The decree of Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881) to the Emancipation of the serfs, 1861. Found in the collection of Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA)
The edict of the Tsar Michail I Fyodorovich of Russia (1596-1645), 1625. Found in the collection of Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents (RGADA)
The edict of the Tsar Alexis I Mikhailovich of Russia (1629-1676), 1650. Found in the collection of Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents (RGADA)
The edict of the Tsar Boris Godunov, 1601. Found in the collection of State Open-air Museum of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, Sergyev Possad
The edict of the Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible (1530-1584), 1497. Found in the collection of Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents (RGADA)
The edict of Empress Anna Ioannovna (1693-1740), 1733. Found in the collection of Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents (RGADA)
Act of Succession of the Emperor Paul I of Russia (1754-1801), November 6, 1796, 1796. Private Collection
The Peter I edict on the introduction of the Julian calendar in Russia, 1699. Found in the collection of State History Museum, Moscow
Reading an edict. Artist: Vasnetsov, Appolinari Mikhaylovich (1856-1933)Reading an edict. Found in the collection of the Regional I. Kramskoi Art Museum, Voronezh
An edict are written, 1890. Artist: Karelin, Andrei Andreevich (1866-1928)An edict are written, 1890. Found in the collection of the State Art Museum, Dnepropetrovsk