Hunters Driving a Wild Boar into a Pit; Livre de la Chasse, about 1430-1440
A Wolf Attracted with Bait to a Covered Pit; Livre de la Chasse, about 1430-1440
The Giant Pike, 1904. Creator: Akseli Gallen-KallelaThe Giant Pike, 1904
The Bird Trap, mid-late 19th century. Creator: Randolph CaldecottThe Bird Trap, mid-late 19th century. Winter farmyard scene, a man and child are trapping birds in a snowy field
Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals)Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals, birds and fish). Plate 68. Trapping warblers, 1596
Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals)Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals, birds and fish). Plate 66: Trapping ducks, 1596
Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals)Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals, birds and fish). Plate 85. Catching swallows from the rooftops using discs, 1596
Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals)Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals, birds and fish). Plate 69. Quail and rabbit hunt, 1596
Burford's Panorama of the Polar Regions - The "Investigator" Snow-Walled in for Winter, 1850
Holiday trappings, c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisHoliday trappings, c1910. Cayuse woman on horseback, wearing beaded buckskin dress; horse has long fringe and beaded trappings, Oregon
Horie and Nekozane, from the series "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo (Meisho Edo hyakkei)", 1856
Hampstead Heath - The Bird Trap, 1845. Creator: William James MullerHampstead Heath - The Bird Trap, 1845
Trapping in the Adirondacks (Every Saturday, Vol. I, New Series), October 24, 1870
Henry the Fowler being offered the crown while trapping birds, (1900), (1936). CreatorHenry the Fowler being offered the crown while trapping birds, (1900), (1936). Heinrich Dem Vogler Wird Die Deutsche Konigskrone Dargebracht, 919 AD
Dr. Atkinson and Clissold Hauling Up The Fish-Trap, 28 May 1911, (1913). ArtistDr. Atkinson and Clissold Hauling Up The Fish-Trap, (photographed in the midst of the long winter night by flashlight, in a temperature 40 degrees below zero Fah.), 28 May 1911, (1913)
She caused the rock to shut down, 1905. Artist: Dora CurtisShe caused the rock to shut down, 1905. Vivien turns on her own master, Merlin, tricking him to enter the rock which she then closes on him
The Escaped Macaw, (1925)The Escaped Macaw. After an original tempera Painting By Harry Morley (1881-1943). From The Studio Volume 89 [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1925]
Khoikhois trapping antelope, South Africa, 18th century (1931). Plate taken from Historic Farms of South Africa, by Dorothea Fairbridge, published by Oxford University Press (London, 1931)