Yet in the abyss, that Lucifer with Judas low ingulfs, lightly he placed us, c1890. Antaeus the giant lowers Dante and the Roman poet Virgil to the final level of Hell
Thence issuing we again beheld the stars, c1890. Creator: Gustave DoréThe beautiful lights of heav n dawn d through a circular opening in the cave: thus issuing we again beheld the stars, c1890. Dante and the Roman poet Virgil emerge from Hell, and see the stars
Dante and Virgil in Hell. Artist: Bouguereau, William-Adolphe (1825-1905)Dante and Virgil in Hell. Found in the collection of Musee d Orsay, Paris
Omnia Vincit Amor, 1599. Creator: Agostino CarracciOmnia Vincit Amor, 1599
Dante and Virgil with three-headed monster, 1951. Creator: Shirley MarkhamDante and Virgil with three-headed monster, 1951. Design for illustration to Dantes " Divine Comedy"
Now was the day departing, c1890. Creator: Gustave DoréNow was the day departing, and the air, imbrown d with shadows, from their toils released, c1890. Dante and the Roman poet Virgil
Dido and Aeneas, early 18th century. Creator: Nicolaas VerkoljeDido and Aeneas, early 18th century. Additional Info: The shipwrecked Trojan prince Aeneas, shown on the right, arrives at the court of Dido, the legendary queen and founder of Carthage
Carthage: Aeneas and Achates, 1825. Creator: David Cox the ElderCarthage: Aeneas and Achates, 1825
Dante and Virgil in front of Charon's Boat, 1874. Creator: Vetri, Paolo (1855-1937)Dante and Virgil in front of Charon's Boat, 1874. Found in the Collection of the Galleria d'arte moderna, Palermo
Dido and Aeneas in the cave, 1646. Creator: Bosschaert; Thomas Willeboirts (1613-1654)Dido and Aeneas in the cave, 1646. Found in the Collection of the Sanssouci, Potsdam
Aeneas Fleeing Troy, 1598. Creator: Barocci; Federigo (1528-1612)Aeneas Fleeing Troy, 1598. Found in the Collection of the Galleria Borghese, Rome
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, 1630s. Creator: Jan Brueghel the youngerAeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld, 1630s
Dante and Virgil in the Second Circle of Hell, 1823. Found in the Collection of Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen
Ovid, (43BC- c18AD), 1830. Creator: UnknownOvid, (43BC- c18AD), 1830
That is the ancient soul of wretched Myrrha, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré" That is the ancient soul of wretched Myrrha", he replied, " who burn d with most unholy flame for her own sire, and a false shape assuming, so perform d the deed of sin", c1890
The new overland route to India: the house of Virgil, Brindisi, 1869. Creator: UnknownThe new overland route to India: the house of Virgil, Brindisi, was here...that [Roman poet] Virgil died, when he came back from his visit to Greece
Moeris And Galatea, From Virgil's Eclogues, 1884. Creator: Samuel PalmerMoeris And Galatea, From Virgil's Eclogues, 1884
Lake Fusaro, Southern Italy, the Lethe of Virgil, 1864. Creator: Mason JacksonLake Fusaro, Southern Italy, the Lethe of Virgil, 1864. Engraving from a sketch by M. Mariani
Four Seasons, Winter: Juno beseeches to destroy Aeneas Fleet, 1856-1863. Found in the Collection of the Museu de Arte de S£o Paulo
The Trojans repulsing the Greeks. After Giulio Romano, 1538. Private Collection
Blumauer's Aeneide, 1789. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiBlumauer's Aeneide, 1789. From almanac: Konigl. Grosbritannischer Historischer Genealogischer Calender, 1790
Maro Publius Vergelius, 70-19 BC, unknown date. Creator: AnonMaro Publius Vergelius, 70-19 BC, unknown date
Blumauer's Aeneide, 1789. Creator: Daniel Nikolaus ChodowieckiBlumauer's Aeneide, 1789. Almanac: Konigl. Grosbritannischer Historischer Genealogischer Calender, 1790
The Arrival of Aeneas in Carthage, between 1772 and 1774. Creator: Jean Bernard RestoutThe Arrival of Aeneas in Carthage, between 1772 and 1774
The Departure of Dido and Aeneas for the Hunt, between 1772 and 1774
Aeneas and Dido Fleeing the Storm, between c1772 and c1774. Creator: Jean Bernard RestoutAeneas and Dido Fleeing the Storm, between c1772 and c1774
Aeneas Offering Presents to King Latinus and Asking Him for the Hand of His Daughter, 1778
Venus Ordering Arms from Vulcan for Aeneas (image 1 of 2), 1717. Creator: Jean RestoutVenus Ordering Arms from Vulcan for Aeneas (image 1 of 2), 1717
Camilla at War from Virgil's Aeneid, between 1708 and 1710. Creator: Giacomo del PoCamilla at War from Virgil's Aeneid, between 1708 and 1710
The Fight between Aeneas and King Turnus, from Virgil's Aeneid, c1700
Dido at the stake summoning the gods. Creator: Kauffmann, Angelika (1741-1807)Dido at the stake summoning the gods. Private Collection
Les Bergers de Virgile, 1842. Creator: Honore DaumierLes Bergers de Virgile, 1842. Virgil's Shepherds
Dido and Aeneas, c1630. Creator: Rutilio di Lorenzo ManettiDido and Aeneas, c1630
Dido's Sacrifice to Juno, 1630. Creator: Pieter LastmanDido's Sacrifice to Juno, 1630
Aeneas descends into the underworld. Creator: Philip TidemanAeneas descends into the underworld
