Death of Henry Percy (Harry Hotspur) at the Battle of Shrewsbury, 21 July 1403, (c1860)
The Sortie Made by the Garrison of Gibraltar, 1789. Creator: John TrumbullThe Sortie Made by the Garrison of Gibraltar, 1789
The Crucifixion, 1340s. Creator: Pietro LorenzettiThe Crucifixion, 1340s
The Dying Gaul statue, a Roman copy of a Hellenistic Greek bronzeA Roman copy in marble of a Hellenistic Greek bronze from Pergamon. The original was commissioned by Attalus I of Pergamon to celebrate his victory over the Celtic Galatians in Anatolia
The Death of Mark Antony (Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, Act 4, Scene 15), January 1, 1780
Ride of the Valkyries. Artist: DelitzRide of the Valkyries. Scene from Richard Wagners (1813-1883) opera The Valkyrie, showing Brunhilde bearing a wounded warrior to Valhalla
The Death of Saint Clare, c. 1400 / 1410. Creator: Master of HeiligenkreuzThe Death of Saint Clare, c. 1400/1410
Shipwreck of the Meduse, 1820. Creators: Theodore Gericault, Nicolas-Toussaint CharletShipwreck of the Meduse, 1820. [The Raft of the Medusa]
The Babes in the Wood, 1903. From A Peep into Fairyland, by E. F. & C. Manning. [Frederick Warne & Co. London, New York, 1903]
Abercrombie In Egypt, 1801 (c1850s). Sir Ralph Abercromby (1734-1801) died in battle against the French near Alexandria in Egypt
The Dying Slave, 1513-1515. Artist: Michelangelo BuonarrotiThe Dying Slave, 1513-1515. Found in the collection of the Louvre, Paris, France
The Death of Corfitz Ulfeldt, 1874. Creator: Eilif PeterssenThe Death of Corfitz Ulfeldt, 1874.
The Sick Child, between 1885 and 1886. Creator: Edvard MunchThe Sick Child, between 1885 and 1886
Spring, 1889. Creator: Edvard MunchSpring, 1889.
The Death of Corfitz Ulfeldt, 1873-1874. Creator: Eilif PeterssenThe Death of Corfitz Ulfeldt, 1873-1874.
An incident during the search for H.M.S. Atalanta, 1880. Creator: UnknownAn incident during the search for H.M.S. Atalanta, 1880. 'A singular incident occurred in the cruise of H.M.S
The Death of Peter Paul Rubens, 1827. Creator: Mathieu Van BreeThe Death of Peter Paul Rubens, 1827.
Dying Primeval Forest, 1852. Creator: Herman August CappelenDying Primeval Forest, 1852.
Execution of members of Amboise conspiracy, 1560, late 16th-early 17th century. Abortive Huguenot conspiracy against the Catholic House of Guise, 25 March 1560
The Ordination, Marriage and Extreme Unction, 1440-1445. Creator: Rogier Van der WeydenThe Ordination, Marriage and Extreme Unction, 1440-1445.
The dying child, 1881. Creator: Hans HeyerdahlThe dying child, 1881.
Death is Near, 1898. Creator: Otto HeichertDeath is Near, 1898.
