Skyphos, 100-50 BC. Creator: UnknownSkyphos, 100-50 BC. Cup with a Decorative Handle. Additional Info: One of a pair of skyphoi
Skyphos, 300-250 BC. Creator: UnknownSkyphos, 300-250 BC. Two-Handled Cup. Additional Info: Wine cup, with out-turned rim and curving, facetted, loop handles. Cruciform engraving on the interior; high, profiled foot
Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora; Storage Jar with Herakles Threatening the Centaur Pholos; Black-figured amphora, about 480-470 or 460 B. C. Additional Info: A: Herakles and the centaur Pholos
Attic Red-Figure Cup; Wine Cup with a Singing Reveler; Paleothodoros, Dimitris. Epictetos, Collection D'etudes Classiques
The Eagle Giving the Vessels with the Seven Last Plagues to the Seven Angels; Dyson Perrins Apocalypse, about 1255-1260
Beaker or Lamp, 4th century A.D. Creator: UnknownBeaker or Lamp, 4th century A.D. Additional Info: Free-blown vessel of pale green glass. The body is decorated with a band of dark blue blobs between two incised lines
Vessel with eight handles, 3rd-4th century A.D. Creator: UnknownVessel with eight handles, 3rd-4th century A.D. Additional Info: A free-blown jug of colorless glass with a wide shoulder and flaring lip
Vessel with 13 Handles, 3rd-4th century A.D. Creator: UnknownVessel with 13 Handles, 3rd-4th century A.D. Additional Info: Free-blown vessel of translucent purple glass. It is squat with an applied foot and a wide, flattened rim
Gold Band Pyxis (missing lid), end of 1st century B.C.-beginning of 1st century A.D
Plate, presumably 1st-2nd century A.D. Creator: UnknownPlate, presumably 1st-2nd century A.D. Additional Info: A shallow, round plate of blue-green glass. A pontil mark can be seen on the underside and many large bubbles are present in the glass
Vase in the Shape of a Ram, 2nd century A.D. Creator: UnknownVase in the Shape of a Ram, 2nd century A.D
Lead-Glazed Head Kantharos, 1st century B.C. Creator: LikinniosLead-Glazed Head Kantharos, 1st century B.C. Additional Info: Made in a mold, this vase in the form of a human head depicts Dionysos, the Greek god of wine
Head Vase (Satyr), 2nd-1st century B.C. Creator: UnknownHead Vase (Satyr), 2nd-1st century B.C. Additional Info: A vessel in the shape of a bust of a satyr in yellow-orange clay, covered in red glaze
Lamella and a Fragment of its Case, 3rd century A.D. Creator: UnknownLamella and a Fragment of its Case, 3rd century A.D
Still Life with Ewer, Vessels, and Pomegranate, mid-1640s. Creator: Willem KalfStill Life with Ewer, Vessels, and Pomegranate, mid-1640s
Cameo Glass Skyphos, 25 B.C.-A.D. 25. Creator: UnknownCameo Glass Skyphos, 25 B.C.-A.D. 25
Vessels ashore in Batten Bay, Plymouth Sound, during the late gale, 1865. Creator: UnknownVessels ashore in Batten Bay, Plymouth Sound, during the late gale, 1865
Desert landscape with water carriers, 1919. Creator: Marius BauerDesert landscape with water carriers, 1919
The Colonial Exhibition, Indian section, native industries, 1886. Creator: UnknownThe Colonial Exhibition, Indian section, the native industries in the courtyard of the Indian Palace, 1886. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper Volume 33
Seaport with Anchored Vessels, 1638. Creator: Ercole BazicaluvaSeaport with Anchored Vessels, 1638
Landscape and River with Anchored Vessels, 1638. Creator: Ercole BazicaluvaLandscape and River with Anchored Vessels, 1638
Barques de Cabotage. Creator: Adolphe AppianBarques de Cabotage
Coasting Trade Vessels, Italy, 1874. Creator: Adolphe AppianCoasting Trade Vessels, Italy, 1874
Vases and Ornament, nos. CCCCLX-CCCCLXVIII ("Designs for Various Ornaments)Vases and Ornament, nos. CCCCLX-CCCCLXVIII ("Designs for Various Ornaments, " pl. 69), 1801
Portrait of the Duchess of Buccleugh and Ornament, nos. CCCCXXXII, 433, 435 ("Designs for Various Ornaments, " pl. 66), August 30, 1792
Portrait of the Duke of Northumberland, Vase and Ornamental Frame, no. CCCLXXI ("Designs for Various Ornaments, " pl. 56), July 26, 1792
Candelabra, Vessels and Ornament, nos. 358-369 ("Designs for Various Ornaments, " pl. 54), March 20, 1785
Candelabra, Vessels and Ornament, nos. 358-369 ("Designs for Various Ornaments, " pl. 54), March 20, 1792
Vases and Vessels, nos. 248-254 ("Designs for Various Ornaments)Vases and Vessels, nos. 248-254 ("Designs for Various Ornaments, " pl. 44), July 17, 1782
Vases and Ornament Designs, nos. 200-208 ("Designs for Various Ornaments, " pl. 38), February 29, 1782
Coastal Landscape with Anchored Vessels, 1638. Creator: Ercole BazicaluvaCoastal Landscape with Anchored Vessels, 1638
Three Men, One Bending Over Vessels, n.d. Creator: UnknownThree Men, One Bending Over Vessels, n.d
Original Tabernacle, for Communion Vessels, 1936. Creator: Dayton BrownOriginal Tabernacle, for Communion Vessels, 1936
Altar set, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Jiaqing reign mark and period. Creator: UnknownAltar set, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Jiaqing reign mark and period
Antiquities dug up... in Crock-field near Newington, from Edward Hasted s, The HistoryAntiquities dug up at different times in Crock-field near Newington, from Edward Hasted s, The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, vols. 1-3, 1777-90
The Cape of Good Hope, pub. c1731The Cape of Good Hope, pub. C. 1731 (hand coloured engraving). The Cape of Good Hope showing British and Dutch ships moored with Table Mountain in the background
Island called Ternate in the Moluccas, pub. 1744. Creator: Johann Wolfgang Heydt (flIsland called Ternate in the Moluccas, the coast and Dutch East India Company ships in the 1730s, from a series of views of Batavia Schau-platz von Africa und Ost-Indien, published 1744 (engraving)
Vessels Rayo and Santa Ana with the insignia flag of Admiral Gravina, who took part in the Battle of Trafalgar
Trajans Column, relief representing several boats