Sketch for The Water Sprite, late 19th-early 20th century. Creator: Ernst JosephsonSketch for The Water Sprite, late 19th-early 20th century
Two Peasant Girls Listening to the Playing of the Water-Sprite, 1860. Creator: Johan Zacharias BlackstadiusTwo Peasant Girls Listening to the Playing of the Water-Sprite, 1860
The Water-Sprite and Ägir's Daughters, 1850. Creator: Nils Jakob BlommerThe Water-Sprite and Agir's Daughters, 1850. AEgir and his nine wave daughters from Norse mythology
Three Sleeping Sprites with a Satyr, 1769. Creator: Salomon GessnerThree Sleeping Sprites with a Satyr, 1769
The Rhine Maidens, from Siegfried and The Twilight of the Gods by Richard Wagner, 1911
Two Peasant Girls listening to the Playing of the Water Sprite, 1860. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Neck and the Daughters of AEgir, 1850. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Neck (Nacken), 1882. Artist: Josephson, Ernst (1851-1906)Neck (Nacken), 1882. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Nokken. Artist: Kittelsen, Theodor (1857-1914)Nokken. Found in the collection of National Museum of Art, Oslo
Nacken. Private Collection