The Battle of Love and Chastity, 1504-1523 Artist: PeruginoThe Battle of Love and Chastity, 1504-1523. A combat between the forces of virtue and lust. From the Musee du Louvre, Paris
The Genius of Poetry Finding Burns at the Plough, 1840. Artist: John RogersThe Genius of Poetry Finding Burns at the Plough, 1840. Robert Burns, Scottish poet. Burns (1759-1796) was a pioneer of the Romantic movement
Danejohn Hill, Canterbury, Kent, 1829. Creator: James Baylis AllenDanejohn Hill, Canterbury, Kent, 1829. The Dane John Mound, a former Roman cemetery, was converted into a motte-and-bailey castle in the 11th century
Courtyard of the Tabard Inn, Borough High Street, Southwark, London, 1871. ArtistCourtyard of the Tabard Inn, Borough High Street, Southwark, London, 1871. View with a cart and a horse feeding from a bucket
False Virtue Discovered: The Discovery of Volkert in the Laundry Basket, c1720-1750.
The Discovery of Jan Claasz, c1720-1750. Creator: Cornelis TroostThe Discovery of Jan Claasz, c1720-1750.
Man Offering Money to a Young Woman. Creator: Judith LeysterMan Offering Money to a Young Woman.
"Margaret at the Fountain" by Ary Scheffer"Margaret at the Fountain" by Ary Scheffer, from Sir Richard Wallace's Loan Collection, 1872
The Virtue of Faith, 1817. Creator: George Henry HarlowThe Virtue of Faith, 1817.
Historiated Initial from a Gradual, about 1430-1440. Creator: Master of the CypressesHistoriated Initial from a Gradual, about 1430-1440
Saint Hedwig of Silesia with Duke Ludwig I of Liegnitz and Brieg and Duchess Agnes, 1353
Fortitude, about 1470. Creator: Giovanni BelliniFortitude, about 1470. Additional Info: A young woman with long, curly hair wrestles open the jaws of a lion
The Happy Crowds of the Faithfully Married; Les Visions du chevalier Tondal, 1475
Allegory of Magnanimity, about 1670. Creator: Luca GiordanoAllegory of Magnanimity, about 1670. Additional Info: Magnanimity, or greatness of soul, is the moral virtue of bearing adversity with tranquility and equanimity
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, about 1630. Creator: Guido ReniJoseph and Potiphar's Wife, about 1630. Additional Info: Genesis (39:7-20) tells how Joseph, sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, was bought by Potiphar, captain of Pharaoh's guard
Decorated Text Page with a VD Monogram; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s. Creator: UnknownDecorated Text Page with a VD Monogram; Stammheim Missal, probably 1170s
Lucretia, 1884. Creator: Kaesenberg & OertelLucretia, 1884. Lucretia (died 510 BC), was the wife of Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus. She committed suicide after being raped by Sextus Tarquinius. From "The Illustration", 1884
Hope, c1870s, (1900). Creator: UnknownHope, c1870s, (1900)
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. Creator: Lisaert, Pieter, (IV) (1595-1629/30)The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. Private Collection
The Angels of the Hierarchy - Virtutes, 1873. Creator: Sir Edward Coley Burne-JonesThe Angels of the Hierarchy - Virtutes, 1873. Figure carrying globe and palm-branch in right hand. Stained glass design for Jesus College, Cambridge
Dizzy Gillespie, Barbican, London, 1990. Creator: Brian FoskettDizzy Gillespie, Barbican, London, 1990
Hope (Spes) from the series The Virtues, 1559-60. Creator: Philip GalleHope (Spes) from the series The Virtues, 1559-60
Prudence (Prudentia) from The Virtues, ca. 1559-60. Creator: Philip GallePrudence (Prudentia) from The Virtues, ca. 1559-60
Temperance (Temperancia), 1530. Creator: Lucas van LeydenTemperance (Temperancia), 1530
Allegorical thesis print with various figures, set in an architectural structure, 1608
The Battle of Carberry Hill, 1567, c1742, (1944). Creator: George VertueThe Battle of Carberry Hill, 1567, c1742, (1944)
King Canute the Dane, 1732. Creator: George VertueKing Canutethe Dane, 1732. Portrait of Cnut the Great in an oval frame surmounted by a coat of arms, with runes, flaming torches, swords, arrows and coins
Portrait of a Lady spinning, 1531. Creator: Maerten van HeemskerckPortrait of a Lady spinning, 1531
Wing of a Diptych with the Souls of the Just and a Donor, 1520. Creator: Jan MostaertWing of a Diptych with the Souls of the Just and a Donor, 1520
Hercules, c.1498. Creator: Albrecht DurerHercules, c.1498
King Charles XI's upbringing. Allegory, 1668. Creator: David Klocker EhrenstrahlKing Charles XI's upbringing. Allegory, 1668
The Geisha Umekichi Imploring Nakajima Seibi to Part from Her and Return to His Studies, 1875. Series: The Postal News, No. 463
Going to Church, 1864. Creator: Wilhelm SohnGoing to Church, 1864
Figure studies of a man and a young girl, 1832-1897. Creator: Alexander Ver HuellFigure studies of a man and a young girl, 1832-1897. A man sitting on a chair and a young woman kneeling on a cushion
Faith, Hope, and Charity, 1590. Creator: Jacob MathamFaith, Hope, and Charity, 1590
The Seven Virtues, 1588. Creator: Jacob MathamThe Seven Virtues, 1588. From Mythological Subjects
Diana and Virtus Punish Venus and Bacchus, 1694. Creator: T van MalsenDiana and Virtus Punish Venus and Bacchus, 1694
