The Autumn Campaign: cavalry watering horses at the River Stour, Witley, 1872. British Army manoeuvres. From "Illustrated London News", 1872
The Autumn Campaign: sketches in the Southern Camp, 1872. Creator: UnknownThe Autumn Campaign: sketches in the Southern Camp, 1872. British Army manoeuvres
The cobbler, 1671. Creator: Adriaen van OstadeThe cobbler, 1671. A peasant smoking a pipe as he talks in relaxed fashion with a cobbler who is at work, while the latter's dog is curled up on the roof of his hut
The pig killers, c.1652. Creator: Adriaen van OstadeThe pig killers, c.1652. A peasant family gathers round to witness the slaughter of a pig, which presumably will feed the large family during the long winter months ahead
Summer scene, N.Y. - drinking water from street pump, between c1910 and c1915
Burning of Pengwern Hall, near St. Asaph, the seat of Lord Mostyn, 1864. Creator: UnknownBurning of Pengwern Hall, near St. Asaph [in Wales], the seat of Lord Mostyn, 1864
German Sanitary sign near Lodz, between 1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceGerman Sanitary sign near Lodz, between 1914 and c1915. A sign in German "Trinkwasser" (drinking water) next to a pump in Lodz, Poland during World War I
Tommy Atkins at Etaples, between 1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceTommy Atkins at Etaples, between 1914 and c1915. Two British soldiers called "Tommys, " helping some local residents at a water pump, E´taples, France, during World War I
Water pumps, Beloomut, 1912. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-GorskyWater pumps, Beloomut, 1912. Uniformed men posed at a water pump construction site
Water pumps, Kuzminskoe, 1912. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-GorskyWater pumps, Kuzminskoe, 1912
Tyrolean Landscape. Study, c.1836. Creator: Louis GurlittTyrolean Landscape. Study, c.1836
Distant Fronts, In Palestine; Drilling a Well, 1917. Creator: UnknownDistant Fronts, In Palestine; Drilling a Well, 1917. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]
Street in Hamburg. Study in Architecture, 1870. Creator: Wilhelm von HannoStreet in Hamburg. Study in Architecture, 1870
"The House on Fire on Christmas Eve", 1860. Illustration from a short story published in "Illustrated London News", 1860
Allegory of the Catholic Church: Plenary Indulgences (Indulgences plénières)Allegory of the Catholic Church: Plenary Indulgences (Indulgences plenieres), c.1790. A monumental staircase, flanked by buildings, chapels carved from the rock, and an aqueduct leading to a church
At the Koepoort in Delft, 1819. Creator: Johannes JelgerhuisAt the Koepoort in Delft, 1819
Inner Courtyard, 1820-1830. Creator: Andreas SchelfhoutInner Courtyard, 1820-1830
Peasant Drinking; The Baltic Provinces of Russia, 1875. Creator: UnknownPeasant Drinking; The Baltic Provinces of Russia, 1875. From Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London] and Galpin
Quarters for infantry at the camp of Chalons - from a drawing by MQuarters for infantry at the camp of Chalons, [France] - from a drawing by M. Beauce, 1860
After Milking Time, c1650. Creator: Hendrick van der BurchAfter Milking Time, c1650
Pump in Ray-Street, Clerkenwell-Green, supplied from the Clerks Well, [London], 1857
The Waardpoort and the Oude Gracht in Utrecht, 1814. Creator: Jan Hendrik VerheyenThe Waardpoort and the Oude Gracht in Utrecht, 1814. Note water pump on right
Landscape with two men at a noticeboard near a water pump, c.1750-1808
Crescent walk, Macatawa Park, Mich. between 1890 and 1901. Creator: UnknownCrescent walk, Macatawa Park, Mich. between 1890 and 1901
