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Rochling Collection

Background imageRochling Collection: Germans at the Front! 22 June 1900, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Germans at the Front! 22 June 1900, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Germans at the Front! 22 June 1900, (1936). Die Deutschen An Die Front! 22 Juni 1900

Background imageRochling Collection: Bismarck and Moltke at Koniggratz, 3 July 1866, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Bismarck and Moltke at Koniggratz, 3 July 1866, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Bismarck and Moltke at Koniggratz, 3 July 1866, (1936). Bismarck Und Moltke Bei Koniggratz, 3 Juli 1866

Background imageRochling Collection: The exchange of Blucher for the French marshal Victor

The exchange of Blucher for the French marshal Victor, 20 February 1807, (1936). Auswechslung Bluchers Gegen Den Franzosischen Marschall Victor, 20 Februar 1807

Background imageRochling Collection: Prussian soldiers escape imprisonment by the French

Prussian soldiers escape imprisonment by the French, January 1807, (1936). Preussiche Soldaten Entweichen Aus Der Franzosischen Gefangenschaft, Januar 1807

Background imageRochling Collection: King Frederick and the schoolchildren of Potsdam, (1936). Creator: Unknown

King Frederick and the schoolchildren of Potsdam, (1936). Creator: Unknown
King Frederick and the schoolchildren of Potsdam, (1936). Konig Friedrich Und Die Potsdamer Schuljugend

Background imageRochling Collection: Frederick the Great and the men from Greiffenberg, 1784, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Frederick the Great and the men from Greiffenberg, 1784, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Frederick the Great and the men from Greiffenberg, 1784, (1936). Friedrich Der Grosse Und Die Greiffenberger, 1784

Background imageRochling Collection: The Battle of Kulm and Nollendorf, 29 and 30 August 1813, (1936). Creator: Unknown

The Battle of Kulm and Nollendorf, 29 and 30 August 1813, (1936). Creator: Unknown
The Battle of Kulm and Nollendorf, 29 and 30 August 1813, (1936). Die Schlacht Bei Kulm Und Nollendorf, 29 Und 30 August 1813

Background imageRochling Collection: In the Bunzelwitz camp, September 1761, (1936). Creator: Unknown

In the Bunzelwitz camp, September 1761, (1936). Creator: Unknown
In the Bunzelwitz camp, September 1761, (1936). Im Lager Von Bunzelwitz, September 1761

Background imageRochling Collection: Night attack at Podol, 26 June 1866, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Night attack at Podol, 26 June 1866, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Night attack at Podol, 26 June 1866, (1936). Nachtgefecht Bei Podol, 26 Juni 1866. The Battle of Podol, during the Austro-Prussian War, took place in Bohemia (at modern day Svijany)

Background imageRochling Collection: The heroine Eleonore Prochaska, (1936). Creator: Unknown

The heroine Eleonore Prochaska, (1936). Creator: Unknown
The heroine Eleonore Prochaska, (1936). Das Heldenmadchen Eleonore Prohaska

Background imageRochling Collection: The morning after the attack at Hochkirch, 14 October 1758, (1936). Creator: Unknown

The morning after the attack at Hochkirch, 14 October 1758, (1936). Creator: Unknown
The morning after the attack at Hochkirch, 14 October 1758, (1936). Am Morgen Nach Dem Uberfall Bei Hochkirch, 14 Oktober 1758

Background imageRochling Collection: Frederick II in the village church at Elsnig

Frederick II in the village church at Elsnig on the night after the Battle of Torgau, 3 November 1760, (1936)

Background imageRochling Collection: Departure of the army in the struggle for independence

Departure of the army in the struggle for independence
Departure of the Prussian and Imperial German reserve forces in the struggle for independence, Spring 1813, (1936). Auszug Der Landwehr in Den Befreiungskampf, Fruhling 1813

Background imageRochling Collection: Forced march of Fredericks troops from Mahren to Küstrin, 1758, (1936)

Forced march of Fredericks troops from Mahren to Küstrin, 1758, (1936)
Forced march of Fredericks troops from Mahren to Kustrin, 1758, (1936). Eilmarsch Friderizianischer Soldaten Von Mahren Nach Kustrin, 1758

