Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena preparing themselves for the contest of beauty before Paris; from Recueil d estampes d apres les plus beaux tableaux et d apres les plus beaux desseins qui sont en France
A panel of ornament with putti, goat and other figures, 1530-60
A panel of ornament with a woman holding a vase in centre, 1532
A panel of ornament, putti standing on cornucopia in lower section, 1530-60
A panel of ornament with a large jar in centre, putti and other figures, 1530-60
A panel of ornament with a putto in the centre holding a windmill, 1532
The coronation of the Virgin, Christ holding the crown over her head, God the Father blessing above, 1532
The Assumption of the Virgin, below the apostles surround the tomb, 1530-60
Venus and Vulcan at the Forge, ca. 1555. Creator: Giorgio GhisiVenus and Vulcan at the Forge, ca. 1555. After Perino del Vaga
Venus and Vulcan Seated on a Bed and Three Putti, mid-1550s. Creator: Giorgio GhisiVenus and Vulcan Seated on a Bed and Three Putti, mid-1550s. After Perino del Vaga
Combat between Amazons and men in front of architectural arcades, an oval composition with weapons, headgear, and bodies strewn along the bottom margin, 1543. Possibly after Perino del Vaga
Neptune Between Two Sea Horses, ca. 1560-80. Creator: UnknownNeptune Between Two Sea Horses, ca. 1560-80. Formerly attributed to Giorgio Ghisi. After Perino del Vaga
The Triumph of Bacchus, 16th century. Creator: UnknownThe Triumph of Bacchus, 16th century. Formerly attributed to Giorgio Ghisi. After Perino del Vaga
Thetis Standing with Two Tritons. Creator: UnknownThetis Standing with Two Tritons. Formerly attributed to Giorgio Ghisi. After Perino del Vaga
Thetis Seated with a Triton, 16th century. Creator: UnknownThetis Seated with a Triton, 16th century. Formerly attributed to Giorgio Ghisi. After Perino del Vaga
Neptune Seated Blowing a Conch Shell, 16th century. Creator: UnknownNeptune Seated Blowing a Conch Shell, 16th century. Formerly attributed to Giorgio Ghisi. After Perino del Vaga
De dissectione partium corporis humani libri tres, 1545
Christ healing the paralytic, 1540-50. 1540-50. Creator: Niccolo VicentinoChrist healing the paralytic, 1540-50
Saints Peter and John Healing a Cripple at the Gate of the Temple, 1501-47
Two Standing Male Figures, 1501-47. Creator: Perino del VagaTwo Standing Male Figures, 1501-47
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saint Anthony Abbot, Saint Peter, Saint Paul... 1522-23Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saint Anthony Abbot, Saint Peter, Saint Paul, Saint Julian the Hospitaler, Saint Roch, and Saint Mary Magdalen?, 1522-23
Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple (below), Abraham about to Sacrifice Isaac (above), 1520
Jupiter Appearing to Semele, 1501-47. Creator: Perino del VagaJupiter Appearing to Semele, 1501-47
Jupiter and Juno: Study for the Furti di Giove Tapestries, ca. 1532-35
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, ca. 1524-26
Designs for grotesque friezes, 16th century, (1881). Creator: UnknownDesigns for grotesque friezes, 16th century, (1881). Three proposals for architectural ornament, school of Perino del Vaga, Italy. Woodcut after drawings made in Italy, early-mid 16th century
Design for the decoration of a niche, late 16th century, (1881). Creator: UnknownDesign for the decoration of a niche, late 16th century, (1881)
Design for a wall or ceiling decoration in the grotesque taste, 16th century, (1881). Renaissance design for architectural ornament
Venus, putti and a wild Boar, c. 1520-1540. Artist: Perino del VagaVenus, putti and a wild Boar, c.1520-1540. Perino del Vaga (1501-1547). Found in the collection of the State A. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Decoration of a wall over an entrance arch with a Prophet and two Puttos, c1525. Perino del Vaga (1501-1547). Found in the collection of the State A. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Project for a Wall Decoration of a vault, 16th century. Artist: Perino del VagaProject for a Wall Decoration of a vault, 16th century
St Pierre and St Paul, 16th century. Artist: Perino del VagaSt Pierre and St Paul, 16th century