A Studio in Montparnasse, c1926, (1935). Creator: CRW NevinsonA Studio in Montparnasse, c1926, (1935). Nude model and cat by a tall window with a view of Paris rooftops. Painting in the Tate Gallery, London. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 2
Ennui, c1914 (1935). Artist: Walter Richard SickertEnnui, c1914 (1935). After the painting by Walter Richard Sickert. From Modern Masterpieces Part 2. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]
The Punishment of Luxury, 1891 (1935). Artist: Giovanni SegantiniThe Punishment of Luxury, 1891 (1935). After the painting by Giovanni Segantini. From Modern Masterpieces Part 23. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Savernake Forest, 1935. Artist: Paul NashSavernake Forest, 1935. After the painting by Paul Nash. From Modern Masterpieces Part 11. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
A Study, 1935. Artist: George Spencer WatsonA Study, 1935. From Modern Masterpieces Part 1. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]
The Girl with the Tattered Glove, 1909, (1935). Creator: William NicholsonThe Girl with the Tattered Glove, 1909, (1935). Woman with a rip in one of her leather gloves. The model was Lottie Stafford, a London laundress. Painting in The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Ploughing, 1889 (1935). Artist: George ClausenPloughing, 1889 (1935). After the painting by Sir George Clausen, R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 19. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Diana of the Uplands, 1903-1904, (1935). Creator: Charles Wellington FurseDiana of the Uplands, 1903-1904, (1935). Portrait of Dame Katharine Furse (nee Symonds, 1875-1952), wife of the painter, as Diana, goddess of the hunt
The Boxers, 1898, (1935). Creator: William NicholsonThe Boxers, 1898, (1935). Two men in a boxing ring. From " An Almanac Of Twelve Sports" by Rudyard Kipling. [William Heinemann, London, 1898]
Portrait of the Artist, 1932, (1935). Creator: UnknownPortrait of the Artist, 1932, (1935), after the painting in the Tate Gallery, London. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 3. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
A Highland Funeral, 1882, (1935). Creator: Sir James GuthrieA Highland Funeral, 1882, (1935). A group of bare-headed men around a coffin supported on two chairs. They stand outside a modest cottage, and the season is winter
La Chaumiere, 1887, (1935). Creator: Camille PissarroLa Chaumiere, 1887, (1935). Cottage garden in summer. Peasants houses, Eragny, painting in the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 5
Mr. Minney, 1920, (1935). Creator: Walter Westley RussellMr. Minney, 1920, (1935). Portrait of a man. The model was said to have formerly been on the stage. Painting in the Tate Gallery, London. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 5
Entree Au Scene, c1904, (1935). Creator: Charles ConderEntree Au Scene, c1904, (1935). L entree en scene : a group of actors from the Commedia dell Arte prepare to take the stage. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 8
The Little White Girl, 1864, (1935). Creator: James Abbott McNeill WhistlerThe Little White Girl, 1864, (1935). Young woman holding a Japanese fan, wearing a wedding ring. Her reflection in the mirror looks sadder and more careworn than she appears in profile
The Toilet of Helen, 1890s, (1935). Creator: Aubrey BeardsleyThe Toilet of Helen, 1890s, (1935). A bare-breasted Helen sits at the dressing-table as a veiled woman attends to her hair. Grotesque dwarf figures fight in the foreground
The Abbe, 1896, (1935). Creator: Aubrey BeardsleyThe Abbe, 1896, (1935). Character named Abbe Aubrey and sometimes Abbe Fanfreluche. From " Under the Hill", an erotic story written and illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley
La Danseuse-Etoile, c1876, (1935). Creator: GiraudonLa Danseuse-Etoile, c1876, (1935). Photograph after the pastel by Edgar Degas made c1876, in the Musee d Orsay in Paris. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 1
Funeral at Ornans, c1850, (1935). Creator: GiraudonFuneral at Ornans, c1850, (1935). Mourners and priest at the funeral in September 1848 of Gustave Courbets great-uncle in the painters birthplace, the town of Ornans in eastern France
Hard Times, 1886, (1935). Creator: UnknownHard Times, 1886, (1935). A man stares into space, his bundle of possessions at his feet, while a girl warms her hands at the fire
La Loge, 1874, (1935). Creator: Pierre-Auguste RenoirLa Loge, 1874, (1935). La Loge (Theatre Box), 1874. Painting in the Courtauld Institute of Art, London. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 3. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Mourner, 1935. Creator: George BelcherThe Mourner, 1935. A cheerful professional mourner raising a glass after the funeral. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 3. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
