Waiting for the Hour, 1863. Creators: Unknown, William Tolman CarltonCarte-de-visite of a group of African Americans gathered around a man with a pocket watch, leaning on a pulpit made out of U.S. Sanitation Commission crates
Portrait of a Member of the Quaratesi Family, 1561. Creator: UnknownPortrait of a Member of the Quaratesi Family, 1561
The Belated Party on Mansfield Mountain, 1858. Creator: Jerome ThompsonThe Belated Party on Mansfield Mountain, 1858
Alfred Neubauer, c1954-c1955. Neubauer (with hat), took over as manager of the Mercedes-Benz racing team, bringing in many innovative practices and presiding over its many successes until 1955
G Marzotto in a 4.1 Ferrari, taking part in the Mille Miglia, 1953. They are at the start of the race, with an official by the side of them starting the stopwatch. His co-driver is Marco Crosara
Alfred Neubauer, Mercedes team manager, 1954
Portrait of a lady, 1660-1679. Creator: Jacobus LevecqPortrait of a lady, 1660-1679
"Please Tell Us The Time!", by F. Sonderland, 1871. Creator: Unknown"Please Tell Us The Time!", by F. Sonderland, 1871
Bennett's world famed "Standard" watch, 1909. Creator: UnknownBennett's world famed "Standard" watch, 1909. Gold Keyless Three-Quarter Plate English Half Chronometer. Accurately timed for all climates. Jewelled in 13 actions
Benson's watches of precision, 1909. Creator: UnknownBenson's LONDON MADE watches of precision
C.H. Ingersoll, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceC.H. Ingersoll, between c1915 and c1920
Arturo Sandoval, Brecon Jazz Festival, 1997. Creator: Brian FoskettArturo Sandoval, Brecon Jazz Festival, 1997
Harry "Sweets" Edison, Harlem Stampede, Edinburgh Jazz Festival, 1986
Clark Terry, Jazz Inn Party, North Sea Jazz Festival, The Hague, the Netherlands, 1992
Portrait of Emmanuel Rio, 1836. Creator: Albert SchindlerPortrait of Emmanuel Rio, 1836. [Rio was an enslaved Brazilian of African descent who was enrolled in an elite private school in Vienna by Emperor Francis I
Ethel Oliver, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceEthel Oliver, between c1910 and c1915
Man in white, 1933. Creator: Glyn Warren PhilpotMan in white, 1933
The sense of hearing, c1750. Creator: UnknownThe sense of hearing, c1750
Portrait of Two Women and a Boy, 1632. Creator: Thomas de KeyserPortrait of Two Women and a Boy, 1632
Claire Ogden, giving watch to Lieutenant W.C.F. Brown, between c1915 and c1920. Shows Claire Ogden with Lieutenant W.C.F
The Loan Collection, South-Kensington: Oliver Cromwell's watch, 1862. Creator: UnknownThe Loan Collection, South-Kensington, 1862. Oliver Cromwell's watch. This watch was made about 1625
W.H. Fairbanks, Frank G. Carpenter, Tom Magowan, and Mr. MacPherson, between c1900 and 1916
Tom Magowan and Bill McFee, between c1900 and 1916. Creator: UnknownTom Magowan and Bill McFee, between c1900 and 1916
Bill McFee, between c1900 and 1916. Creator: UnknownBill McFee, between c1900 and 1916
Half-Length Portrait of a Man Holding a Watch. Creator: UnknownHalf-Length Portrait of a Man Holding a Watch
A Wicked Foreigner Refuses to Pay a Young Prostitute, 1875. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiA Wicked Foreigner Refuses to Pay a Young Prostitute, 1875. Series: The Postal News, no. 571
Portrait of a Watchmaker, c18th century Creator: Pier Leone GhezziPortrait of a Watchmaker, c18th century
