Incidents of the Easter Volunteer Review, 1870. Creator: UnknownIncidents of the Easter Volunteer Review, 1870. British soldiers take part in an annual event near Brighton: a '...sham fight on Easter Monday
The Guards' Band in St. James's Park, 1870. Creator: Joseph SwainThe Guards' Band in St. James's Park, [London], 1870. '...the tramp of magnificently-drilled soldiers is heard approaching@; the Guards are coming to play on the Parade
Visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Ireland: Royal Procession...College-Green... 1868. Creator: UnknownVisit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Ireland: the Royal Procession passing College-Green, Dublin, 1868. 'The carriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales was escorted by a troop of the 10th
A Sketch in the Streets of London, 1858. Creator: UnknownA Sketch in the Streets of London, 1858. Engraving...from a Sketch of M. Louis Bulewski...of a very curious specimen of English nomads...We do not know how better to describe their general costume
Fire-Plug, 1858. Creator: UnknownFire-Plug [fire hydrant], 1858. A cry of fire has been raised. The water bailiff has promptly turned on the water, and from one of the fireplugs gushes a mass of water
Urchins Looking at a Lady Lifting Her Skirt, c1859. Creator: John McLenanUrchins Looking at a Lady Lifting Her Skirt, c1859
Street scene in an Italian city, 1865-1892. Creator: Nicolaes van der WaayStreet scene in an Italian city, 1865-1892
Boy secretly takes a puff of a cigar held by a man looking at sheet music, c.1900-c.1950. Creator: MatBoy secretly takes a puff of a cigar held by a man looking at sheet music, c.1900-c.1950. A Quiet Draw - barefoot street urchin on an accordion and bowler-hatted man
The close of a career in New York, between 1900 and 1906. Creator: Byron CompanyThe close of a career in New York, between 1900 and 1906
Two poor boys, late 1800s/turn of the century. Creator: UnknownTwo poor boys, late 1800s/turn of the century
The Urchin, 1861-62. Creator: Edouard ManetThe Urchin, 1861-62
The Urchin, 1868. Creator: Edouard ManetThe Urchin, 1868
Field Lane Ragged School, Smithfield, City of London, 1850. Artist: George CruikshankField Lane Ragged School, Smithfield, City of London, 1850. Interior view of the Field Lane Ragged School showing adults attempting to teach a group of disorderly children
Sunday morning on the ground of the Farringdon Street extension, Field Lane, City of London, 1865
A Taylor riding to Brentford, 1786. Artist: TS StaynerA Taylor riding to Brentford, 1786. A nervous man, with Rules for bad horsemen in his pocket, rides to Brentford, Hounslow. Two stable lads standing in a doorway laugh at him
Light your Honor Coach unhired; scene at Covent Garden piazza, Cries of London, 1811Light your Honor Coach unhired ; scene at Covent Garden piazza. An officer escorts a young lady who is followed by her mother
The Old Musician, 1862. Artist: Edouard ManetThe Old Musician, 1862. The painting is part of the Chester Dale Collection, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. From Masterpieces of Painting, edited by Huntington Cairns and John Walker
Brown and Gold, Lillie In Our Alley, 1896 (1904). Artist: James Abbott McNeill WhistlerBrown and Gold, Lillie In Our Alley, 1896 (1904). Lillie Pamington a child model found by James McNeill Whistler on the streets of London. From Whistler As I Knew Him, by Mortimer Menpes
On the Wall, Vollendam, 1898. Artist: Nico JungmannOn the Wall, Vollendam, 1898. Plate taken from The Studio magazine, volume 13, no 59 (London, 15th February 1898)
The Stage-Coach of the Last Century, 1855. An 18th-century mode of transport. A print from The Illustrated London News, (14 July 1855)
Dr. Birch and His Young Friends, 1880. Artist: Joseph SwainDr. Birch and His Young Friends, 1880. Sir William Harcourt, the Liberal Home Secretary, prepares a birch labelled Juvenile Offenders Act
A Legend of Camelot. Part 1, 1866. Artist: George du MaurierA Legend of Camelot. Part 1, 1866. A woman walks along the street with her extremely long hair wrapped and billowing around her
John Bulls Neutrality, 1863. Artist: John TennielJohn Bulls Neutrality, 1863. Look Here, Boys, I Don t Care Twopence For Your Noise, But If You Throw Stones At My Windows, I Must Thrash You Both
Utility Combined with Elegance, 1858. Artist: Captain HR HowardUtility Combined with Elegance, 1858. This cartoon is one of very many in Punch during the mid-Victorian period which satirise womens fashions