Nativity, 1680-1743. Creator: Robert van AudenaerdeNativity, 1680-1743. After Carlo Maratti
A Bit of Bethany - Luke xxiv. 50, c1924. Creators: James Clark, Henry A HarperA Bit of Bethany - Luke xxiv. 50, c1924. Luke 24:50 When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them
Abraham's Arrival at Sichem, n.d. Creator: Cornelis de VisscherAbraham's Arrival at Sichem, n.d
Angel Speeding Abraham, n.d. Creator: Cornelis de VisscherAngel Speeding Abraham, n.d
The Angel Promising the Land of Sichem to Abraham, n.d. Creator: Cornelis de VisscherThe Angel Promising the Land of Sichem to Abraham, n.d
Bethany, 1857. Creator: Francis FrithBethany, 1857. Albumen print, pl. 36 from the album " Egypt and Palestine, volume ii" (1858/60)
Convent of Mar-Saba, Near Jerusalem, 1857. Creator: Francis FrithConvent of Mar-Saba, Near Jerusalem, 1857. Albumen print, pl. 11 from the album " Egypt and Palestine, volume ii" (1858/60)
The Supper at Emmaus, possibly c. 1912 / 1913. Creator: Jean Louis ForainThe Supper at Emmaus, possibly c. 1912/1913
The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel, 1308-1311
Christ Appearing To The Disciples At Emmaus, 1797. Creator: Philip James de LoutherbourgChrist Appearing To The Disciples At Emmaus, 1797
Christ at Emmaus: The Larger Plate, 1654. Creator: Rembrandt Harmensz van RijnChrist at Emmaus: The Larger Plate, 1654
Christ at Emmaus: The Smaller Plate, 1634. Creator: Rembrandt Harmensz van RijnChrist at Emmaus: The Smaller Plate, 1634
Adoration of the Magi, 1598. Creator: Raphael SadelerAdoration of the Magi, 1598. After Jacopo Bassano
Christ and the Disciples on the Way to Emmaus, 1571. Creator: Philip GalleChrist and the Disciples on the Way to Emmaus, 1571
The Nativity, 16th century. Creator: ParmigianinoThe Nativity, 16th century
The Nativity. n. d. Creator: John La FargeThe Nativity.n.d
The Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1626. Creator: Jan MullerThe Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1626
The Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1625. Creator: Jan MullerThe Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1625
The Raising of Lazarus, 1595-1616. Creator: Jacques BellangeThe Raising of Lazarus, 1595-1616
Raising of Lazarus, 1645-1650. Creator: Giovanni Benedetto CastiglioneRaising of Lazarus, 1645-1650
Massacre of the Innocents. n. d. Creator: UnknownMassacre of the Innocents.n.d. After Baccio Bandinelli. Attributed to Marco Dente
Massacre of the Innocents, reduced and reversed copy after Aegidius Sadeler, 1600-1629. After Jacopo Tintoretto
Christ in Emmaus, from The Small Passion, ca. 1510. Creator: Albrecht DurerChrist in Emmaus, from The Small Passion, ca. 1510
Euntes in Emaus (Landscape with Pilgrims at Emmaus), ca. 1555-56
Plaque with the Raising of Lazarus, French, first half 16th century. Creator: UnknownPlaque with the Raising of Lazarus, French, first half 16th century
Nativity, 1588. Creator: Aegidius Sadeler IINativity, 1588
The Nativity, dated 1531. Creator: Agostino VenezianoThe Nativity, dated 1531
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1575-1600. Creator: AnonAdoration of the Shepherds, 1575-1600
Vue generale de Bethany - General view of Bethany, ca. 1880
The Fountain of Jerico and Probable Site of the City, ca. 1857. Creator: Francis FrithThe Fountain of Jerico and Probable Site of the City, ca. 1857
Bethel, ca. 1857. Creator: Francis FrithBethel, ca. 1857
Jerusalem, Chemin de Beit-Lehem, 1854. Creator: Auguste SalzmannJerusalem, Chemin de Beit-Lehem, 1854
Jerusalem, Beit-Lehem, Vue generale, 1854. Creator: Auguste SalzmannJerusalem, Beit-Lehem, Vue generale, 1854
Christ Carrying the Cross, with the Crucifixion; The Resurrection, with the Pilgrims of Emmaus, ca. 1510
Manuscript Illumination with Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1515-25. Creator: Gerard HorenboutManuscript Illumination with Adoration of the Magi, ca. 1515-25. The Magi are depicted en route, while Herod is in the border
The Nativity, mid-15th century. Creator: Workshop of Rogier van der Weyden (NetherlandishThe Nativity, mid-15th century. Altarpiece of Nativity flanked on the left by the annunciation of the Tiburtine Sibyl to the emperor Augustus, and on the right by the Annunciation to the Magi
The Arrival in Bethlehem, ca. 1540. Creator: Master LCThe Arrival in Bethlehem, ca. 1540
Halt of Caravans at the Wells of Saba (Beersheba) in the Desert South of Hebron, 1850
Bedouin Chiefs, Jericho, c1910s. Creator: UnknownBedouin Chiefs, Jericho, c1910s. Arab men with weapons in Jericho, Palestine. Glass lantern slide
Mosque at Hebron, 1890. Creator: UnknownMosque at Hebron, 1890
The Mount of Temptation from Jericho, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveThe Mount of Temptation from Jericho, 1902. Generally considered to be Mount Quarantania, here Jesus was tempted by the devil. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I
Jerusalem, with the Road from Bethany, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveJerusalem, with the Road from Bethany, 1902. The walls of Jerusalem and the Old City are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I
The Tomb of Rachel on the Road from Jerusalem to Hebron, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveThe Tomb of Rachel on the Road from Jerusalem to Hebron, 1902. The tomb, located at the northern entrance of Bethlehem, is a traditional maqam. Rachels tomb is the third holiest site in Judaism
Bethel, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveBethel, 1902. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. [Adam & Charles Black, London, 1902]
On the Road from Jerusalem to Bethany, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveOn the Road from Jerusalem to Bethany, 1902. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. [Adam & Charles Black, London, 1902]
