Development of Mesmeric Science, 1883. Artist: George du MaurierDevelopment of Mesmeric Science, 1883. The fatal Mesmeric Duel in the Bois de Boulogne, between the Chevalier Lenoir, of Paris, and Professor Schwartz, of Berlin
Professor Tyndall lecturing at the Royal Institution, 1870. Creator: UnknownProfessor Tyndall lecturing at the Royal Institution [in London], 1870. Professor Tyndall, ...after explaining the apparatus termed a " contact- breaker
Electro-ballistic apparatus for measuring the speed of cannon-shot, 1864. Creator: UnknownElectro-ballistic apparatus for measuring the speed of cannon-shot, 1864. Apparatus invented by Major Navez, of the Belgian Artillery
AI Image - Portrait of Nikola Tesla, c1900s, (2023). Creator: Heritage ImagesAI Image - Portrait of Nikola Tesla, c1900s, (2023). Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer
Esquisse pour le salon des Sciences de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris : Le Magnétisme... c.1889-1891Esquisse pour le salon des Sciences de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris : Le Magnetisme - La Mecanique, between 1889 and 1891
The Magnetic Brush Method (plate 21), 1843. Creator: Charles Emile JacqueThe Magnetic Brush Method (plate 21), 1843
Controller, Magnetic Compass, General Electric, 2CA10E1, Wiley Post crashCylindrical shaped panel mounted instrument, with white luminous figures on black face. Earth induction compass. On 15 August 1935
Souvenir programme for 1924 Worlds Colored Championship, 1924. Creator: LemaitreA 20-page souvenir program for the 1924 Worlds Colored Championship baseball series. The world of sport, like so many other areas of life
Magnetism, 1833. Creator: UnknownMagnetism, 1833. Diagram of the natural phenomenon of magnetism: hands manipulating magnets above, and a compass below. [William Orr, London, 1833]
The International Exhibition: Spencer's patent magnetic purifying-filter, 1862. Creator: UnknownThe International Exhibition: Spencer's patent magnetic purifying-filter, 1862. This filter has secured for its inventor, Mr
First magnetoelectric motor built by Hippolyte Pixii, c1832 (c1890). This was the first application of Faradays demonstration (1831) that magnetism produces an electric current
Magnet that lifts 46 tons, 1938. Churchmans cigarette card, from a series titled Modern Wonders [WA & AC Churchman, Great Britain & Ireland, 1938]
The first pivoted needle compass, c1269 (1956). From Epistola de Magnete the first treatise on magnets, written by French scholar Pierre de Maricourt (Petrus Peregrinus)
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, French physicist and chemist, 1848. Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) made balloon ascents to investigate terrestrial magnetism and composition
Michael Faraday, British physicist and chemist, 1931. Faraday (1791-1867) was one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, 19th century French chemist and physicist, (1900). Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) made balloon ascents to investigate terrestrial magnetism and the composition
Use of the magnetic compass in map making, 1643. Diagram of the use of the compass by cartographers and surveyors. Bor (Borealis) is north and Aust (Australis) is south
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), Scottish theoretical physicist, 1882James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879). Scottish theoretical physicist. From Campbell & Garnett The Life of James Clerk Maxwell, 1882
James Clerk Maxwells (1831-1879) comparison apparatus, 1880James Clerk Maxwells (1831-1879) apparatus for the comparison of electrostatic and electromagnetic units, 1880. From A Physical Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism by JEH Gordon, (London, 1880)
Hans Christian Oersted, Danish physicist, 1851. Oersted (1777-1851) discovered that electric current has an effect on a magnetic needle
Hans Christian Oersted, Danish physicist, [c1870]. Oersted (1777-1851) discovered that electric current has an effect on a magnetic needle
Magnetism, 1600. A terrella or globe-shaped magnet with lumps of iron to represent mountains and showing the north-seeking property of a magnetic needle. From De Magnete by William Gilbert
A magnetized needle pushed through a ball of cork, floating submerged in a goblet of water, 1600. The needle shows the dip and the direction of the magnetic pole. From De Magnete by William Gilbert
Magnetism, c1850. Educational plate showing various aspects of magnetism and electromagnetism including a dip needle, compass, the lifting power of an electromagnet (12), Wheatstone telegraph (13)
Mesmers tub, 1779 (1875). In 1779, soon after the publication of his treatise Memoire sur la decouverte de magnetism animal, Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), the founder of Mesmerism
William Gilbert, English physician, late 16th century. Pictured with his hand resting on a globe. Gilbert established the magnetic nature of the Earth in De Magnete (1600)
Radium experiment, 1904. Artist: PoyetRadium experiment, 1904. Paths of alpha, beta, and gamma particles from a radium sample placed between the poles of an electromagnet, as used in Marie and Pierre Curies laboratory, Paris
Behaviour of a magnetic compass, 1643. If a compass in a box is carried round a globe-shaped magnet (N, centre of picture) with magnetic poles where lines cross (left and right of N)
Hans Christian Oersted, Danish physicist, 1820 (c1880). Oersted (1777-1851) observing that electric current has an effect on a magnetic needle
Forging a magnet, 1600. The piece of metal on the anvil is aligned north/south. From De Magnete by William Gilbert. (London, 1600)
Mesmers tub, c1870. In 1779, soon after the publication of his treatise Memoire sur la decouverte de magnetism animal, Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), the founder of Mesmerism
Caricature of Franz Anton Mesmer, c1785. He is depicted as an ass hypnotising a female subject with a finger. In 1779, soon after the publication of his treatise Memoire sur la decouverte de
Print satirising Franz Anton Mesmer, 1784Print satirising Mesmer, 1784. In 1779, soon after the publication of his treatise Memoire sur la decouverte de magnetism animal, Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), the founder of Mesmerism