Allegory of the betrothal of King Karl XI and Queen Ulrika Eleonora, 1692
Caritas Romana. Allegory of Love, 1772. Creator: Carl Gustaf PiloCaritas Romana. Allegory of Love, 1772
The reward of virtue, allegory, 1680. Creator: David Klocker EhrenstrahlThe reward of virtue, allegory, 1680
Virtue and the temple of wisdom, 1752-1819. Creator: Juriaan AndriessenVirtue and the temple of wisdom, 1752-1819. Two symbolic representations
Hercules at the crossroads, 1677-1755. Creator: Elias van NijmegenHercules at the crossroads, 1677-1755. Design for a painting
Self-portrait of Gesina ter Borch in a cartouche, 1660. Creator: Gesina ter BorchSelf-portrait of Gesina ter Borch in a cartouche, 1660. With the coat of arms of the Ter Borchs, and a hymn by Henrik Jordis on the virtues of Gesina
Cimon and Pero, c.1655-c.1657. Creator: Willem DrostCimon and Pero, c.1655-c.1657
A Calligraphic Maxim, Flanked by Tulips, 1667. Creator: Isaac HondiusA Calligraphic Maxim, Flanked by Tulips, 1667
The Choice between Virtue and Passion, 1590-1680. Creator: UnknownThe Choice between Virtue and Passion, 1590-1680
Caritas: Joanna de Geer (1629-1691) with her Children Cecilia Trip (1660-1728) and Laurens Trip (b. 1662), 1662-1669
An Allegory of the Wise and the Foolish Virgins, 1570. Creator: Hans EwoutsAn Allegory of the Wise and the Foolish Virgins, 1570. The Wise Virgins save the oil for their lamps, while the Foolish Virgins waste it
Esquisse pour la mairie de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés : Les Vertus opposées aux VicesEsquisse pour la mairie de Saint-Maur-des-Fosses : Les Vertus opposees aux Vices (Force - Justice), 1883
Esquisse pour la mairie de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés : les Vertus opposées au Vice (Jeunesse)Esquisse pour la mairie de Saint-Maur-des-Fosses : les Vertus opposees au Vice (Jeunesse. Age d'or), 1883. Moral allegories: Virtues and Vices
Shaky Virtue (La vertu chancelante.) Creator: Jean MassardShaky Virtue (La vertu chancelante.)
The Seven Virtues, 1588. Creator: Jacob MathamThe Seven Virtues, 1588
Queen Elizabeth I, 1732. Creator: George VertueQueen Elizabeth I, 1732
The Prima Macchina for the Chinea of 1741: Allegory of Regal Magnificence, 1741
Souvenir de fête à Paris, c.1881. Creator: Jean-Charles CazinSouvenir de fete a Paris, c.1881. Festival in Paris. Allegorical figures on top of a building in course of construction. Labour hands an olive branch to Virtue as Science looks on
Sketch for the town hall of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Val-de-Marne)Sketch for the town hall of Saint-Maur-des-Fosses (Val-de-Marne), 1883. Allegorical figures. Vices: Debauchery, Voluptuousness, Debasement. Virtues: Labour, Fecundity
Una and the lion, after Angelica Kauffman, between 1783 and 1800. Creator: English SchoolUna and the lion, after Angelica Kauffman, between 1783 and 1800
Esquisse pour le salon de la Paix de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris : Hercule entreEsquisse pour le salon de la Paix de l'Hotel de Ville de Paris : Hercule entre le vice et la vertu, between 1852 and 1854
Esquisse pour la salle des mariages de la mairie de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés : Vertus civiquesEsquisse pour la salle des mariages de la mairie de Saint-Maur-des-Fosses : Vertus civiques, 1883
Sketch for the town hall of Saint-Maur-des-Fosses: Virtues opposing Vices (Marriage - Hope), 1883
Yang Xiang (Yo Kyo), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
The Holy Mountain, folio 3 from The Holy Mountain (Monte Sancto di Dio), 1477
Wang Pu (O ho), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Dong Yong (To Ei), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Design for Frontispiece to the Seven Virtues, 1598. Creator: Joannes StradanusDesign for Frontispiece to the Seven Virtues, 1598
Huang Tingjian (Ko Teiken), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Wu Meng (Go Mo), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Zeng Shen (So Shin), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Lu Ji (Riku Seki), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Yu Qianlou (Yu Kinro), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Cai Shun (Sai Jun), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Tanzi (Enshi), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Zhu Shouchang (Shu Jusho), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Guo Ju (Kaku Kyo), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Madame Tang (To Fujin), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Wang Xiang (O Sho), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Jung You (Chu Yu), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Min Ziqian (Bin Shiken), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Ding Lan (Tei Ran), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Emperor Wen of Han (Kan no Buntei), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Meng Zong (Mo So), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50
Shun the Great (Tai Shun), from the series "Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety in China (Morokoshi nijushiko)", c. 1848/50