Mlle. Camargo Dancing, 1730, (c1915). Artist: Nicolas LancretMlle. Camargo Dancing, 1730, (c1915). Part of the Wallace Collection, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Christmas Eve, c1915. Artist: Stanhope A ForbesChristmas Eve, c1915. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
King Charles Spaniels (The Cavaliers Pets), 1845, (c1915). Artist: Edwin Henry LandseerKing Charles Spaniels (The Cavaliers Pets), 1845, (c1915). The painting is held by the Tate Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
The Laughing Cavalier, 1624, (c1915). Artist: Frans HalsThe Laughing Cavalier, 1624, (c1915). The painting is part of the Wallace Collection, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Boy and Rabbit, 1814, (c1915). Artist: Henry RaeburnBoy and Rabbit, 1814, (c1915). The painting is held by the Royal Academy of Arts, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Autumn Leaves, 1856, (c1915). Artist: John Everett MillaisAutumn Leaves, 1856, (c1915). The painting is held by the Manchester Art Gallery. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Diana of the Uplands, 1903-1904, (c1915). Artist: Charles Wellington FurseDiana of the Uplands, 1903-1904, (c1915). The painting is held by the Tate Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Strand on the Green Chiswick, 1905, (c1915). Artist: Edward Charles CliffordStrand on the Green Chiswick, 1905, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Charge of the French Cuirassiers at Waterloo, 1874, (c1915). Held by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
Sir Isumbras at the Ford, 1857, (c1915). Artist: John Everett MillaisSir Isumbras at the Ford, 1857, (c1915). The painting is held by the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
Maiden Meditation, 1847, (c1915). Artist: Charles West CopeMaiden Meditation, 1847, (c1915). Held by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Salisbury Cathedral, 1823, (c1915). Artist: John ConstableSalisbury Cathedral, 1823, (c1915). The painting is part of the collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba, 1648, (c1915). Artist: Claude LorrainThe Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba, 1648, (c1915). The painting is held by the National Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
The Milkmaid, 1860, (c1915). Artist: Birket FosterThe Milkmaid, 1860, (c1915). Held by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Village in Autumn, c1915. Artist: Henri Eugene Le SidanerThe Village in Autumn, c1915. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Danejohn Hill, Canterbury, Kent, 1829. Creator: James Baylis AllenDanejohn Hill, Canterbury, Kent, 1829. The Dane John Mound, a former Roman cemetery, was converted into a motte-and-bailey castle in the 11th century
Ariel (The Tempest), c1870. Artist: Henry James TownsendAriel (The Tempest), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
The Moss at Poolewe, 1913, (c1915). Artist: Joseph FarquharsonThe Moss at Poolewe, 1913, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Mrs Johnstone and her Son (?), 1775-1780, (c1915). Artist: George RomneyMrs Johnstone and her Son (?), 1775-1780, (c1915). The painting is held by the Tate Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Malvolio and the Countess, c1840, (c1915). Artist: Daniel MacliseMalvolio and the Countess, c1840, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Danejohn Hill, c1829. Creator: Henry AdlardDanejohn Hill, c1829. The Dane John Mound, a former Roman cemetery at Canterbury in Kent, was converted into a motte-and-bailey castle in the 11th century
On Walberswick Pier, c1887, (c1915). Artist: Philip Wilson SteerOn Walberswick Pier, c1887, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Making Jam, 1880, (c1915). Artist: Pierre Edouard FrereMaking Jam, 1880, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Poppy Field, c1900, (c1915). Artist: George HitchcockThe Poppy Field, c1900, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Marquis De Pompadour, 1758, (c1915). Artist: Francois BoucherThe Marquis De Pompadour, 1758, (c1915). Held by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
A Cottage Madonna, c1915. Artist: Bernard De HoogA Cottage Madonna, c1915. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Entry of Crusaders into Constantinople, 1840, (c1915). Artist: Eugene DelacroixEntry of Crusaders into Constantinople, 1840, (c1915). Held by the Musee du Louvre, Paris. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
