Cutting the base of the column in the Place Vendome, Paris, 1871. Creator: UnknownCutting the base of the column in the Place Vendôme, Paris, 1871
June - the palace and the Sainte-Chapelle, 15th century, (1939). Juin - Le Palais Et La Sainte-Chapelle
Nymphs Cutting Off Pan's Beard. Creator: Jacob Jordaens INymphs Cutting Off Pan's Beard.
Smithfield Meat Market, City of London, January 1980. Creator: Peter ThompsonSmithfield Meat Market, City of London, January 1980. Wholesale meat and poultry traders at work in Smithfield Meat Market, early morning.
Fish Market. Creator: Frederik van ValckenborchFish Market.
An Old Woman Cutting Tobacco, c1640-1690. Creator: David Teniers IIAn Old Woman Cutting Tobacco, c1640-1690.
Interior, late 17th-early 18th century. Creator: Cornelis DusartInterior, late 17th-early 18th century. Family sharing a meal
I Mourn Because the World is so Untrustworthy, 1594. Creator: Pieter Brueghel the YoungerI Mourn Because the World is so Untrustworthy, 1594
Violin Maker, 1878. Creator: Willem Linnig IIViolin Maker, 1878
July Calendar Page; Mowing; Psalter, mid-1200s. Creator: UnknownJuly Calendar Page; Mowing; Psalter, mid-1200s
The Circumcision; Llangattock Hours, 1450s. Creator: Master of the Llangattock HoursThe Circumcision; Llangattock Hours, 1450s. Additional info: This finely illustrated book of hours takes its name from the Baron Llangattock, who owned the book in the 1900s
The Betrayal of Christ; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
Three People at a Table and a Woman Holding a Storm-Lantern Who Points to Someone Drowning in a Pond: A Man Cutting Off the Tongue of a Woman: A Beaker, a Key
The Personifications of False Pretence and Abstinence Cutting out Resistance's Tongue; Roman de la Rose, about 1405
David Cutting Off a Piece of Saul's Robe; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
The Battle of the Amalekites: Moses Raising his Arms in Prayer; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Saint Martin Dividing his Cloak; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Martin cut his cloak in half with a sword and gave one half to a beggar
Preparing for croquet, 1871. Creator: UnknownPreparing for croquet, 1871
Boers Caught in the Act of Cutting the Telegraph Wires, 1902. Creators: Walter PagetBoers Caught in the Act of Cutting the Telegraph Wires, 1902. Telegraph wires were cut and railways sabotaged by the Boers. From " South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol
Englishwoman martyred by the Chinese, 1930. Creator: UnknownEnglishwoman martyred by the Chinese, 1930. Une Anglaise Martyrisee Par Des Chinois. A terrified woman is restrained as her fingers are cut off with a knife on a wooden block
Gathering Twigs; Calendar Miniature from a Book of Hours, about 1550. Two Flemish peasants gather sticks into bundles before a landscape of rolling hills, cottages, and a river
Sawing Out Boards, about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki ISawing Out Boards, about 1873-1883
Cutting the Mulberry Leaves... about 1873-1883. Creator: Shinichi Suzuki ICutting the Mulberry Leaves... about 1873-1883
Fragment of a Fresco Panel with a Meal Preparation, A.D. 1-79. Creator: UnknownFragment of a Fresco Panel with a Meal Preparation, A.D. 1-79
Tarquin the Elder Consulting Attus Navius, about 1690. Creator: Sebastiano RicciTarquin the Elder Consulting Attus Navius, about 1690. Additional Info: During the war between the Romans and the Sabines in about 290 B.C
Bathsheba After the Bath, about 1670-1675. Creator: Jan SteenBathsheba After the Bath, about 1670-1675. Additional Info: Bathsheba stares brazenly out at the viewer while a maidservant trims her toenails
Hair Dressing in Japanese Style, 1870s-1890s. Creator: Kusakabe KimbeiHair Dressing in Japanese Style, 1870s-1890s. A man seated on the floor with another man standing behind him, arranging his hair
