Portrait of Arthur Atherley as an Etonian, c1791. Creator: Thomas LawrencePortrait of Arthur Atherley as an Etonian, c1791
Liverpool Election sketches, 1880. Creator: UnknownLiverpool Election sketches, 1880. 'Mr
Portrait of a Boy, c1610-1615. Creator: UnknownPortrait of a Boy, c1610-1615.
Portrait of a Father and Son, 1626. Creator: Cornelis de VosPortrait of a Father and Son, 1626.
Portrait of a Girl, about 1665. Creator: Carlo DolciPortrait of a Girl, about 1665
Tondal Suffers a Seizure at Dinner; Les Visions du chevalier Tondal, 1475
The Temperate and the Intemperate, about 1475-1480
A Japanese girl in a jurikisha, about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki IA Japanese girl in a jurikisha, about 1873-1883. A Japanese woman, with a parasol, in a rickshaw, being pulled by one man and pushed by another
Japanese woman being carried by two Japanese men in a kago, 1868-1880. View of a woman sitting in a kago, or palanquin, being held by two men who each also hold a tall walking pole
Norimono or Sedan Chair, 1866-1867. Creator: Felice BeatoNorimono or Sedan Chair, 1866-1867. Woman in a sedan chair with three attendants
Marriage of Princess Louise: the Bridesmaids, 1871. Creator: UnknownMarriage of Princess Louise: the Bridesmaids, 1871
The half hour before dinner, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe half hour before dinner, 1871....when half-past seven is marked by the gilt Paris clock on the mantelpiece, while the summons to walk into the dining-room is still delayed
Haddon Hall in the Olden Time, c1810s-1840s. Creator: David Cox the ElderHaddon Hall in the Olden Time, c1810s-1840s
Mrs. L.J. Balsan, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceMrs. L.J. Balsan, between c1915 and c1920. Shows Consuelo Vanderbilt (1877-1964) whose first marriage to the 9th Duke of Marlborough ended in divorce, and who later married Lt. Col
Lord Milner, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceLord Milner, between c1915 and c1920. Shows British statesman Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner (1854-1925)
Hon. Mrs. Henry Wm. Forster, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceHon. Mrs. Henry Wm. Forster, between c1915 and c1920
Count J. Bubua & Olga, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceCount J. Bubua & Olga, between c1915 and c1920
Comtesse de Bryas, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceComtesse de Bryas, between c1915 and c1920
The Mayor's Ball at Nottingham, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Mayor's Ball at Nottingham, 1870. The public-spirited Mayor of Nottingham, Mr
The Duke of Richmond, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Duke of Richmond, 1870
The Prince and Princess of Wales at the National Hunt Steeplechase, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Prince and Princess of Wales at the National Hunt Steeplechase, 1870
Their Graces: the Leaders of British Society - No. VII. - the Duchess of Devonshire, 1909. Drawn By Our Special Artist, G. C. Wilmshurst
America winning the International Cup for Polo: last Monday's play at Hurlingham [Club, south-west London], 1909
"Good Luck", by C. Baugniet, in the International Exhibition, 1871. Engraving of a the Belgian artist, M. C
The Guards Band in St. James's Park, 1870. Creator: Joseph SwainThe Guards Band in St
The Prince of Wales at the Meet of the Burton Hounds, Green Man, Lincoln Heath, 1870. The future King Edward VII goes foxhunting
Baroness v. Maltzan, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceBaroness v. Maltzan, between c1915 and c1920. Photograph possibly shows Edith Gruson (1886-1976), the wife of Argo von Maltzan, German ambassador to the United States (1924-1927)
Baron R. Avezzana, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceBaron R. Avezzana, between c1915 and c1920. Baron Camillo Romano Avezzana (1867-1959) who served as Italian ambassador to the United States
Clothing during the Reign of George III, 1760-1776, 1903, (1937). Creator: Sophie B SteelClothing during the Reign of George III 1760-1776, 1903, (1937). From " History of American Costume - Book One 1607-1800", by Elisabeth McClellan. [Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1937]
Whitsuntide festival of workpeople at Norwich, 1869. Creator: UnknownWhitsuntide festival of workpeople at Norwich, 1869. One of the many evidences which Messrs. J. and J
Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Melford Hall, Suffolk: the shooting party counting the head of game, 1865
Distribution of prizes to ragged-school pupils at Exeter Hall, 1868. Creator: UnknownDistribution of prizes to ragged-school pupils at Exeter Hall, [London], 1868
Distributing soup at the Strangers Home, Limehouse, 1868. Creator: UnknownDistributing soup at the Strangers Home, West India-road, Limehouse, 1868
Ball on board H.M.S. Royal Alfred, the flagship of Admiral Sir R. Mundy, at Barbadoes, 1868. Engraving from a sketch by Captain H. J. Wilkinson, Assistant Quartermaster-General
"A Shooting-Party at Compiègne""A Shooting-Party at Compiegne", from a picture by M. Janet Lange, 1865. Engraving of a photograph, by M. Richebourg, of a painting
Portrait of a Woman with a Lapdog, 1672. Creator: Frans van Mieris IPortrait of a Woman with a Lapdog, 1672
Portrait Of A Gentleman, c1530. Creator: Jan GossaertPortrait Of A Gentleman, c1530. Despite his distinctive facial features, this sitter's identity is unknown
Woman And Roses, 1879. Creator: Auguste ToulmoucheWoman And Roses, 1879. A young woman in a spotless white dress has paused, while strolling through a well-tended garden, to enjoy the fragrance of a cluster of pink roses
The Prince of Wales at the Apposition of St. Paul's School, on Wednesday, June 15, 1864. The public distribution of prizes and recital of speeches at St
Speech Day at Wellington College, 1865. Creator: UnknownSpeech Day at Wellington College, at Sandhurst, in Berkshire, 1865
Election Day in New York: a polling-place among the "Upper Ten", 1864