The Rear Courtyard of Charlottenborg Palace, 1828. Creator: Frederik Hansen SodringThe Rear Courtyard of Charlottenborg Palace, 1828
Cours-la-Reine market pump, 1802. Creator: Jean-Baptiste BizardCours-la-Reine market pump, 1802
Petits ramoneurs se désaltérant à l'eau d'une pompePetits ramoneurs se desalterant a l'eau d'une pompe, vers 1830, c1830
Notre-Dame Bridge and Pump, seen from the vault of Quai de Gesvres, 1816
Pont-Neuf and Samaritaine pump, seen from Megisserie quay, 1777. Creator: Nicolas RaguenetPont-Neuf and Samaritaine pump, seen from Megisserie quay, 1777
West Texas "family farm"West Texas "family farm." On edge of the Dust Bowl
New cabins at Hill House, Mississippi, 1936. Creator: Dorothea LangeNew cabins at Hill House, Mississippi
Water supply, Migratory camp for cotton pickersWater supply. Migratory camp for cotton pickers. San Joaquin Valley, California. American River camp
Water supply, American River camp, California, San Joaquin Valley
Dust Bowl farm, Coldwater District, near Dalhart, Texas, 1938. Creator: Dorothea LangeDust Bowl farm. Coldwater District, near Dalhart, Texas. This farm is occupied. Others in this area have been abandoned
Barn and shed of farm in the Texas Panhandle. Near Boise City, Texas
Texas tenant farmer's house, 1937. Creator: Dorothea LangeTexas tenant farmer's house. He operated this farm on thirds and fourths; that is, he supplies teams and tools, feed and seed to the owner's land
Sketches of Pump, Washtub, Benches, n.d. Creator: UnknownSketches of Pump, Washtub, Benches, n.d
The Post-Office - painted by F. Goodall, 1850. Creator: UnknownThe Post-Office - painted by F. Goodall, 1850
The Pump, 1771. Creator: Jean Baptiste Le PrinceThe Pump, 1771
Stock Sound, 1940. Creator: Eric HallstromStock Sound, 1940. Two workers carry out street work in a wintry Stocksund, outside Stockholm
A Golden work Hydroulic [sic] mining at Rockdrville [ie Rockerville], Dak, 1889. Three men overseeing hydraulic equipment
Questa vicinity, New Mexico, 1943. Creator: John CollierQuesta vicinity, New Mexico
Possibly: Bean pickers children in camp at end[Untitled, possibly related to: Oregon, Marion County, near West Stayton. Bean pickers children in camp at end of day]
Possibly: near Wapato, Yakima Valley, Washington, 1939. Creator: Dorothea Lange[Untitled, possibly related to: Washington, Yakima Valley, near Wapato. One tenant purchase program (Farm Security Administration) client, Jacob N. Schrock
Small farm in the coast range foothills. Alameda County, California
Father and son planting potatoesOutskirts of Salinas, California. Father and son planting potatoes. These people are lettuce workers, migrants from Southwest
Machine de Marly, 1843. Creators: Unknown, PercivalMachine de Marly, 1843
A Thirsty Soul, n. d. Creator: Hablot Knight BrowneA Thirsty Soul, n.d
Dresden, 1833. Creator: Samuel ProutDresden, 1833
Byloke, Ghent, 1839. Creator: Thomas Shotter BoysByloke, Ghent, 1839
Sheet 6 of figures for Chinese shadow puppets, 1859. Creator: Juan LlorensSheet 6 of figures for Chinese shadow puppets, 1859
Man Pumping Water, c. 1937. Creator: Beverly ChichesterMan Pumping Water, c. 1937
Servants at a Pump, ca. 1840. Creator: Nicolino CalyoServants at a Pump, ca. 1840
Woman and Child in a Courtyard, 1658 / 1660. Creator: Pieter de HoochWoman and Child in a Courtyard, 1658/1660
Pork Butcher, 1610-85. Creator: Adriaen van OstadePork Butcher, 1610-85
The Government House, Coburg, 1845. Creator: UnknownThe Government House, Coburg, 1845. Women collecting water in buckets from a pump in the square at Coburg in Germany. From " Illustrated London News", 1845, Vol VII
The Story of Susanna, 1536. Creator: Hans Schaufelein the ElderThe Story of Susanna, 1536
