American girl of the Mandan people, a branch of the Sioux family in North America
Tuch-ee, A Cherokee War Chief, 1848. Artist: HarrisTuch-ee, A Cherokee War Chief, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
Sha-ko-ka, The Mint, A Mandan Girl, 1848. Artist: HarrisSha-ko-ka, The Mint, A Mandan Girl, 1848. Native American girl displaying the gray hue of the hair, of the Mandan people, a branch of the Sioux family in North America
Muck-a-tah-mish-o-kah-kaik, The Black Hawk, A Sac Chief, 1848. Artist: HarrisMuck-a-tah-mish-o-kah-kaik, The Black Hawk, A Sac Chief, 1848. A man from the Sac or Sauk people in North America
Nah-Pope (The Soup), A Sac Warrior, 1848. Artist: HarrisNah-Pope (The Soup), A Sac Warrior, 1848. Native American of the Sac or Sauk people
Woman of the Aleutian Islands, 1848. A woman from islands in the northern Pacific Ocean between Alaska and Russia
Thayendaneega, a Mohawk chief, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
A native Australian, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Patet, Australians of King Georges Sound, 1848. Artist: J BullPatet, Australians of King Georges Sound, 1848. Australian aboriginals. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Woman of the Mariana Islands, 1848. Native of the Mariana Islands in Micronesia, Pacific Ocean
Girl of the Isle of Luzon, 1848Girl of the Isle of Luzon, Philippines, 1848. Exemplifying the type of the Pelagian Negro race, described by Captain G Lafond
Mataboulais de Tahofa, 1848. A native of Tonga. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
Inhabitants of Tikopia, 1848. Tikopia is one of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific
Inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands, 1848. Natives of what is now known as Hawaii
A native of the Sandwich Islands, 1848. A man from what is now known as Hawaii, wearing a feather headdress
Natives of Benguela and Angola, 1848. Benguela is a port in Angola
A native of Tahiti, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
Kosah Kafir, 1848. A man from what is now South Africa. Kafir, an offensive term, is no longer used
Native of Mozambique, 1848. Artist: Ebenezer LandellsNative of Mozambique, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, published by Hippolyte Bailliere, (London, third edition, 1848)
Jan Tzatzoe, Kafir of the Amakosah Tribe, 1848. Artist: J BullJan Tzatzoe, Kafir of the Amakosah Tribe, 1848. A converted Christian chief, also known as Dyani Tshatshu, from what is now South Africa. Kafir, an offensive term, is no longer used
Hottentot female, 1848. A woman from the Khoikhoi ethnic group of Southern Africa, formerly referred to by Europeans as hottentots - a term now deemed offensive
Abbas Gregorius and a native of Hausa, 1848. Portraits of Abbas Gregorius, the celebrated instructor of Ludolf, an Amhara from Ethiopia, and native of Hausa, probably a West African
Edjow Galla, 1848. A Galla man from Ethiopia. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Amochi Galla, a portrait of a Galla, 1848Amochi Galla, 1848. A portrait of a Galla boy born at Enarea, and aged about 9 years old
Abyssinian portraits, 1848. Walda Kyros, born in the south of Ethiopia and a native of Shoa, and Gabra Eugziabher, a native of Adowa in Tigray, northern Ethiopia
Souakiny chief, 1848. Artist: Ebenezer LandellsSouakiny chief, 1848. An inhabitant of the port of Suakin in north eastern Sudan, on the Red Sea
Ko-tsching Dschang, 1848. Artist: Ebenezer LandellsKo-tsching Dschang, 1848. Ko Tsching Dschang, a Chinese clerk, worked on the illustrations of von Siebolds work Nippon
Chinese, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Koorai, a Fishermans Family, 1848. Artist: J BullKoorai, a Fishermans Family, 1848. Korean fishermen playing baduk (Go). An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Samoiede, 1848. An inhabitant of northern Siberia. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Kamtschadale, 1848. A native of the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Far East of Russia
Base of the skull, 1848. Comparison of a Negro (native of Kongo), Chilamache native American (from Louisiana), and Chinese (from Canton)
Three types of human skull, 1848. Comparison of a Negro (native of Kongo), Chilamache native American (from Louisiana), and Chinese (from Canton)
Feodor Ivanovitsch - A Kalmuk, 1848. Kalmyks (also spelled Kalmucks, Kalmuks, or Kalmyki) are a West Mongolian people
Modern Ottoman, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Ancient Cimbrian, Esthonian Finn, Lappe, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Persepolian sculpture, 1848. Artist: J BullPersepolian sculpture, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Head of Rameses, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Human and orang-utan skulls, 1848. Illustrations of the base of the skull. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Lateral view of the skull or profile, 1848. Comparison of the skulls of European and African humans with those of the chimpanzee and orang-utan
The vertical configuration of the skull, 1848. Comparison of Caucasian, Mongole, Negro and Titicacan skulls
Iceland dog, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Dalmatian dog, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Newfoundland dog, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Bulldog, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Old English hound, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848
Wolf dog, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Greyhound, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Shepherds dog, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Scottish terrer, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Fat-rumped sheep of Tartary, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Lancashire ox, specimen of the long horned breeds, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Fat-tailed sheep of Syria, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Spanish sheep, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Wild boar, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Hampshire sow, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Native of the Papua Islands, 1848. An engraving from the Natural History of Man, by James Cowles Prichard, (Hippolyte Bailliere, London, third edition, 1848)
Head of a Woman of the Cafusos, 1848. Artist: Ebenezer LandellsHead of a Woman of the Cafusos, 1848. Cafuso is a derogatory term which meant the offspring of an African and an Indian, or a very dark-skinned, nearly black mulatto, (person of mixed race)