The Circumcision; Book of Hours, early 16th century. Creator: UnknownThe Circumcision; Book of Hours, early 16th century
The Briar Rose Series - The Knight Enters the Briar wood (I), c1870s, (1900)
Under the Yoke (Burning the Brushwood), 1893. Creator: Eero JarnefeltUnder the Yoke (Burning the Brushwood), 1893
The Veteran in a New Field, 1865. Creator: Winslow HomerThe Veteran in a New Field, 1865
Olive Mount Cutting on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1831, (1945). CreatorOlive Mount Cutting on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1831, (1945). Steam locomotive in the 2-mile sandstone railway cutting which opened in 1830
Mme. Ober, 1914. Creator: Bain News ServiceMme. Ober, 1914. Shows American opera singer Margarethe Arndt-Ober (1885-1971) in a kitchen. Arndt-Ober performed with the Metropolitan Opera in New York City between 1913 and 1917
Travelling in Africa: cutting a road for the waggons, 1868. Creator: UnknownTravelling in Africa: cutting a road for the waggons, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. Thomas Baines, ...illustrating his personal experiences, in company with Mr
Bob Burman's car after accident - Indianapolis, between c1910 and c1915
They Spruce Themselves Up (Se Repulen), 1799. Creator: Francisco GoyaThey Spruce Themselves Up (Se Repulen), 1799
Cutting the First Turf of the Great Southern Railway at Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, 1865. Engraving from a sketch by Mr. W. B
Illustrations of the War in Denmark: barrack life of Danish soldiers: Sunday morning, 1864
A Japanese wood-engraver, 1864. Creator: UnknownA Japanese wood-engraver, 1864....from a sketch by our Artist at Yokohama
British training, tailor shop, 17 Aug 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceBritish training, tailor shop, 17 Aug 1917 (date created or published later). Soldiers at a tailor's shop cutting out cloth, Tadworth Camp, England, during World War I
Field butcher on firing line, North Sea Coast, between 1914 and 1918. German? butchers cutting up a sheep on the front lines, North Sea Coast, during World War I
Shoria Men and Women Working on Cutting in the Woods, 1913. Creator: GI IvanovShoria Men and Women Working on Cutting in the Woods, 1913
Cutting Through the Woods, 1913. Creator: GI IvanovCutting Through the Woods, 1913
Cutting and sewing circle. Club "Communist". Moscow, 1920-1929
Cutting and sewing club at the Kustsoyuz club, Odessa, 1927. Creator: UnknownCutting and sewing club at the Kustsoyuz club, Odessa, 1927
Log sawing, Kuzminskoy, 1912. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-GorskyLog sawing, Kuzminskoy, 1912
Woodcutters Cutting up Tree Trunks. Creator: Jan van de Velde IIWoodcutters Cutting up Tree Trunks
Time Clipping Cupid's Wings, 1614-1641. Creator: Gaspar NetscherTime Clipping Cupid's Wings, 1614-1641
Harvest Operations - Reaping, 1858. Creator: UnknownHarvest Operations - Reaping, 1858. One of our Artists, fresh from the cornfields, has forwarded to us the accompanying Illustrations of gathering in the harvest
Laying the Atlantic Telegraph Cable - Valentia, the Landing-Place of the Atlantic Cable, 1858
Boxwood Forest on the Shores of the Black Sea, 1858. Creator: Harvey Orrin SmithBoxwood Forest on the Shores of the Black Sea, 1858. Our Illustration represents one of the numerous boxwood forests on the shore of the Black Sea, in the province of Anatolia, Turkey in Asia
Senzaki Yagoro, 1868. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiSenzaki Yagoro, 1868. Series: Portraits of True Loyalty and Righteous Hearts
Skinning a Tiger, from a sketch by one of our special artists in India, 1876. The future King Edward VII goes tiger hunting
Sheep Butcher. Creator: UnknownSheep Butcher, Unknown date. Manner of David Teniers the Younger
