Zoomorphic Vessel (Bull) (image 1 of 3), between c.1350 and c.1000 B.C.. Creator: UnknownZoomorphic Vessel (Bull) (image 1 of 3), between c.1350 and c.1000 B.C
Bottle in the Shape of a Bird, 1st-early 2nd century. Creator: UnknownBottle in the Shape of a Bird, 1st-early 2nd century. Blown glass. Roman; Eastern Mediterranean
Gold Pectoral with Zoomorphic Face, c. 500 B. C. Creator: UnknownGold Pectoral with Zoomorphic Face, c. 500 B.C
Ceremonial Knife (Tumi) With Figural Scene and Zoomorphic Figures, A. D. 1100 / 1470Ceremonial Knife (Tumi) With Figural Scene and Zoomorphic Figures, A.D. 1100/1470
Incense Burner of Amir Saif al-Dunya wa l-Din ibn Muhammad al-Mawardi, Iran, dated A.H. 577/ A.D. 1181-82. Zoomorphic incense burners were popular during the Seljuq period
Animal-Shaped Spit Rest, Iran, 9th-10th century. Creator: UnknownAnimal-Shaped Spit Rest, Iran, 9th-10th century. Made of fire-resistant stone
Elephant-Shaped Kendi, Iran, second quarter 17th century. Creator: UnknownElephant-Shaped Kendi, Iran, second quarter 17th century. Safavid example made of stonepaste
Kohl Flask, Iran, 9th-10th century. Creator: UnknownKohl Flask, Iran, 9th-10th century
Saywite Monolith, Abancay, Peru, 2015. Creator: Luis RosendoSaywite Monolith is an enormous rock containing more than 200 geometric and zoomorphic figures, including reptiles, frogs, and felines
Pictography, Faical, San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Peru, 2015. Creator: Luis RosendoPictography, Rock Painting, Pictograms, despicting hunting scenes, antropomorphic and zoomorphic figures, symbols and other graphics
Cave paintings typical of the Levantine art, found in the Roca dels Moros or Cogull Cave (Lleida), scene of nine women dancing around a man, with overlapping animal figures
Llibre vermell (Red Book). Manuscript No. 1. Fol. 69, Latin text, there is a series of human figures with zoomorphic parts drawn at the bottom
Archena glass. Ceramics with zoomorphic and floral decoration from the necropolis of Archena (Murcia)
Levantine cave paintings from group Albarracin (Teruel) in the Abrigo Callejon of the Plou, cave Cocinilla del Obispo: group of bulls painted entirely white and light red color
Monastery of Bellpuig les Avellanes. Founded in 1166 by Ermengol VII of Urgell. Capitel of the cloister decorated with a zoomorphic figure: an eagle
Jaume Marquilles delivers his book to the Consellers of Barcelona in the presence of King Alphonso IV the Magnanimous (1416-1458)
Zoomorphic form from the Codex Borgianus, Mixtec, Pre-Columbian Mexico, c1400. From the Vatican Museum