The Stream Flowing from the Spring of Elisha, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveThe Stream Flowing from the Spring of Elisha, 1902. Local tradition identifies the spring as the site where Elisha the prophet purified the water of Jericho
Jacobs Well at Shechem (Nablus), 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveJacobs Well at Shechem (Nablus), 1902. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. [Adam & Charles Black, London, 1902]
Apse of the Fourth Century Church Over Jacobs Well at Shechum (Nablus), 1902. CreatorApse of the Fourth Century Church Over Jacobs Well at Shechum (Nablus), 1902. Deep well hewn of solid rock, associated in religious tradition with Jacob
The Fields of Ruth and Boaz Near Bethlehem, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveThe Fields of Ruth and Boaz Near Bethlehem, 1902. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. [Adam & Charles Black, London, 1902]
Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem from a Garden on the Opposite Hill, 1902. CreatorThe Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem from a Garden on the Opposite Hill, 1902. Traditionally considered to be the birthplace of Jesus and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site
The Mosque at Hebron Over the Cave of Machpelah, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveThe Mosque at Hebron Over the Cave of Machpelah, 1902. Caves in the old city of Hebron which according to Abrahamic religion, were purchased by Abraham as a burial plot
The Ford of the Jordan Near Jericho, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveThe Ford of the Jordan Near Jericho, 1902. Bethabara, the site of the baptism of Jesus and beginning of his ministry. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I
The Plain of Jericho Looking Towards the Mountains of Moab, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveThe Plain of Jericho Looking Towards the Mountains of Moab, 1902. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. [Adam & Charles Black, London, 1902]
The Western Shore of the Dead Sea, 1902. Creator: John FulleyloveThe Western Shore of the Dead Sea, 1902. From " The Holy Land", painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. [Adam & Charles Black, London, 1902]
Interior of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Palestine, 1895. Creator: UnknownInterior of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Palestine, 1895. The grotto inside the church is believed by Christians to have been the birthplace of Jesus
The Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Palestine, 1895. Creator: W &s LtdThe Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Palestine, 1895. The grotto inside the church is believed by Christians to have been the birthplace of Jesus
Bethlehem of Judea, the birthplace of Jesus, Palestine, 1896. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke identify Bethlehem as the birthplace of Jesus. Stereocard by Underwood & Underwood
Ruins of Jericho - Heb. xi. 30, c1924. Creators: James Clark, Henry A HarperRuins of Jericho - Heb. xi. 30, c1924. Hebrews 11:30. By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days
Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim - John iv. 20, c1924. Creators: James Clark, Henry A HarperMount Ebal and Mount Gerizim - John iv. 20, c1924
Rachels Tomb and Bethlehem - Matt. xxiii. 29, c1924. Creators: James Clark, Henry A HarperRachels Tomb and Bethlehem - Matt. xxiii. 29, c1924
The village of Imwas (Emmaus), Palestine, 1900. Artist: Underwood & UnderwoodThe village of Imwas (Emmaus), Palestine, 1900. From a series called Travelling in the Holy Land Through the Stereoscope, by Jesse Hurlbut
Hishams Palace, Jericho, West Bank, Palestine. Hishams Palace was built in the 8th century for the Umayyad Caliph Hisham ibn Abad al-Malik. It was excavated between 1937 and 1948
Bethlehem, 1903. Artist: Mortimer L MenpesBethlehem, 1903. From World Pictures, by Mortimer Menpes. Text by Dorothy Menpes. [A. & C. Black, London, 1903]
On the Road to Bethlehem, 1903. Artist: Mortimer L MenpesOn the Road to Bethlehem, 1903. From World Pictures, by Mortimer Menpes. Text by Dorothy Menpes. [A. & C. Black, London, 1903]
View of Nablus, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Watering camels at Jacobs Well, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Mosque Machpela, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
One of the Pools of Solomon, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Making wine bottles, Hebron, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Scenes around Hebron, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Threshing grain near Jacobs Well, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Aqueduct showing Jericho through Arch, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Half-way inn on the journey of Jericho, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Interior of the Tomb of Lazarus, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Ruins of the House of Lazarus, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
From Archway at Simons House to Lazaruss house, Bethany, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Bethany, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
The Tomb of Lazarus, Bethany, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Women drawing water at the Fountain of the Magi, on the road to Bethlehem, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Rachels Tomb near Bethlehem, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Christmas procession in Bethlehem, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
A Street in Bethlehem, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]
Bird s-eye view of Bethlehem, with vineyards and olive groves, c1900. From Journey in All Lands - Palestine. [Realistic Travels, London, Cape Town, Bombay, Melbourne, Toronto, c1900]