In Green Pastures, 1935. Creator: George HenryIn Green Pastures, 1935. View of cattle grazing on the Sussex Downs. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 4. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Self-Portrait, 1920, (1935). Creator: UnknownSelf-Portrait, 1920, (1935). Self portrait of British painter Philip Wilson Steer (1860-1945). After the painting in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 4
Poplars in the Thames Valley, late 19th century, (1935). Creator: Alfred William ParsonsPoplars in the Thames Valley, late 19th century, (1935). Painting in the Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums, Scotland. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 18. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Bowl of Flowers, 1864, (1935). Creator: Henri Fantin-LatourBowl of Flowers, 1864, (1935). Flowers: Tulips, Azaleas, Roses, painting in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 4. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Chatterer, 1892, (1935). Creator: Camille PissarroThe Chatterer, 1892, (1935). Farm workers in an open field near the painters house at Eragny near Paris
The Green Room, c1904, (1935). Creator: Charles ConderThe Green Room, c1904, (1935). A group of actors from the Commedia dell Arte relax backstage. From " Modern Masterpieces", Part 8. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Four-In-Hand, c1898, (1935). Creator: William NicholsonThe Four-In-Hand, c1898, (1935). From " An Almanac Of Twelve Sports" by Rudyard Kipling. [William Heinemann, London, 1898]. Published in " Modern Masterpieces", Part 8
La Repetition, c1874 (1935). Artist: Edgar DegasLa Repetition, c1874 (19350. After the painting by Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas. From Modern Masterpieces Part 1. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]
La Chaumiere, 1887 (1935). Artist: Camille PissarroLa Chaumiere, 1887 (1935). After the painting by Camille Pissarro, 1935. From Modern Masterpieces Part 4. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Sunflowers, 1888 (1935). Artist: Vincent van GoghSunflowers, 1888 (1935). After the painting by Vincent Van Gogh. 1935. From Modern Masterpieces Part 2. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]
The Duchess of Leinster, 1935. Artist: Mary McEvoyThe Duchess of Leinster 1935. After the painting by Mary McEvoy. From Modern Masterpieces Part 12. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Spangled Cock, 1903 (1935). Artist: Joseph CrawhallThe Spangled Cock, 1903 (1935). After the painting by Joseph Crawhall. From Modern Masterpieces Part 12. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
A Spring Roundelay, 1910 (1935). Artist: Edward Atkinson HornelA Spring Roundelay, 1910 (1935). After the painting by E.A. Hornel. From Modern Masterpieces Part 9. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Red Scarf, 1935. Artist: William Newenham Montague OrpenThe Red Scarf, 1935. After the painting by Sir William Orpen, K.B.E. R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 9. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Nu A La Coiffeuse, 1935. Artist: Pierre BonnardNu A La Coiffeuse, 1935. After the painting by Pierre Bonnard. 1935. From Modern Masterpieces Part 9. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
La Montagne Sainte-Victoire, 1935. Artists: Paul Cezanne, George NewnesLa Montagne Sainte-Victoire, 1935. After the painting by Paul Cezanne. From Modern Masterpieces Part 9. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Toil, Glitter, Glime and Wealth, 1883 (1935). Artist: William Lionel WyllieToil, Glitter, Grime and Wealth on a Flowing Tide, 1883 (1935). After the painting by W. L. Wyllie, R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 8. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Anna, Daughter of the Artist, 1905 (1935). Artist: Ambrose McEvoyAnna, Daughter of the Artist. 1905 (1935). After the painting by Ambrose McEvoy, A.R.A. 1935. From Modern Masterpieces Part 8. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Lady Melchett, 1935. Artist: Glyn Warren PhilpotThe Lady Melchett, 1935. After the painting by Glyn Philpot, R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 6. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Jewish Synagogue, Spitalfields, 1935. Artist: William RothensteinJewish Synagogue, Spitalfields, 1935. After the painting by Sir Wiliam Rothenstein. From Modern Masterpieces Part 6. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Bowl of Flowers, 1935. Artist: Henri Fantin-LatourBowl of Flowers, 1935. After the painting by Fantin-Latour. From Modern Masterpieces Part 4. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Three Tahitians, 1899 (1935). Artist: Paul GauguinThree Tahitians, 1899 (1935). After the painting by Paul Gauguin. From Modern Masterpieces Part 6. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Coming of St. Columba, 1895 (1935). Artist: William McTaggartThe Coming of St. Columba, 1895 (1935). After the painting by William McTaggart, R.S.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 4. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]