Portrait of a Woman, 1663. Creator: Pieter NasonPortrait of a Woman, 1663. This older woman, in lace collar, pearl necklace, and cut-stone earrings, holds open a fashionable pocket watch
Portrait of Margherita, Wife of Baldassare Vandergoes, 1655-60. Creator: Luigi PrimoPortrait of Margherita, Wife of Baldassare Vandergoes, 1655-60
Illustration of Various Subjects, 1779. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiIllustration of Various Subjects, 1779
Magdalena Rudenschöld, 1766-1823, 1795. Creator: AnonMagdalena Rudenschold, 1766-1823, 1795
Le Md de chaines de suretés, 1840. Creator: Honore DaumierLe Md de chaines de suretes, 1840. La chaine de surete ainsi nomme par ce qu'elle est un moyen sur de faire savoir que le badaud qui l'achete posse une montre
Memorial Portrait of Moses ter Borch, 1667-1669. Creator: Gerard Terborch IIMemorial Portrait of Moses ter Borch, 1667-1669
Design for watch-case, c.1765-c.1780. Creator: AnonDesign for watch-case, c.1765-c.1780. The watch-cases were intended to be executed in enamelled gold, probably set with rubies and diamonds. An enamel picture could be mounted at the centre
Still Life with Silver-Gilt Glass Holder, c.1654-c.1660. Creator: Abraham van BeyerenStill Life with Silver-Gilt Glass Holder, c.1654-c.1660
Portrait of a Man with a Watch, 1688. Creator: Pieter Cornelisz. van SlingelandPortrait of a Man with a Watch, 1688
English Watches, 1947. Creator: UnknownEnglish Watches, 1947. From "British Clocks and Clockmakers, by Kenneth Ullyett. [Collins, London, 1947]
Un comité écoutant la lecture d'une tragédie, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUn comite ecoutant la lecture d'une tragedie, 19th century. Whatever you want - A committee listening to the reading of a tragedy
Still Life with Flowers and a Watch, c.1660-c.1679. Creator: Abraham MignonStill Life with Flowers and a Watch, c.1660-c.1679. Other Title(s): Still Life with Flowers and a Watch
Renouvelé de la tour barbe bleue, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierRenouvele de la tour barbe bleue, 19th century. Renewed Bluebeard Tower
La patience est la vertu des ânes, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLa patience est la vertu des anes, 19th century. Proverbs and Maxims - Patience is the Virtue of Donkeys
Le regulateur, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierLe regulateur, 19th century. Monomaniacs - The regulator
Encore une heure!!, 1837. Creator: Honore DaumierEncore une heure!!, 1837. Another hour
Montgomery, Margaret Phelps, Miss, portrait photograph, 1912 Sept. 27
Gibson, Jean, Miss, portrait photograph, 1916 Mar. Creator: Arnold GentheGibson, Jean, Miss, portrait photograph, 1916 Mar
Omega, c. 1910. Creator: Cappiello, Leonetto (1875-1942)Omega, c. 1910. Private Collection
Bureau of Mines Interior Dept. between 1910 and 1920Bureau of Mines Interior Dept. [Washington, DC], between 1910 and 1920. Man using viscosimeter, instrument used to measure the viscosity of a fluid
Watch Fob with Human Hair Chain, c. 1936. Creator: Kathryn UhlWatch Fob with Human Hair Chain, c. 1936
Portrait of man in a black velvet suit, between 1605 and 1657
Watch Fob, c. 1939. Creator: Lawrence FlynnWatch Fob, c. 1939
On the town square, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 1938. Creator: Dorothea LangeFayetteville, Arkansas. On the town square. [Sign: Fuller for Congress - Headquarters Up-Stairs']