The movers and seconders of the addresses in both Houses of Parliament: Mr. Goschen, Member for the City, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by John and Charles Watkins
The movers and seconders of the addresses in both Houses of Parliament: Lord Richard Grosvenor, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by John and Charles Watkins
The movers and seconders of the addresses in both Houses of Parliament: Lord Abercromby, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by John and Charles Watkins
The movers and seconders of the addresses in both Houses of Parliament: the Marquis of Sligo, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by John and Charles Watkins. The Most Hon
Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Sweden: elk-shooting in the Forest of Högtorp…Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Sweden: elk-shooting in the Forest of Hogtorp - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864. The future King Edward VII in Scandinavia
Presentation to the Countess of Yarborough of an equestrian portrait of her Ladyship by the gentlemen of the Brocklesby Hunt, 1864
Christmas Entertainment to the Inmates of the Greenwich Union-House, 1864. Through the liberality of Mrs
Festival at Hartford Mill, Oldham, given by Mr. Platt to 8000 of his workpeople, 1864. In celebration of the attainment of his majority by Mr. Henry Platt, son of Mr
Group photo of Shchegolev brothers with their wives, 1860. Creator: UnknownGroup photo of Shchegolev brothers with their wives, 1860. This collection includes more than four hundred photographs of daily life in Yenisei Province in the late tsarist period
On the hunt in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk. 1810. Creator: UnknownOn the hunt in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk, 1810. This collection includes more than four hundred photographs of daily life in Yenisei Province in the late tsarist period
Paired photo portrait of Mamomnovs Mamakra Avdeevna and daughter Ekaterina Yakovlevna, 1890
Natalia Petrovna Bologovskaya - wife of the governor of Yenisei province, 1880
Part of a drawing room in the house of Evdokia Petrovna Kuznetsova, 1890. Creator: UnknownPart of a drawing room in the house of Evdokia Petrovna Kuznetsova, 1890 This collection includes more than four hundred photographs of daily life in Yenisei Province in the late tsarist period
Members of the board of the Vladimir shelter, 1894. Creator: AkselrodMembers of the board of the Vladimir shelter, 1894. This collection includes more than four hundred photographs of daily life in Yenisei Province in the late tsarist period
Family P.N. Konovalov during a holiday at the dacha (in Tarakanovo), 1890. This collection includes more than four hundred photographs of daily life in Yenisei Province in the late tsarist period
At the dacha of Yuri Matveeva, 1897. Creator: UnknownAt the dacha of Yuri Matveeva, 1897. This collection includes more than four hundred photographs of daily life in Yenisei Province in the late tsarist period
Paired portrait of a young woman and child, 1890. Creator: UnknownPaired portrait of a young woman and child, 1890. This collection includes more than four hundred photographs of daily life in Yenisei Province in the late tsarist period
Group photo: sisters, wife and sisters of the wife of the merchant GV Yudin, 1895
L.K. Telyakovsky - Governor-General of Yenisei province with his family and guests at a dacha in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk, 1890
A group of pupils and teachers of the Krasnoyarsk Women's Gymnasium on a summer walk in the forest near Krasnoyarsk with teacher Krasnozhenova M.V, 1890
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Femme de Qualite en Habit d'Hyver, between c1672 and c1686
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Femme de Marchand en Deshabille d'Este, 1687
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Femme de Qualite, en Habit d'Este, 1687
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Fille de Qualite, en d'Eshabille d'Este, 1687
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Femme de Qualite, en Habit d'Este, Detoffe Siamoise, 1687
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Femme de Qualite en Habit d'Este, 1687
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Homme de Qualite en Habit d'Este, 1687
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Fille de Qualite en Habit dEste, 1687
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Femme de Qualite, en d'Eshabille d'Este, 1687
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Femme de Qualite en Echarpe, between c1681 and c1683
Fashion Plate (Court Dress), 1824. Creator: UnknownFashion Plate (Court Dress), 1824
Recueil des modes de la cour de France, Homme de Qualite en Habit d'Epee, between c1678 and c1681
Fashion Plate (Walking Dress), 1812. Creator: John BellFashion Plate (Walking Dress), 1812
Inauguration of a Russian Gun at Seaham Harbour, near Sunderland, 1858. Creator: UnknownInauguration of a Russian Gun at Seaham Harbour, near Sunderland, 1858. Unveiling of a cannon captured by the British during the Crimean War
AI IMAGE - Illustration of two 1920s gentlemen, 2023. Creator: Heritage ImagesAI IMAGE - Illustration of two 1920s gentlemen, 2023
AI IMAGE - Illustration of Jeeves and Wooster, 1920s, (2023). Creator: Heritage ImagesAI IMAGE - Illustration of Jeeves and Wooster, 1920s, (2023)
Fashion Plate (Ball or Evening Full Dress), 1822. Creator: UnknownFashion Plate (Ball or Evening Full Dress), 1822
Fashion Plate (Parisian Walking Dress), c1824. Creator: UnknownFashion Plate (Parisian Walking Dress), c1824. Probably from La Belle Assemblee
The Café-Concert, c1879. Creator: Edouard ManetThe Cafe-Concert, c1879. Here, Manet captures the kaleidoscopic pleasures of Parisian nightlife
Fashion Plate (Opera Dress), 1814. Creator: UnknownFashion Plate (Opera Dress), 1814. From La Belle Assemblee (plate labeled one month ahead of issue)