Cleopatra, 1887. Creator: Alexandre CabanelCleopatra, 1887. Alternative title: Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners'
Calvary, 1475. Creator: Antonello da MessinaCalvary, 1475
Christ on the Cross. Creator: Abraham Jansz van DiepenbeeckChrist on the Cross, mid-late 17th century
The Artist Michelangelo at the Deathbed of Vittoria Colonna, 1851
Scene from "Amos Clark", at the Queen's Theatre, 1872. Creator: UnknownScene from "Amos Clark", at the Queen's Theatre, 1872. London stage production. The success of Mr
Monument to James Renforth, the late champion sculler, 1872. Creator: UnknownMonument to James Renforth, the late champion sculler, 1872
'Little Nell and her Grandfather, c1900. Creator: Harold Copping"Little Nell and her Grandfather", c1900. Characters in Charles Dickens novel "The Old Curiosity Shop"
The Death of Nelson, 1925. Creator: Howard DavieThe Death of Nelson, 1925
The Bed of the King of Navarre Set on Fire; Chroniques (Book Three), about 1480-1483
Initial G: The Death of the Virgin; Gradual, about 1270. Creator: Jacobellus of SalernoInitial G: The Death of the Virgin; Gradual, about 1270
The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1450-1455. Creator: Master of Guillebert de MetsThe Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1450-1455. Christ on the cross flanked by the Virgin. Angels with golden goblets collect the blood from Christ's wounds
The Crucifixion and The Seven Last Words of Christ; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440. The sayings of Jesus on the cross are seven expressions biblically attributed to Jesus during his crucifixion
The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440. Creator: Fastolf MasterThe Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1430-1440
The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1466-1470. Creator: Master of Jacques of LuxembourgThe Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1466-1470
Madame de Balsac on Her Deathbed; Ovid, Excerpts from Heroides: Octovien de Saint-Gelais, Letters, about 1493
The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1420-1430. Creator: Master of the Harvard HannibalThe Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1420-1430
The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1405-1410. Creator: Masters of Dirc van DelfThe Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1405-1410
Initial G: The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, after 1460. Creator: UnknownInitial G: The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, after 1460
Saint Hedwig on Her Sickbed Surrounded by Saints; The Death of Saint Hedwig and Her Soul Received into Paradise; Vita beatae Hedwigis, 1353
Satan Asks God to Give up his Protection of Job: Job's Cattle Die: The Shepherds before Job; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
The Crucifixion with a Kneeling Woman; Book of Hours, about 1500
The Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Creator: Workshop of the Bedford MasterThe Crucifixion; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence; Cutting from the Laudario of Sant'Agnese, about 1340. The saint was martyred by being placed on a gridiron with hot coals beneath it
Moses smote the rock twice, and the water came out abundantly, 1840Moses " smote the rock twice, and the water came out abundantly", 1840
Crucifixion, about 1650-1655. Creator: Eustache Le SueurCrucifixion, about 1650-1655. Additional Info: Le Sueur depicts Christ on the cross, still alive, alone in a rocky and mountainous landscape
Deathbed Scene; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Creator: Gerard HorenboutDeathbed Scene; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Additional Info:This miniature illustrates the Office for the Dead, one of the essential texts of a book of hours
Death of Louis XI, 1483, (1851). Creator: DupreDeath of Louis XI, 1483, (1851). Louis XI (1423-1483), King of France, died after having suffered from bouts of apoplexy and years of illness
Death of Louis XIII, 1643, (1851). Creator: Ed CoppinDeath of Louis XIII, 1643, (1851). Louis XIII (1601-1643), King of France. From "Universal Library", 1851. (Colorised black and white print)
Death of Lucan, 65 AD, (1888). Creator: WaloyDeath of Lucan, 65 AD, (1888). As a result of a feud with the Roman emperor Nero, poet Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (39-65 AD) was obliged, at the age of 25, to commit suicide by opening a vein
