Napoleon I crowns himself King of Italy in 1805, (c1900). French advertising for Liebigs extract of meat
The United States frigate Constellation with relief stores for Irish distressThe United States war frigate Constellation with relief stores for Irish distress off Haulbowline, in Cork Harbour, 1880
The town of Bathurst, New Brunswick - from a photograph by E. J. Russell, of Bathurst, 1860
War Garden: Vigo County Canning Clubs, between 1910 and 1920
Mrs. Frank P. Brown, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1st prize winner of canned vegetables, Aug. 191[?]
War Garden Commission, between 1910 and 1920
War Garden, between 1910 and 1920
A Mobile Canning Van Given By the U.S.A. 1943. Creator: UnknownA Mobile Canning Van Given By the U.S.A. 1943. British women contribute to the war effort. From "Women's Institutes, by Cicely McCall. [Collins, London, 1943]
Farm Security Administration (FSA) distributing stationThe commodities on the counter represent two weeks allotment for four people
Display of home-canned food, between 1941 and 1945. Creator: UnknownDisplay of home-canned food. Photo shows jars of yellow squash, peas, beets, and other vegetables
Wife of Jim Norris with canned goods, Pie Town, New Mexico, 1940. Creator: Russell LeeWife of Jim Norris with canned goods, Pie Town, New Mexico
Mr. J. Benjamin, a store owner, Washington, D. C. 1942. Creator: Gordon ParksWashington, D.C. Mr. J. Benjamin, a store owner
Interior of the grocery store patronized by MrsWashington, D.C. Interior of the grocery store patronized by Mrs. Ella Watson, a government charwoman
Young mother, aged twenty-two, has one little girl three years old. Merrill, Klamath County, Oregon. In mobile unit of FSA (Farm Security Administration) camp. New baby expected in December
Grocery store owned by Mr. J. BenjaminWashington, D.C. Grocery store owned by Mr. J. Benjamin, on Saturday afternoon
Oyster can used by H. B. Kennerly & Son, Inc. 1935-1950. Creator: UnknownAn eight ounce tin can for the Maryland House brand of oysters distributed by H. B. Kennerly & Son, Inc. The can is white with red and black text
The Crowning of Victoria, Queen of England in 1837, (c1900). French advertising for Liebigs extract of meat
Shop-dressing, Technical Institute for the Distributive Trades, London, 1939Shop-dressing, Technical Institute for the Distributive Trades, 107 Charing Cross Road, London, 1939. Displays of groceries on a counter and on shelves within a classroom
New metric system of selling bacon, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1966. A customer look bewildered as the new metric sytem is explained to her at Cranshaws Store in Stocksbridge
Food hamper, 1967. Artist: Michael WaltersFood hamper, 1967. Commissioned by the Danish Bacon Company, this photograph for a press ad shows many period products from the late 1960s, many of which have changed little to this day
Batchelors Garden Peas tin, 1963. Artist: Michael WaltersBatchelors Garden Peas tin, 1963. A product image from 1963 showing the tin and label of the time
Batchelors Peas tin, 1963. Artist: Michael WaltersBatchelors Peas tin, 1963. A product image from 1963 showing the tin and label of the time, with the simple slogan Taste how sweet!
Barnsley Co-op, butchery department, 1957. Artist: Michael WaltersButchers department, Barnsley Co-op, South Yorkshire, 1957. The meat counter shows a varied selection of continental style salamis, whilst the shelves are stocked with a variety of tinned products
Shopkeeper unpacking canned gammon joints, Mexborough, South Yorkshire, 1963. ArtistShopkeeper unpacking canned gammon joints, Mexborough, South Yorkshire, 1963. The meat has just been imported from Denmark by the Danish Bacon Company
Dairy Farm tinned Irish Stew, 1968. Artist: Michael WaltersDairy Farm tinned Irish Stew, 1968
The W. V. S. Did Many Jobs. Here is a WThe W.V.S. Did Many Jobs. Here is a W.V.S. woman managing a field kitchen, c1941 (1942). From Frontline 1940-1941. [His Majestys Stationery Office, London, 1942]
Advert for Smedleys tinned fruit, 1936. A print from Tit-Bits, summer, 1936
Joseph Joachim and Hans von Bulow, c1900. Musicians Joseph Joachim (1831-1907) and Hans von Bulow (1830-1894). French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Anton Rubinstein and August Wilhelmj, c1900. Musicians Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894) and August Wilhelmj (1845-1908). French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Pablo de Sarasate and Franz Liszt, c1900. Musicians Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908) and Franz Liszt (1811-1886). French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Nicolo Paganini and Frederic Chopin, c1900. Musicians Nicolo Paganini (1782-1840) and Frederic Chopin (1810-1849). French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, c1900. German poets of the 18th and 19th century. French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Voltaire and Victor Hugo, c1900. French poets of the 18th and 19th century. French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
William Shakespeare and Lord Bryron, c1900. English poets of the 16th and 19th century. French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Dante Allighieri and Torquato Tasso, c1900. Italian poets of the 14th and 16th century. French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Hans Christian Anderson and Henrik Ibsen, c1900. Scandinavian poets of the 19th century. French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and Pedro Calderon De La Barca, c1900. Spanish poets of the 16th and 17th centuries. French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Potters in antiquity, c1900. Fire in the artistic industry, French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Chinese ceramics, c1900. Fire in the artistic industry, French advertising for Liebig Meat Extract