Homage to Manet, 1909 (1935). Artist: William Newenham Montague OrpenHomage to Manet, 1909 (1935). After the painting by Sir Wiliam Orpen, K.B.E. R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 4. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]
Ben Ledi, 1911 (1935). Artists: David Young Cameron, George NewnesBen Ledi, 1911 (1935). After the painting by Sir D. Y. Cameron, R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 3. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]
Grove at Bridgnorth, 1901 (1935). Artist: Philip Wilson SteerGrove at Bridgnorth, 1901 (1935). After the painting by P. Wilson Steer, O.M... From Modern Masterpieces Part 2. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]
Birdcages, 1907 (1935). Artist: Harrington MannBirdcages, 1907 (1935). After the painting by Harrington Mann. From Modern Masterpieces Part 23. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Hill and Dale, c1900 (1935). Artist: Mark FisherHill and Dale, c1900 (1935). After the painting by Mark Fisher, R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 23. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Bank Holiday, 1912 (1935). Artist: William StrangBank Holiday, 1912 (1935). After the painting by William Strang, R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 23. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
H. M. Queen Mary, 1910 (1935). Artist: Sir William LlewellynH.M. Queen Mary, 1910 (1935). After the painting by Sir William Llewellyn, P.R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 20. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Man With The Scythe, 1935. Artist: Henry Herbert la ThangueThe Man With The Scythe, c1896 (1935). After the painting by H. H. La Thangue, R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 21. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
There Was No Room At The Inn, 1935. Artist: Edward StottThere Was No Room At The Inn, 1935. After the painting by Edward Stott, A.R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 19. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Leeds Market, c1913 (1935). Artist: Harold GilmanLeeds Market, c1913 (1935). After the painting by Harold Gilman. From Modern Masterpieces Part 19. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Countess of Rocksavage and Her Son, 1922 (1935). Artist: Charles SimsThe Countess of Rocksavage and Her Son, c1922 (1935). After the painting by Charles Sims, R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 19. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The End of the Chapter, 1911 (1935). Artist: Philip Wilson SteerThe End of the Chapter, 1911 (1935). After the painting by P. Wilson Steer, O.M. From Modern Masterpieces Part 14. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, 28th June 1919, 1919 (1935). After the painting by Sir William Orpen, K.B.E. R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 18
A Hot Day On The Lower Icknield Way, 1935. Artist: Alexander JamiesonA Hot Day On The Lower Icknield Way, 1935. After the painting by Alexander Jamieson. From Modern Masterpieces Part 14. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
The Artists Mother, 1935. Artist: Ambrose McEvoyThe Artists Mother, 1935. After the painting by Ambrose McEvoy, A.R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 14. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Christine Nilsson, 1874 (1935). Artist: Jean-Baptiste-Camille CorotChristine Nilsson, 1874 (1935). After the painting by J. B. C. Corot. From Modern Masterpieces Part 13. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Portrait of the Artist, 1932 (1935). Artist: Frederick BrownPortrait of the Artist, 1932 (1935). Self portrait after the painting by Professor Frederick Brown. 1935. From Modern Masterpieces Part 13. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Portrait of the Artist, c1912 (1935). Artist: Ambrose McEvoyPortrait of the Artist, c1912 (1935). Self portrait after the drawing by Ambrose McEvoy, A.R.A. From Modern Masterpieces Part 12. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935]
Lady Orpen and Child, 1935. Artist: William Newenham Montague OrpenLady Orpen and Child, 1935. From Modern Masterpieces Part 1. [George Newnes Ltd, London, 1935.]