Dalhart, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceDalhart, between c1915 and c1920
The Voyage to China: stokehole of a steam-ship on the Red Sea, 1872. Creator: UnknownThe Voyage to China: stokehole of a steam-ship on the Red Sea, 1872....the half-naked stokers tending the engines, which [is] terrible work in August, with the thermometer, on the deck above
Dalhart, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceVernon Dalhart, between c1915 and c1920. Shows singer and songwriter Vernon Dalhart (1883-1948)
Shovelling snow in City Hall Park, New York, 1910. Creator: Bain News ServiceShovelling snow in City Hall Park, New York, 1910
The Damrak in winter, 1735-1807. Creator: Hendrik PothovenThe Damrak in winter, 1735-1807
U.S.S. Massachusetts, fire room, between 1896 and 1901. Creator: UnknownU.S.S. Massachusetts, fire room, between 1896 and 1901
Farmers sack mixed grasshopper bait...Oklahoma, 1937. Creator: Dorothea LangeFarmers sack mixed grasshopper bait for use on their farms to control the pest. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Farmers sacking grasshopper bait, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1937. Creator: Dorothea LangeFarmers sacking grasshopper bait. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Farmers sack mixed grasshopper bait for use on their farms to control the pest. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Taking gold from Chatanika, sluice-box, between c1900 and c1930. Creator: UnknownTaking gold from Chatanika, sluice-box, between c1900 and c1930
Man shovelling ears of dried corn from wagon through feed store window
Chicago and North Western R.R. Mrs. Thelma Cuvage, working in the sand house at the roundhouse, Clinton, Iowa. Her job is to see that sand is sifted and cleaned for use in the locomotives. Mrs
A "hooker"shovelling redfish onto the scales in the Fulton fish marketNew York, New York. A " hooker" shovelling redfish onto the scales in the Fulton fish market
Loading debris from wrecked buildings on Independence AvenueWashington, D.C. Loading debris from wrecked buildings on Independence Avenue
Icing barrels of fish at the Fulton fish market, New York, 1943. Creator: Gordon ParksNew York, New York. Icing barrels of fish at the Fulton fish market
Asakusa Imado, from the series "Famous Places in the Eastern Capital (Toto Meisho)Asakusa Imado, from the series " Famous Places in the Eastern Capital (Toto Meisho)", c. 1832/33. The Tile Kilns at Imado, Asakusa
A Winter-Morning, - Shovelling Out, published 1871. Creator: George A. AveryA Winter-Morning, - Shovelling Out, published 1871
Scavengers Cart, 1788. 1788. Creator: Thomas RowlandsonScavengers Cart, 1788
The Night Mall, 1930. Creator: William Newenham Montague OrpenThe Night Mall, 1930. From " The Wonder Book of Railways", edited by Harry Golding. [Ward, Lock & Co. Limited, London and Melbourne, 1930]
Snow-Clearing, 1933. Creator: John ChristensenSnow-Clearing, 1933
Steeping, couching and flooring malt, 1886. Beer-making involves malting (germination of barley or other grain)
John Bull and the sinking fund, 1807. Artist: James GillrayJohn Bull and the sinking fund, 1807
Inside a Greathead Tunnelling Shield, 1926. From My Railway Book, No. 40, by Cecil J. Allen. [John F. Shaw & Co. Ltd. London, 1926]
On the Footplate of a Great Western Express Engine, 1926. From My Railway Book, No. 40, by Cecil J. Allen. [John F. Shaw & Co. Ltd. London, 1926]
Sunlight, 19th century. Artists: James Clark, Ralph NevillSunlight, 19th century. From The Studio Volume 14 by Ralph Nevill. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1898]
Stacking salt in the great salt fields of Solinen, Black Sea, Russia, 1898. Detail from a stereoscopic card
Bulking tea at a tea warehouse, 1874. A print from Sketches in a Tea Warehouse, a supplement to The Illustrated London News, 12 December 1874
Swedish peasants prospecting for lake ore, c1880. Artist: MairraySwedish peasants prospecting for lake ore, c1880. A print from Great Industries of Great Britain, Volume I, published by Cassell Petter and Galpin, (London, Paris, New York, c1880)
Sugar making at the Counterslip refinery, Bristol, 1873. Artist: WB MurraySugar making at the Counterslip refinery, Bristol, 1873. A print from the Illustrated London News, (29 November 1873)
Punishment of Prostitutes in Switzerland, c18th century. Dragging the Scavengers Cart. Women shovel manure into a cart
The frozen Seine, winter, Paris, 1895. Artist: Henri MeyerThe frozen Seine, winter, Paris, 1895. An illustration from Le Petit Journal, 24th February 1895
Inside a Cheshire salt mine, 1889. Miners are gathering loose rock salt after blasting, and loading it into a horse-drawn tub for hoisting to the surface
Women washing the precious metal platinum from alluvial gravels, Urals, Russia, 1916
Bulking tea in the warehouses of the East & West India Dock Company, London, 1874
Laying a Macadam road surface and compacting it with a steam road roller, Paris, c1900. Workmen are wearing wooden shoes (sabots). Liebig trade card
Laying sleepers and rails (permanent way) on the Transvaal Railway, South Africa, 1893
Miners washing for gold in the Californian gold fields, 1853. The apparatus they are using is called a Long Tom
Clearing snow on the Champs Elysees, German-occupied Paris, winter, 1941