Painting on glass in the 12th century, (c1900). Fire in the artistic industry, French advertising for Liebig Meat Extract
Painting with enamels in the 17th century, (c1900). Fire in the artistic industry, French advertising for Liebig Meat Extract
Glassmakers in the 14th century, (c1900). Fire in the artistic industry, French advertising for Liebig Meat Extract
Episodes of the Life of Famous Painters: Rembrandt, (c1900). French advertisement for Liebigs Meat Extract
A Shop in Klondyke, c1900. French advertising for Liebigs extract of meat
The Crowning of Charlemagne in Rome 800, (c1900). French advertising for Liebig, extract of meat, c1900
Louis of Bavaria Crowned Emperor of Rome in 1328, (c1900). French advertising for Liebigs extract of meat
The Crowning of Catherine II, Empress of Russia in 1762, (c1900). French advertising for Liebigs extract of meat
The Crowning of Maria Theresa of Austria in 1740, (c1900). French advertising for Liebigs extract of meat
The dying Mozart listening to the performance of his Requiem, 1791, (c1900). Mozart (1756-1791) just before his death, listening to the performance of the Requiem, his last work
Hindu theatre on the backs of Elephants, c1900. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
The Elephant as postman, c1900. Elephant delivering letters in India. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
The Elephant on a tiger hunt, c1900. Hunting tigers in India during the British Raj period. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
The Elephant at Work, c1900. Elephants used as beasts of burden in India. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
The Elephants of Pyrrhus, c1900. Scene from a battle between Pyrrhus (318-272 BC) and the Romans. The term Pyrrhic victory originates from one of his battles
The Elephant as draught animal, c1900. Elephants used to pull carts in India. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
History of Paper: 4, c1900. The paper trade at Samarkand (Turkestan). French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
History of Paper: 6, c1900. Manufacture of roll-fed paper. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
History of Paper: 5, c1900History of Paper, c1900. Making flax paper in France. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
History of Paper: 3, c1900History of Paper, c1900. The library of Alexandria, c300 BC. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
History of Paper: 1, c1900. Utilising a leaf from a palm tree. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
The Death of Wallenstein by Friedrich Schiller (1759-1809), (c1900). Act 3, Scene 15: Wallenstein says he knows Mercy well. From a series of Famous Tragedies
Athalie by Jean Racine (1639-1699), (c1900). Act 4, Scene 5: Joad asks Queen Athalie if she knows the heir of the holiest of monarchs. From a series of Famous Tragedies
Philip II by Vittorio Alfieri (1749-1803), (c1900). Act V: Philip tells Carlos to choose between the dagger or poison. From a series of Famous Tragedies
King Lear by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), (c1900). Act 4: Lears Men of stone speech, with Cordelia dead in his arms. From a series of Famous Tragedies
Nora (A Dolls House) by Henrik Ibsen, c1900. Act 3: Nora tells Helmer she wants to leave him. He leaps up and asks: What? What are you saying? From a series of Famous Tragedies
Life Is A Dream by Calderon de la Barca (1600-1681), (c1900). Act 3, Scene 3: The King throws himself at Segismundos feet who exhorts him to rise and take his hand. From a series of Famous Tragedies
Manufacture of porcelain in the 18th century, (c1900). Fire in the Artistic Industry. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
Episodes of the Life of Famous Painters: Rubens, (c1900). Rubens (1577-1640) leading his first wife Isabelle Brant into his palace at Antwerp, 1 November 1609
Episodes of the Life of Famous Painters: Hans Holbein, (c1900). The queen and her lady-in-waiting wish to be painted in Greek costume by Holbein (1497-1543), without being recognised
Episodes of the Life of Famous Painters: Raphael, (c1900). Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520) joins Pope Giulio II in admiring the statue of Apollo di Belvedere, recently discovered
Episodes of the Life of Famous Painters: Michelangelo, (c1900). Torrigiano, a jealous fellow student, breaks Michelangelos (1475-1564) nose
Episodes of the Life of Famous Painters: Durer, (c1900). Procession in honour of Durer (1471-1528). Durer shows his masterpiece. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
Renaissance Art in Italy: Leonardo da Vinci, (c1900). Da Vinci (1452-1519) showing his fresco of The Last Supper to Ludovico Sforza (The Moor) duke of Milan
Renaissance Art in Italy: Michelangelo, (c1900). Michelangelo (1475-1564) shows Pope Julius II his colossal sculpture of Moses. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
Renaissance Art in Italy: Titian, (c1900). Tizano Vecellio (1487-1576) working on his equestrian portrait of Charles V drops his paintbrush, which the Emperor himself picks up immediately
Renaissance Art in Italy: Antonio Allegri, (c1900). Correggio (c1489-1534), born Antonio Allegri, completing his famous work The Holy Night in front of amazed pupils
Renaissance Art in Italy: Benvenuto Cellini, (c1900). Cellini (1500-1571) presents the famous saltcellar to the King of France, Francis I. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
Renaissance Art in Italy: Raphael, (c1900). Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520) working on his portrait of Pope Leo X and Cardinals Giulio de Medici and Rossi. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
At a shoemakers in Turkey, c1900. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat
A tea caravan in Asia, c1900. French advertisement for Liebigs extract of meat