Aeneas Crowning Cloanthus, c.1661-c.1663. Creator: Ferdinand BolAeneas Crowning Cloanthus, c.1661-c.1663. Other Title(s): Aeneas at the Court of Latinus
Dido receiving Aeneas and Cupid disguised as Ascanius, 1710. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London
Aeneas and Dido, 1739-1740. Creator: Solimena, Francesco (1657-1747)Aeneas and Dido, 1739-1740. Found in the collection of the Museo di Capodimonte, Naples
Dante and Vergil in the Underworld;Study after a painting by Delacroix, 1894-1932
Virgil, 1665-1668. Creator: Girolamo TroppaVirgil, 1665-1668
The Apotheosis of Aeneas, 1615-1618. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678)The Apotheosis of Aeneas, 1615-1618. Found in the collection of the Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
Two Studies of Virgil, c. 1812 and c. 1825. Creator: Jean-Auguste-Dominique IngresTwo Studies of Virgil, c. 1812 and c. 1825
The Death of Dido, First third of 17th cenThe Death of Dido, First third of 17th. Private Collection
Aeneas and Dido, 17th century. Creator: Pasinelli, Lorenzo (1629-1700)Aeneas and Dido, 17th century. Found in the collection of the Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw
The Roman Courtesan (The Revenge of the Magician Virgil), c. 1520/1526
The Roman Courtesan (The Revenge of the Magician Virgil), c. 1520/1530
Dante Swoons before the Soaring Souls of Paolo and Francesca, Virgil at his Side, c.1818
Poet's Pitcher, 1875/86. Creator: Union Porcelain WorksPoet's Pitcher, 1875/86. Parian ware jug with relief design featuring poets in profile: Dante, Shakespeare, Ossian, Milton, Virgil and Homer. Designed by Karl L. H. Muller
Virgil Reading the "Aeneid"to Augustus, Octavia, and Livia, 1790 / 93Virgil Reading the " Aeneid" to Augustus, Octavia, and Livia, 1790/93
Les Voluptueux, 1889. Creator: Prouve, Victor (1858-1943)Les Voluptueux, 1889. Found in the Collection of the Musee des Beaux-Arts, Nancy
John Milton, Age 21, 1747. Creator: George VertueJohn Milton, Age 21, 1747
The Courtesan Punished, from The Story of the Magician Virgil. Creator: Georg PenczThe Courtesan Punished, from The Story of the Magician Virgil
Dido burning herself at the stake. Creator: Elliger, Ottmar (Ottomar)Dido burning herself at the stake. Found in the collection of State Open-air Museum Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg
Neptune calming the Tempest Aeolus raised against the Fleet of Aeneas, 1531-76
Aeneas rescuing Anchises, a young boy carrying a lantern at left, ca. 1525. ca. 1525Aeneas rescuing Anchises, a young boy carrying a lantern at left, ca. 1525
Virgil reading from the "Aeneid", 1864. Creator: IngresVirgil reading from the " Aeneid", 1864. Private Collection
The Pastorals of Virgil, 1821. Creator: William BlakeThe Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
On Homers Poetry (and) On Virgil, 1822. Creator: William BlakeOn Homers Poetry (and) On Virgil, 1822
Dante and Virgil (Dante et Virgile), 1858. Creator: Jean-Baptiste-Camille CorotDante and Virgil (Dante et Virgile), 1858
The Circle of the Falsifiers: Dante and Virgil Covering their Noses because of the stench, 1827
Laocoon, c. 1610 / 1614. Creator: El GrecoLaocoon, c. 1610/1614
Sabrinas Silvery Flood, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Thenot Under a Fruit Tree, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Shepherd Chases Away a Wolf, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Blasted Trees and Flattened Crops, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Thenot and Colinet Lead Their Flocks Together, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Boy Returning Joyfully, with Plough and Oxen, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Unyok d Heifers, Loitering Homeward, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Thenot and Colinet Eat Their Evening Meal, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Menalcus Watching Women Dance, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Colinet Mocked by Two Boys, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
A Rolling Stone Is Ever Bare of Moss, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Colinets Journey: Milestone Marked LXII Miles to London, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Thenot Remonstrates with Colinet, Lightfoot in the Background, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Thenot Remonstrates With Colinet, from Thorntons Pastorals of Virgil, 1821
Entellus and Dares fighting in front of classical ruins, 1520-25. Creator: Marco DenteEntellus and Dares fighting in front of classical ruins, 1520-25
The Poet Virgil in a Basket, 1512. Creator: Lucas van LeydenThe Poet Virgil in a Basket, 1512
Sinon Deceiving the Trojans, mid-1540 s. Creator: Giorgio GhisiSinon Deceiving the Trojans, mid-1540 s. After Giovanni Battista Scultori
Frontispiece: Virgil, Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera, 1641. Creator: Claude MellanFrontispiece: Virgil, Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera, 1641. After Nicolas Poussin