Sword and Watch of Oliver Cromwell, 1850. Creator: UnknownSword and Watch of Oliver Cromwell, [17th century], 1850. The in the very interesting collection of antiquities in the United Service Museum
Second Pastoral, 1769. Creator: Jean Baptiste Le PrinceSecond Pastoral, 1769
Doran (Square Leather Box Used as an Inro) with a Watch as a Netsuke From the Spring Rain Collection (Harusame shu), vol. 3, probably 1817
Pocket watch, c. 1823. Creator: Ando HiroshigePocket watch, c. 1823
True Picture of the French (Shosha Furansujin), 1861. Creator: YoshikazuTrue Picture of the French (Shosha Furansujin), 1861
Watch, Switzerland, Late 18th to early 19th century. Creator: UnknownWatch, Switzerland, Late 18th to early 19th century
Watch, England, 1824 / 29. Creator: John HarrisonWatch, England, 1824/29
Watch, Amsterdam, Late 18th to early 19th century. Creator: Jean Baptiste DanielWatch, Amsterdam, Late 18th to early 19th century
Watch, France, 1760. Creator: Jean Baptiste BaillonWatch, France, 1760
Watch Fob, 1935 / 1942. Creator: Isidore SteinbergWatch Fob, 1935/1942
Watch, Switzerland, c. 1860 / 70. Creator: UnknownWatch, Switzerland, c. 1860/70
Watch Chain Locket, 1935 / 1942. Creator: William P. ShearwoodWatch Chain Locket, 1935/1942
Watch Fob, c. 1936. Creator: Bertha SempleWatch Fob, c. 1936
Egg-Type Watch, Augsburg, c. 1740. Creator: Nicklaus RugendEgg-Type Watch, Augsburg, c. 1740
Coach Watch, Augsburg, c. 1770 / 76. Creator: Johann Eusebius LodererCoach Watch, Augsburg, c. 1770/76
Jewelers Sign Watch, c. 1940. Creator: Paul PoffinbargerJewelers Sign Watch, c. 1940
Watch and Stand, Staffordshire, c. 1830. Creator: Staffordshire PotteriesWatch and Stand, Staffordshire, c. 1830
Still Life with Ostrich Egg Cup and the Whitfield Heirlooms, c. 1670. [The Whitfield Cup, made from an ostrich egg, was designed in England by John Spilman in 1590]
Sir John McNeill, 1845, printed 1890 / 1900. Creators: David Octavius Hill, Robert AdamsonSir John McNeill, 1845, printed 1890/1900. Carbon print
Watch, England, Mid 19th century. Creator: UnknownWatch, England, Mid 19th century
Watch, France, Mid to late 18th century. Creator: UnknownWatch, France, Mid to late 18th century
Watch, Austria, Mid 19th century. Creator: UnknownWatch, Austria, Mid 19th century
Watch, Lincoln, 1797 / 98. Creator: James SimpsonWatch, Lincoln, 1797/98
Watch, London, Mid 18th century. Creator: James ShearwoodWatch, London, Mid 18th century
Watch, London, 1692 / 93. Creator: Edward OrtonWatch, London, 1692/93
Box, Bilston, c. 1770. Creator: UnknownBox, Bilston, c. 1770
Pocket Watch (Anniversary Tin), 1850 / 1900. Creator: UnknownPocket Watch (Anniversary Tin), 1850/1900
Zenith, 1928. Creator: D Ylen, Jean (1886-1938)Zenith, 1928. Private Collection
Stopwatch, Douglas World Cruiser, 1924. Creator: UnknownStopwatch, Douglas World Cruiser, 1924. Silver stopwatch used by Gen. Leigh Wade on the 1924 flight of the Douglas World Cruiser
Watch, Navigation, Hamilton 4992B, AN5740. Creators: Hamilton Watch Co. George H3 3/4in. diameter; grey painted steel case with 24-hour steel navigation watch
Watches, Army Air Corps, Avigation [Air Navigation], A-6, ca. 19342-1/8in. diameter; 2 watches in fitted mahogany case with 2 view ports
Watch Holder, c. 1939. Creator: William H EdwardsWatch Holder, c. 1939
Wrist watch worn by Harriette Moore, early to mid 20th century. Creator: UnknownHarriette Moore (1902-1952) was an African-American teacher and civil rights activist. Her husband Harry T