Miyamoto Musashi Slashing a Tengu, 1865. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiMiyamoto Musashi Slashing a Tengu, 1865. From One Hundred Ghost Tales from China and Japan
Yui, Published in 1854. Creators: Utagawa Kunisada, Ando HiroshigeYui, Published in 1854. From Double-brush 53 stages(Sohitsu gojusan tsugi), no. 17. he Sisters (Shimei) Miyagino and Shinobu
A Cook in a Red Apron in the Inn at Vaugirard, 1862. Creator: Leon BonvinA Cook in a Red Apron in the Inn at Vaugirard, 1862. A cook wearing a vermilion apron is chopping a large cabbage
Minamoto no Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider, 1892. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiMinamoto no Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider, 1892. From New Forms of the Thirty-six Ghosts
Cutting the Gladdon, 1886. Creator: Peter Henry EmersonCutting the Gladdon, 1886. Plate: Plate XXXII
Le Tondeur de chiens, 1842. Creator: Honore DaumierLe Tondeur de chiens, 1842. The dog-shearer. A worried woman looks on as a man uses a pair of scissors to cut her pet's fur. Series: Bohemiens de Paris; Periodical: Le Charivari, 15 February 1842
Scene from Pliny, 1776. Creator: Christian Bernhard RodeScene from Pliny, 1776
Winter landscape, 1759-1842. Creator: Pieter Bartholomeusz. BarbiersWinter landscape, 1759-1842
The Legend of the Baker of Eekloo, 1550-1650. Creator: UnknownThe Legend of the Baker of Eekloo, 1550-1650
View of the city of Paris seen from the village of MénilmontantView of the city of Paris seen from the village of Menilmontant, 1700-1799
A Woman Slicing Bread, c.1800-c.1823. Creator: Johannes Christiaan JansonA Woman Slicing Bread, c.1800-c.1823
Child at the hairdresser, 1862. Creator: Diederik Franciscus JaminChild at the hairdresser, 1862
The servant girl, 1631-1677. Creator: Willem van OdekerckenThe servant girl, 1631-1677
Breakfast, 1640-1654. Creator: Karel SlabbaertBreakfast, 1640-1654. Note lace-making equipment on chair at left
Pan Punished by Nymphs, c.1640. Creator: Jacob JordaensPan Punished by Nymphs, c.1640
The St Martin's Day Kermis, c.1540-c.1598. Creator: Peeter BaltensThe St Martin's Day Kermis, c.1540-c.1598. Religious festival: a rowdy mob crowds around a cask of wine. On the right, Saint Martin cuts his cloak in half to clothe a beggar
"The Industrious Needlewomen" - painted by M. Trayer - from the Exhibition of French Artists, 1856
Fish Market, 1683. Creator: Cornelis DusartFish Market, 1683
Trimming bales of hay, 1660-1684. Creator: Gaspar NetscherTrimming bales of hay, 1660-1684. Attributed to Caspar Netscher
Figures in a butcher shop, 1887. Creator: Marius BauerFigures in a butcher shop, 1887
Apollo Flaying Marsyas, 1651-1706. Creator: Girolamo TroppaApollo Flaying Marsyas, 1651-1706
The Tailor Becomes a Storekeeper, New York, 1938. Creator: UnknownThe Tailor Becomes a Storekeeper, New York, 1938. The Federal Theatre Project, created by the U.S
In the school's sawmill, 1904. Creator: Frances Benjamin JohnstonIn the school's sawmill, 1904
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs : Saint Martin partageant son manteau avecEsquisse pour l'eglise Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs : Saint Martin partageant son manteau avec un mendiant, 1870. Sketch for the church of Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs (3rd arrondissement)
Pinocchio, Boston, 1939. Creator: UnknownPinocchio, Boston, 1939. "Pinocchio" - A Dramatic Fantasy for the Young in Heart - Copley Theatre...'. The Federal Theatre Project, created by the U.S
District of Columbia Parks - Cutting Trees On Mall Sites For War Buildings, 1917
Le lion amoureux, c.1836. Creator: Camille Joseph Etienne RoqueplanLe lion amoureux, c.1836. The Lion in Love. Scene from the fables of La Fontaine: a lion falls in love with a peasant's daughter and asks the father's permission to marry her