A. B. Cheetham, (The boatswain of the Terra Nova), c1910–1913, (1913)A.B. Cheetham, (The boatswain of the Terra Nova), c1910– 1913, (1913). Alfred Cheetham (1866-1918) was a member of several Antarctic expeditions
Forging the Anchor, 20th century. Artist: Stanhope A ForbesForging the Anchor, 20th century. From the Art Journal (London)
Proposed method of reaching the North Pole by balloons: balloons starting - balloons at anchor, 1880. 'The name of Mr
After the Catching of Fish, c1860-1890. Creator: Louis ArtanAfter the Catching of Fish, c1860-1890.
Weigh Anchor, c1860-1910. Creator: Hendrik Willem MesdagWeigh Anchor, c1860-1910.
A Tournament Contest, about 1560-1570. Creator: UnknownA Tournament Contest, about 1560-1570. Additional Info:Tournament Book
Saint Clement with an Anchor; Book of Hours, about 1440-1450. Clement was executed by being tied to an anchor and thrown into the sea
Saint Catherine of Alexandria; Gualenghi-d'Este Hours, about 1469. Additional Info:In a small room, Saint Catherine of Alexandria reads and prays from a book on her lectern
Boats on the shore, 1901. Creator: Verner ThomeBoats on the shore, 1901
Breaking-up H.M.S. Queen at Rotherhithe, 1871. Creator: UnknownBreaking-up H.M.S. Queen at Rotherhithe [on the Thames in London], 1871
"Aerial Voyages", 1870. Creator: C Laplante"Aerial Voyages", 1870. Under the title of "Voyages Aeriens, " a large and finely-printed volume of 600 pages has been published by Messrs
In the Anchor-Forge at Söderfors. The Smiths Hard at Work. Creator: Per HillestromIn the Anchor-Forge at Soderfors. The Smiths Hard at Work, Unknown date
Shinagawa, c1802. Creator: HokusaiShinagawa, c1802. From Famous Views of the Eastern Capital
Sailing ship at anchor off the coast, 1830-1860. Creator: Albertus van BeestSailing ship at anchor off the coast, 1830-1860
Huts Etretat, 1876. Creator: BarbinHuts Etretat, 1876
Design for stained glass window 4 donated by the Admiralty College of Amsterdam, 1666-1669
Sailing ships at anchor by a riverbank, 1797-1838. Creator: Johannes Christiaan SchotelSailing ships at anchor by a riverbank, 1797-1838
View of a harbour with rocks, 1700-1799. Creator: Marie-Jeanne OzanneView of a harbour with rocks, 1700-1799. On the left and in the middle reinforced buildings on the waterfront. In the foreground an anchor
Calm sea, 1860-1900. Creator: Hendrik Willem MesdagCalm sea, 1860-1900
Coat of arms of Diderick van Waerdenborch and an empty coat of arms, 1656-1699. With handwritten text with information about Van Waerdenborch
Coat of arms of Van Dorth and of Admiral Jacob Willekens and an empty coat of arms, 1623-1699. With handwritten text concerning the departure of a fleet in 1623 towards South America
Allegory, unknown date. Creator: AnonAllegory, unknown date
Boats on the beach. Skagen, 1855-1913. Creator: Wilhelm XylanderBoats on the beach. Skagen, 1855-1913
Fishwives on the Beach at Scheveningen, c.1880-c.1885
Fishing with drift net, early morning, 1880. Creator: Anton Laurids Johannes DorphFishing with drift net, early morning, 1880
U.S.S. Enterprise, between 1890 and 1901. Creator: UnknownU.S.S. Enterprise, between 1890 and 1901
Flag Factory, 1913. Creator: Harris & Ewing. Flag Factory, 1913. Creator: Harris & EwingFlag Factory, 1913. Women making flags - Estados Unidos de Colombia - Republica de Nicaragua - Centro America'. The United States of Colombia was composed of nine sovereign states'
U.S. Emblem For Shipping Board, 1918
Target Practice - U.S.S. Wyoming's Bow, 1913. Creator: UnknownTarget Practice - U.S.S. Wyoming's Bow, 1913
An American Naval Brig Lying at Anchor while Her Sails Are Drying, 1831-1832
A Russian Fleet at Anchor near Elsinore, 1826. Creator: CW EckersbergA Russian Fleet at Anchor near Elsinore, 1826
Old Age. From the series: The Four Ages of Man, 1840-1845. Creator: Ditlev BlunckOld Age. From the series: The Four Ages of Man, 1840-1845
Allegorie sur la mariage du Comte de Provence, 1771. Creator: Gabriel de Saint-AubinAllegorie sur la mariage du Comte de Provence, 1771
Detroit group, between 1910 and 1920. Men and women posed on steps outside the State, War, and Navy Building (renamed the Eisenhower Executive Office Building), Washington, D.C
Band of the 3rd French Regiment playing in H.M. Naval Yard, at Deal, 1854
Umbrella Stand, c. 1940. Creator: Jacob LipkinUmbrella Stand, c. 1940
Printed Cotton, c. 1941. Creator: Charlotte WinterPrinted Cotton, c. 1941
Dutch Sailor, Carrying an Anchor, 1820/1830. Creator: George ChambersDutch Sailor, Carrying an Anchor, 1820/1830
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro IV as Taira no Tomomori disguised as Tokaiya Gimpei in the scene "Tomomori with the Anchor (Ikari Tomomori)
Hope: Design for the Unexecuted Monument to the First Duke of Marlborough, c. 1733
