Hojo Tokiyori, from the series "Twenty-four Generals for the Katsushika Circle (Katsushika... c1822 Creator: Gakutei. Hojo Tokiyori, from the series "Twenty-four Generals for the Katsushika Circle (Katsushika... c1822 Creator: Gakutei)
Heritage Images Photo Prints and Wall Art
Hojo Tokiyori, from the series "Twenty-four Generals for the Katsushika Circle (Katsushika... c1822 Creator: Gakutei. Hojo Tokiyori, from the series "Twenty-four Generals for the Katsushika Circle (Katsushika... c1822 Creator: Gakutei)
Hojo Tokiyori, from the series "Twenty-four Generals for the Katsushika Circle (Katsushika nijushisho)", c. 1822
Media ID 36209243
© Heritage Art/Heritage Images
Gakutei Gakutei Harunobu Gakutei Yashima Sadaoka Gogaku Harunobu Sugawara Harunobu Yashima Hokyo Horikawa Taro Ichiro Kagurado Kamakura Period Koen Lectern Maruya Onikichi Nanzan Onikichi Maruya Regent Ryosa Sadaoka Yashima Shikishi Ban Shikishiban Shikishiban Surimono Shingakudo Shinkado Studying Sugawara Harunobu Taro Horikawa Yashima Yashima Gakutei Yashima Harunobu Yashima Sadaoka Yotei
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