Woman Digging Clams; from the series Five Pictures of Low Tide, late 1820s. CreatorWoman Digging Clams; from the series Five Pictures of Low Tide, late 1820s
Woman with an Octopus; from the series Five Pictures of Low Tide, late 1820s. CreatorWoman with an Octopus; from the series Five Pictures of Low Tide, late 1820s
Woman Fastening her Skirts; from the series Five Pictures of Low Tide, late 1820s
Rori Hakucho Chojun (from the series 108 Heroes of the Novel Shui Hu Chuan), late 1820s
New Yoshiwara (Shin Yoshiwara), from the series Famous Places in the Eastern Capital, early 1830s. In this dramatic night scene, Kuniyoshi emphasized the moon and its huge glowing halo
Woman Beside an Anchor; from the series Five Pictures of Low Tide, late 1820s. CreatorWoman Beside an Anchor; from the series Five Pictures of Low Tide, late 1820s
Woman and Child; from the series Five Pictures of Low Tide, late 1820s
Omori, from the series Famous Places in the Eastern Capital, early 1830s. CreatorOmori, from the series Famous Places in the Eastern Capital, early 1830s
Odawara Station: Minamoto Yoritomo Visits the Daughter of Ito Nyudo... mid 1840sOdawara Station: Minamoto Yoritomo Visits the Daughter of Ito Nyudo (from the series Fifty-three Paired Illustrations for the Tokaido), mid 1840s
Daikoku and Ebisu, Two of the Seven Gods of Happiness
Geisha Standing on the Bank of the Sumida River... early 1830s. Creator: Utagawa KuniyoshiGeisha Standing on the Bank of the Sumida River (from the series People Who Like the Latest Fashions and Manners), early 1830s