An Idyll, 1891, (c1915). Artist: Maurice GreiffenhagenAn Idyll, 1891, (c1915). Held by the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Horse Fair, 1855, (c1915). Artists: Rosa Bonheur, Nathalie MicasThe Horse Fair, 1855, (c1915). The painting is held by the National Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
A Noble Lady of Venice, 1866, (c1915). Artist: Frederic LeightonA Noble Lady of Venice, 1866, (c1915). The painting is part of the collection of the Leighton House Museum, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
Woodcutters, late 1840s, (c1915). Artist: Constant TroyonWoodcutters, late 1840s, (c1915). The painting is part of the collection of the Royal Academy of Arts, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
Punch or May Day, 1829, (c1915). Artist: Benjamin Robert HaydonPunch or May Day, 1829, (c1915). The painting is part of the collection of the Tate Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Portrait of the Artist, after 1782, (c1915). Artist: Madame Vigee LebrunPortrait of the Artist, after 1782, (c1915). The painting is part of the collection of the National Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
Sheltered Pastures, c1900. Artist: Sir Ernest Albert WaterlowSheltered Pastures, c1900. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
What D Ye Lack, Madam?, 1861, (c1915). Artist: John PettieWhat D Ye Lack, Madam?, 1861, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Frigidarium, 1890, (c1915). Artist: Sir Lawrence Alma-TademaThe Frigidarium, 1890, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Mrs. Robinson (Perdita), 1781, (c1915). Artist: Thomas GainsboroughMrs. Robinson (Perdita), 1781, (c1915). Mary Robinson (c1757-1800), English actress and writer. The painting is part of the Wallace Collection, London
The Madonna Degli Ansidei, 1505, (c1915). Artist: RaphaelThe Madonna Degli Ansidei, 1505, (c1915). The painting is held by the National Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Mowers, c1891, (c1915). Artist: George ClausenThe Mowers, c1891, (c1915). The painting is held by the Usher Gallery, Lincoln. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Union: Thistle, Rose, Shamrock, c1850. Artist: William Charles RossThe Union: Thistle, Rose, Shamrock, c1850. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Othello Relating His Adventures, c1870. Artist: T. VernonOthello Relating His Adventures, c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Scene from Faustus. Margaret Meets Faustus in the Summer House, c1870. ArtistScene from Faustus. Margaret Meets Faustus in the Summer House, c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Macbeth Act V. Scene I, c1870. Artist: Henry LintonMacbeth Act V. Scene I, c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Juliet and the Nurse (Romeo & Juliet), c1870. Artist: Samuel SangsterJuliet and the Nurse (Romeo & Juliet), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Malvolio, c1870. Artist: R StainesMalvolio, c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Macbeth, c1870. Artists: Alexander Keith Johnston, Charles W SharpeMacbeth, c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
The Death of the Earl of Warwick (King Henry VI), c1870. Artist: T BrownThe Death of the Earl of Warwick (King Henry VI), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Prince Arthur and Hubert (King John), c1870. Artist: David DesvachezPrince Arthur and Hubert (King John), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Juliet in the Cell of Friar Lawrence (Romeo and Juliet), c1870. Artist: Herbert BourneJuliet in the Cell of Friar Lawrence (Romeo and Juliet), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Prince Henry, Poins, and Falstaff. (King Henry IV - First Part), c1870. ArtistsPrince Henry, Poins, and Falstaff. (King Henry IV - First Part), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
The Seven Ages of Man (As You Like It), c1870. Artist: H BourneThe Seven Ages of Man (As You Like It), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Lear and Cordelia (King Lear), c1870. Artist: W RidgewayLear and Cordelia (King Lear), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