Background imageRochling Collection: Meeting of the Reorganisation Commission in Konigsberg, 9 July 1807, (1936)

Meeting of the Reorganisation Commission in Konigsberg, 9 July 1807, (1936). Sitzung Der Reorganisationskommission in Konigsberg, 9 Juli 1807

Background imageRochling Collection: Frederick the Great escapes danger through quick thinking, 1758, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Frederick the Great escapes danger through quick thinking, 1758, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Frederick the Great escapes danger through quick thinking, 1758, (1936). Friedrich Der Grosse Entgeht Durch Geistesgegenwart Einer Gefahr, 1758

Background imageRochling Collection: The Prussian king and queen in Memel, 14 January 1807, (1936). Creator: Unknown

The Prussian king and queen in Memel, 14 January 1807, (1936). Creator: Unknown
The Prussian king and queen in Memel, 14 January 1807, (1936). Das Preussiche Konigspaar In Memel, 14 Januar 1807

Background imageRochling Collection: Blücher surrenders near Ratkau, 7 November 1806, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Blücher surrenders near Ratkau, 7 November 1806, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Blucher surrenders near Ratkau, 7 November 1806, (1936). Kapitulation Bluchers Bei Ratkau, 7 November 1806

Background imageRochling Collection: Soldiers of the French Revolution in the Pfalz, 1793, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Soldiers of the French Revolution in the Pfalz, 1793, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Soldiers of the French Revolution in the Pfalz, 1793, (1936). Franzosische Revolutionssoldaten in Der Pfalz, 1793

Background imageRochling Collection: Storming of the railway embankment at Nuits by the Badeners, 18 December 1870, (1936)

Storming of the railway embankment at Nuits by the Badeners, 18 December 1870, (1936). Ersturmung Des Eisenbahndammes Bei Nuits Durch Die Badener, 18 Dezember 1870

Background imageRochling Collection: Storming of the Landau Gate at Weissenburg, 4 August 1870, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Storming of the Landau Gate at Weissenburg, 4 August 1870, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Storming of the Landau Gate at Weissenburg, 4 August 1870, (1936). Ersturmung Des Landauer Tores Zu Weissenburg, 4 August 1870

Background imageRochling Collection: The Crown Prince and his music teacher are interrupted during a flute lesson, 1729, (1936)

The Crown Prince and his music teacher are interrupted during a flute lesson, 1729, (1936)
The Crown Prince and his music teacher Quantz are interrupted during a flute lesson by Frederick William I, 1729, (1936)

Background imageRochling Collection: Frederick the Great evades capture, 1745, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Frederick the Great evades capture, 1745, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Frederick the Great evades capture, 1745, (1936). Friedrich Der Grosse Entgeht Der Gefangennahme, 1745. King Frederick the Great of Prussia hides under a bridge with his dog

Background imageRochling Collection: The battle of Mollwitz, 11 April 1741, (1936). Creator: Unknown

The battle of Mollwitz, 11 April 1741, (1936). Creator: Unknown
The battle of Mollwitz, 11 April 1741, (1936). Die Schlacht Bei Mollwitz. 11 April 1741. The battle was fought at Mollwitz, Silesia, (now Malujowice, Poland)

Background imageRochling Collection: Council of war in Kopenick, 1730, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Council of war in Kopenick, 1730, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Council of war in Kopenick, 1730, (1936). Das Kriegsgericht In Kopenick, 1730. Frederick William I, King of Prussia (1688-1740) holds a council of war in Kopenick (Copenick), near Berlin, Germany

Background imageRochling Collection: Prince Henry at the Battle of Prague, 6 May 1757, (1936). Creator: Unknown

Prince Henry at the Battle of Prague, 6 May 1757, (1936). Creator: Unknown
Prince Henry at the Battle of Prague, 6 May 1757, (1936). Prinz Heinrich in Der Schlacht Bei Prag, 6 Mai 1757

Background imageRochling Collection: Crown Prince Frederick and Prince Henry

Crown Prince Frederick and Prince Henry visit the smoking room to bid their father the king Good Night, 1727, (1936)

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