Legendary Saints of France (center frieze), c. 1888. Creator: Georges William ThornleyLegendary Saints of France (center frieze), c. 1888
Low Tide at Shinagawa (Shinagawa shiohi), from the illustrated book "Picture Book of Amusements of the East (Ehon Azuma asobi)", Japan, c. 1802
Men with Cannons, Kegs of Powder and an Anchor, n.d. Creator: Willem van de Velde IMen with Cannons, Kegs of Powder and an Anchor, n.d
H.M. 50-Gun Frigate "Nankin", to be launched this day, Saturday, 1850. This noble and beautiful specimen of naval built from the designs of Mr. O. U
An old man reclining on the ground at right; at left a naked younger man standing pointing toward the sun with and leaning on an anchor, ca. 1510-27
Rockingham Pitcher, c. 1939. Creator: Eleanor GausserRockingham Pitcher, c. 1939
Hope, September 30, 1800. September 30, 1800. Creator: AnonHope, September 30, 1800
First View of the Port of Livourne, ca. 1755-85. Creator: Maria Fr OzanneFirst View of the Port of Livourne, ca. 1755-85
A fishermans work is hard and many times they fall exhausted on the decks to sleep for hours at a time. Gloucester, Massachusetts
Vito Camella hollers for help to anchor a dory. Glocester, Massachusetts
Hanging Box with Lid, 1891. Creator: Jacob BrunkegHanging Box with Lid, 1891. Relief carving with anchor. Attributed to Jacob Brunkeg
Entree Dish with Cover from the Hood Service, London, 1806 / 07. Creator: Paul StorrEntree Dish with Cover from the Hood Service, London, 1806/07
Soup Tureen with Cover from the Hood Service, England, 1806 / 07. Creator: Paul StorrSoup Tureen with Cover from the Hood Service, England, 1806/07
Sauce Tureen and Cover from the Hood Service, England, 1807 / 08. Creator: Paul StorrSauce Tureen and Cover from the Hood Service, England, 1807/08
Boat Setting Sail for Tosa, 19th century. Creator: Kubo ShunmanBoat Setting Sail for Tosa, 19th century
Architectural Carving "Hope", c. 1939. Creator: John W KelleherArchitectural Carving " Hope", c. 1939
Sea Chest, 1935 / 1942. Creator: Rolland LivingstoneSea Chest, 1935/1942
Alexander de Seversky Navy Aero School badge. Creator: UnknownAlexander de Seversky Navy Aero School badge. Silver anchor with wings and wreath of chain links. Seversky was a Russian-American aviation pioneer and inventor
Anchor Link, c. 1938. Creator: Samuel FaiginAnchor Link, c. 1938
Anchor Trip Hook, c. 1942. Creator: William FrankAnchor Trip Hook, c. 1942
Zebulon, c. 1585. Creator: Johann Sadeler IZebulon, c. 1585
Untitled (Mooring and Anchor), 1873. Creator: Mary Vaux WalcottUntitled (Mooring and Anchor), 1873
Key West, Hauling Anchor, 1903. Creator: Winslow HomerKey West, Hauling Anchor, 1903
The Mildmay Sea-Piece, published 1812. Creator: JMW TurnerThe Mildmay Sea-Piece, published 1812
Title Page for "Views of the Ports of the Sea", 1647Title Page for " Views of the Ports of the Sea", 1647
Windy Harbor, 1644. Creator: Stefano della BellaWindy Harbor, 1644
Work, c. 1863. Creator: Pierre Puvis de ChavannesWork, c. 1863
Patrick Tracy, 1784 / 1786. Creator: John TrumbullPatrick Tracy, 1784/1786
Boats Carrying Out Anchors to the Dutch Men of War, c. 1804. Creator: JMW TurnerBoats Carrying Out Anchors to the Dutch Men of War, c. 1804
Fisherman Carrying a Sail, 1907. Creator: Joseph Edward SouthallFisherman Carrying a Sail, 1907
The Lottery, after 1724. Creator: William HogarthThe Lottery, after 1724
The Lottery, [after 1724]. Creator: UnknownThe Lottery, [after 1724]
Title page: Dutch Ships, 1647. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarTitle page: Dutch Ships, 1647
Dutch Warship, 1647. Creator: Wenceslaus HollarDutch Warship, 1647
Armed Three-Master Anchored Near a City from The Sailing Vessels, ca. 1555-56. After Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Denmark, from Flags of All Nations, Series 1 (N9) for Allen &Denmark, from Flags of All Nations, Series 1 (N9) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands, 1887
Pennant U. S. United States Jack, from Flags of All NationsPennant U.S. United States Jack, from Flags of All Nations, Series 1 (N9) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Brands, 1887
Hope, 1636. Creator: Abraham BosseHope, 1636
Vue de Pausilype Pres de Naples, 1785. Creator: Robert DaudetVue de Pausilype Pres de Naples, 1785. [Posillipo near Naples]
Sturgeon, from Fish from American Waters series (N39) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, 1889
The Atlantic Telegraph, [1866]. Creator: Robert Charles DudleyThe Atlantic Telegraph, [1866]
Cover: The Voyage to New Zealand (1842 - 46), 1866. Creator: Charles MeryonCover: The Voyage to New Zealand (1842 - 46), 1866
[Nadar with His Wife, Ernestine, in a Balloon], ca. 1865, printed 1890s. Creator: Nadar[Nadar with His Wife, Ernestine, in a Balloon], ca. 1865, printed 1890s
American Barque Jane Tudor, Conway Bay, ca. 1855. Creator: David JohnsonAmerican Barque " Jane Tudor, " Conway Bay, ca. 1855