The Works of Shakspere - The Globe Theatre, Bankside, 1593, c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Queen Isabella and Her Ladies (King Richard II), c1870. Artist: T SherrattQueen Isabella and Her Ladies (King Richard II), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Imogen in the Cave (Cymbeline), c1870. Artist: David DesvachezImogen in the Cave (Cymbeline), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Timon and Flavius (Timon of Athens), c1870. Artist: Charles CousenTimon and Flavius (Timon of Athens), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Autolycus (The Winters Tale), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Christopher Sly (Taming of the Shrew), c1870. Artist: Charles W SharpeChristopher Sly (Taming of the Shrew), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Disarming of Cupid (Sonnet Cliv. ), c1870. Artist: P LightfootDisarming of Cupid (Sonnet Cliv.), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Volumnia Reproaching Brutus and Sicinius (Coriolanus), c1870. Artist: J StephensonVolumnia Reproaching Brutus and Sicinius (Coriolanus), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
The Ladys Tailor (King Henry IV - Second Part), c1870. Artist: Charles W SharpeThe Ladys Tailor (King Henry IV - Second Part), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Falstaff and his Friends (The Merry Wives of Windsor), c1870. Artist: W GreatbatchFalstaff and his Friends (The Merry Wives of Windsor), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Puck and the Fairies. (Midsummer Nights Dream), c1870. Artist: WM LizarePuck and the Fairies. (Midsummer Nights Dream), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
The Works of Shakspere - The Birth-Place of Shakspere (with Garics Jubilee Procession), c1870. From The Works of Shakspere, by Charles Knight. [Virtue & Co. Limited, London, c1870]
Juliet in the Cell of Friar Lawrence, 1867. Artist: Herbert BourneJuliet in the Cell of Friar Lawrence, 1867. After a work by Edward Matthew Ward (1816-1879). From the Imperial Edition of The Works of Shakespere, published by Virtue and Company, London, 1873-76
Flemish Interior, c1915. Artist: Richard BurnierFlemish Interior, c1915. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Meal Time, c1850, (c1915). Artist: John PhillipMeal Time, c1850. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Trees Near Hampstead Church, 1829, (c1915). Artist: John ConstableTrees Near Hampstead Church, 1829, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
A Maid of the Hostel, c1800. Artist: William John WainwrightA Maid of the Hostel, c1800. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Talking Oak (Tennyson), 1857, (c1915). Artist: William Maw EgleyThe Talking Oak (Tennyson), 1857, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Marriage of King George V, 1894, (c1915). Artist: Laurits TuxenThe Marriage of King George V, 1894, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Graces, 1773, (c1915). Artist: Sir Joshua ReynoldsThe Graces, 1773, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Lady Craven, 1778, (c1915). Artist: George RomneyLady Craven, 1778, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
My Mother, 1871, (c1915). Artist: James Abbott McNeill WhistlerMy Mother, 1871, (c1915). Held by the Musee d Orsay, Paris. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Catspaws off the Land, 1885, (c1915). Artist: Henry MooreCatspaws off the Land, 1885, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Inside of a Stable, 1791, (c1915). Artist: George MorlandThe Inside of a Stable, 1791, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Flora, c1515-1517, (c1915). Artist: TitianFlora, c1515-1517, (c1915). Held by the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Dr. Johnson in Ante-Room of Lord Chesterfield, 1748, (c1915). Artist: Edward Matthew WardDr. Johnson in Ante-Room of Lord Chesterfield, 1748, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
London Bridge, 1893, (c1915). Formerly attributed to Richard Parkes Bonington (1802-1828). Held by the British Museum, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
A Musical Party, 1631, (c1915). Artist: Jacob van VelsenA Musical Party, 1631, (c1915). Held by the National Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Berwick Bridge, c1912, (c1915). Artist: David Young CameronBerwick Bridge, c1912, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Violet Field, 1867, (c1915). Artist: Fred WalkerThe Violet Field, 1867, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Blossoms, 1881, (c1915). Artist: Albert MooreBlossoms, 1881, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Print Collector, c1850, (c1915). Artist: Jean Louis Ernest MeissonierThe Print Collector, c1850, (c1915). From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]