Fire at Boston - from a drawing by Mr. W. Caister, 1844. Creator: UnknownFire at Boston - from a drawing by Mr. W. Caister, 1844
The Notre-Dame Pump (small plate), 1854. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Notre-Dame Pump (small plate), 1854
Interior View of a Farm, from "Le Magasin Pittoresque", ca. 1852Interior View of a Farm, from " Le Magasin Pittoresque", ca. 1852. [Vue interieure d une ferme]
The Notre-Dame Pump, Paris, 1852. Creator: Charles MeryonThe Notre-Dame Pump, Paris, 1852
View into the Courtyard of an Inn at Colmar, 1821-77. CreatorView into the Courtyard of an Inn at Colmar, 1821-77
The Post Horse (from The Life of a Racehorse, or The High-Mettled Racer), July 20, 1789
Fighting a Fire, 1870s. Creator: William P. ChappelFighting a Fire, 1870s
Two girls and a boy pumping water at well of Hampton Institute graduate, 1899 or 1900
New drinking-fountain at Bowness, Windermere, 1862. Creator: UnknownNew drinking-fountain at Bowness, Windermere, 1862
Women Washing, ca. 1845-50. Creator: Charles Emile JacqueWomen Washing, ca. 1845-50
Am Brunnen, mid-late 19th century, (c1924). Creator: Carl SpitzwegAm Brunnen, mid-late 19th century, (c1924). At the fountain. Children drinking at a water pump
Children drawing water from the Aldgate pump, London, August 1908. One boy pumps while the other holds a cup under the water outlet. To the left is a street fire alarm, with a bank behind
Emergency Water Supply Pump Platform, Westminster Bridge, London, WWII, 1944Exterior of Emergency Water Supply Pump Platform, Westminster Bridge, London, WWII, 1944. Small building on piles in the River Thames, built to supply water in an emergency
Pump Court, Vine Yard, Saint Olaves, Southwark, London, 1828Pump Court, Vine Yard, Saint Olave s, Southwark, London, 1828. View with a figure collecting water
View of the pump near Clerks Well in Ray Street, Finsbury, London, 1822. ArtistView of the pump near Clerks Well in Ray Street, Finsbury, London, 1822
View of Clerks Well pump in Ray Street, Finsbury, London, c1825. ArtistView of Clerks Well pump in Ray Street, Finsbury, London, c1825. Also showing two boys and a range of advertisements
North-east view of the Church of St Martin Outwich, Threadneedle Street, City of London, 1736. View with figures using the water pump in the street
Newgate Pump, Old Bailey with Newgate Prison in the background, City of London, 1815
North view of the Church of St James, Dukes Place and adjacent buildings, City of London, 1810. With figures, including a woman collecting water at a pump
Ornate water pump in the yard at Leathersellers Hall, Little St Helen s, City of London, 1791. The water pump is decorated with military equipment and musical instruments
St Katherine Coleman Rectory, Fenchurch Street, City of London, 1817. Also showing a horse and cart, women collecting water from a pump and the Magpie and Punchbowl public house in the background
Water pump in Cornhill, City of London, 1816
Water pump in Cornhill, City of London, 1800. Artist: Samuel RawleWater pump in Cornhill, City of London, 1800. With text commemorating a well and house of correction built on the site in 1282
Inner Temple, London, 1880. Artist: John CrowtherView of Dicks from Hare Court, Inner Temple, London, 1880
Bow Churchyard, London, 1887. Artist: John CrowtherView of Bow Churchyard, London with a figure standing at a water pump
Royal Exchange (2nd) exterior, London, 1836A View of the Royal Exchanges south front and west end of Cornhill, London, 1836
Bishopsgate, London, 1814North east view of Bishopsgate, London, looking towards Cornhill, 1814; showing the north side of St Martin Outwich and the pump