The War Loan (Poster), 1916. Artist: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)The War Loan (Poster), 1916. Found in the collection of the Russian State Library, Moscow
The priests conveyed to judgment, 1922. Private Collection
Before search and seizure (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1920. From a private collection
Soldiers With Prostitute. Creator: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)Soldiers With Prostitute. Private Collection
A religious cholera procession in rural Russia (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), c. 1920. Private Collection
The foreign tourists in Leningrad. Found in the Collection of State Museum- and exhibition Centre ROSIZO, Moscow
Two women and a child searching through trash bin (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1919. From a private collection
Bourgeoisie cleaning the stables (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1920. From a private collection
Requisition of the church treasures in Petrograd 5th May 1922 (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1922. From a private collection
Sporting competition in the Imperial Gardens: Petrograd, July 1921 (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1921. From a private collection
Soldiers burning paintings (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1917. From a private collection
Scene at a cholera barracks (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), c. 1920. Private Collection
Soldiers plundering a railway wagon (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1922. From a private collection
Russian clergy shoveling hay: September 1918 (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1918. From a private collection
Man being held and executed (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1919. From a private collection
Family moving its belongings on cart (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1917-1918. From a private collection
Transporting food on a sled, 1923. Private Collection
A family of an engineer dragging home some fuel, 1919. Private Collection
Hungry years in Petrograd. Return from a communal soup kitchen, 1919. Private Collection
Petrograd without water, 1919. Private Collection
Died of hunger (Drawn from nature), 1919. Private Collection
Burial of a workman who was not a communist, 1920. Private Collection
Requisition of cattle for the Red Army in a village near Luga, 1920. Private Collection
Miserable life of Russian nobles and persons of high rank during the revolution, 1919. Private Collection
Hungry years in Petrograd. A Communal dining room.. Private Collection
Hard labor for rich merchants, nobles and criminals during the years of revolution, 1919-1921. Private Collection
Hungry workmen in Petrograd robbing a military lorry of bread, 1920. Private Collection
Bonds Confiscation in the Wawelberg Bank in Petrograd, 1919. Private Collection
Rich merchants and Russian noblemen set to pulling out rubbish from yards, 1920. Private Collection
Hungry years in Petrograd, 1919. Private Collection
Remains of a wealthy house, 1918-1923. Private Collection
Group of Bolsheviks, 1918-1923. Private Collection
A foreigner attacked by cigarette sellers in Petrograd, 1923. Private Collection
Workmen demolishing wooden houses for fuel, 1920. Private Collection
Free trade in Petrograd, 1922. Private Collection
Hungry years in Petrograd (Drawn from nature), 1919. Private Collection
A group of Russian priests forced to clear the barrack stables, 1918. Private Collection
The clergymen hiding church treasures in a new grave in a cemetery, 1922. Private Collection
Waiting to receive an eighth of a pound of bread, 1919. Private Collection
Sailors playing cards, 1921. Private Collection
Requisition of firewood, 1918-1923. Private Collection
The fathers funeral, 1918-1923. Private Collection
Group of Bolsheviks on a train, 1918-1923. Private Collection
Sic transit gloria mundi (Thus passes the glory of the world), 1922. Private Collection
Hungry years in Petrograd. Changing merchandise for provisions in a village near a railway station, 1919. Private Collection
The War Loan (Poster), 1916. Found in the collection of Russian State Library, Moscow
Nevsky Prospekt, Early 1890s. Private Collection
Scene from the Russo-Japanese war. Private Collection
Costume design from the Series Oriental dancers, 1900s. Found in the collection of the Regional Art Gallery, Vologda
The Battle of Poltava. Artist: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)The Battle of Poltava. From a private collection
Cossacks, 1910s. Artist: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)Cossacks, 1910s. From a private collection
A Young Couple, 1920s. Artist: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)A Young Couple, 1920s. From a private collection
Cossacks on Horseback, 1916. Artist: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)Cossacks on Horseback, 1916. From a private collection
Petrograd in 1918 (from the series of watercolors Russian revolution), 1918. Found in the collection of the State Museum of Revolution, Moscow
Before a Tavern. Artist: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)Before a Tavern. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
A nurse, 1914-1917. Artist: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)A nurse, 1914-1917. Found in the collection of the State Art Museum, Sotchi
Dressing station, 1893. Artist: Vladimirov, Ivan Alexeyevich (1869-1947)Dressing station, 1893. Found in the collection of the Regional Art Museum, Sumy
The Capturing of a Tank near Kakhovka, 1927. Artist: Ivan VladimirovThe Capturing of a Tank near Kakhovka, 1927
A Boyars Execution During the Reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, 1906. Found in the collection of the State Regional I Pozhalostin Art Museum, Ryazan, Russia