The Civil War in France: inside the Porte Maillot, 1871. Creator: UnknownThe Civil War in France: inside the Porte Maillot, 1871....the scene inside the ramparts at the Porte Maillot, where the shells from [Fort] Valérien fall amongst the Communists
Scene d Octobre: La jeune poitrinaire (An October Scene: The Young Consumptive), from " Le Journal Illustre" no. 34, October 2-9, 1864
Discreet (Discrete), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert BesnardDiscreet (Discrete), 1900
Saint Sebastian, ca. 1435-1491. Creator: Martin SchongauerSaint Sebastian, ca. 1435-1491
Cleopatra, ca. 1623. Creator: Jan MullerCleopatra, ca. 1623
The Passing of King Arthur, 1874. Creator: Julia Margaret CameronThe Passing of King Arthur, 1874. A melodramatic depiction of Arthurs death scene
Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost, 19th century
Death of Llewellyn, c1836. Creators: Unknown, William RadclyffeDeath of Llewellyn, c1836. Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (c1223-1282) was the last sovereign prince of Wales before its conquest by Edward I of England
Mrs. Hartley in the Character of Mary Queen of Scots, 1777. Creator: J ThornthwaiteMrs. Hartley in the Character of Mary Queen of Scots, 1777. These Cheeks are none of mine, the Roses look not like Tempest-beaten lillies as mine should
So the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel, 1841. Creator: Peter LightfootSo the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel, 1841
The Afghan War, 1879: The Death of Major Wigram Battye in the Battle of Futtehabad, April 2, (1901)
Pelagia and Philammon, 1887, (c1930). Creator: Arthur HackerPelagia and Philammon, 1887, (c1930)
A drama in the tiger cage, 1931. Creator: UnknownA drama in the tiger cage, 1931. Un Drame Dans La Cage Aux Tigres. A circus act goes wrong as tigers attack the tiger-tamer. Front cover of " Le Petit Journal Illustre"
With Lippes as Cold as any Stone, They Kist The Children Small, c1878. CreatorWith Lippes as Cold as any Stone, They Kist The Children Small, c1878. The dying parents give the Babes a farewell kiss as their uncle feigns grief
Now, Brother, said the dying man, Look To My Children Deare, c1878. The Babes dying father entreats his brother to care for his children
Scene from "King John", at the Drury Lane Theatre, 1865. Creator: UnknownScene from "King John", at the Drury Lane Theatre, 1865. London stage production
"South Sea Whaling" by Oswald W. Brierly, in the General Exhibition of Water-Colour Drawings, Dudley Gallery, 1868. Engraving of a painting
"Fair Helen of Kirkconnel", by J. Archer, in the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1869. Engraving of a painting
The Death of Sophonisba, 1760. Creator: Giovanni Battista TiepoloThe Death of Sophonisba, 1760. Sophonisba, who lived from 235 to 203BC, was Queen of Numidia and daughter of the Carthaginian general Hasdrubal
Intermezzi, Opus Iv, Bl. 11: Gefallener Reiter (Fallen Rider), 1881. Creator: Max KlingerIntermezzi, Opus Iv, Bl. 11: Gefallener Reiter (Fallen Rider), 1881. A fallen rider is trapped by his horse, and faces a lonely death, a victim of bad luck
"The Foster Sisters", by John Bostock, in the Manchester Exhibition, 1865. Engraving of a painting
"A Tavern Brawl", by John Gilbert, in the Exhibition of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1864. Engraving of a painting
The Shakspeare Commemoration at Stratford-On-Avon: scene from "Romeo And Juliet", as performed in the Festival Pavilion, 1864
Extreme Unction, c1755. Creators: Marco Alvise Pitteri, Pietro LonghiExtreme Unction, c1755. From The Seven Sacraments, plate 5
Charles XI on his deathbed, c1697. Creator: David Klocker EhrenstrahlCharles XI on his deathbed, c1697
Book of Hours, early 16th century. Creator: Jean PichoreBook of Hours, early 16th century. Crucifixion scene
Man being trampled by an elephant - folio from the Akbarnama, late 10th century AH/AD 16th century
Rama Chastises the Dying Vali, Folio from a Ramayana (Adventures of Rama), c1595
Valkyrie and a Dying Hero, late 19th century. Creator: Hans MakartValkyrie and a Dying Hero, late 19th century
Imaginary Tale showing Battle Scene with Slain Princess, Mid-17th century
Battle of Hakone, Sagami, 1871. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiBattle of Hakone, Sagami, 1871. From Eight Views of Warriors in the Provinces
Dying Adonis, 1609. Creator: Hendrik GoltziusDying Adonis, 1609