The War in Abyssinia: the British camp at Attala, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe War in Abyssinia: the British camp at Attala, 1868. Engraving of '...a sketch by Major Leveson, of the British camp at Attala, near Lake Ashangi
The British Expedition to Abyssinia: the intrenched position of Adigerat, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe British Expedition to Abyssinia: the intrenched position of Adigerat, 1868. British army camp in Ethiopia. 'This about forty miles from Senafe
The British Expedition to Abyssinia: march of the army past Lake Ashangi, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe British Expedition to Abyssinia: march of the army past Lake Ashangi, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by '...our Correspondent
The British Expedition to Abyssinia: Lake Ashangi from the Antalo Road, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe British Expedition to Abyssinia: Lake Ashangi from the Antalo Road, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by '...our Correspondent, the Staff Officer'
The Abyssinian Expedition: woman grinding corn in Tigre, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: woman grinding corn in Tigre, 1868. '...a woman grinding some kind of grain, in a house visited by our Special Artist, in the province of Tigre [in Ethiopia]
The Abyssinian Expedition: village under the Antalo Amba, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: village under the Antalo Amba, 1868. View of '...the scenery in the neighbourhood of Adowa, with the "Amba" or hill-fort
The Abyssinian Expedition: view of Antalo, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: view of Antalo, [Ethiopia], 1868. View '...sketched from a point half way up the hill surmounted by the "Amba" [steep-sided, flat-topped mountain]
The Abyssinian Expedition: view from the fortified post of Adigerat, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: view from the fortified post of Adigerat, 1868. '...a landscape view, taken from the fortified [British Army] post which has been formed at Adigerat
The Expedition to Abyssinia: meeting of the Prince of Tigre with Sir Robert Napier, 1868. Creator: C. RThe Expedition to Abyssinia: meeting of the Prince of Tigre with Sir Robert Napier, near Ad-Abaga, 1868. 'the army of Tigre...numbered about 4000 men, who moved in a long
The Abyssinian Expedition: camp of General Sir R. Napier at Ad-Abaga, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: camp of General Sir R. Napier at Ad-Abaga, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. G. A. Henty, of British troops in '...Harimat
The Abyssinian Expedition: General Sir Robert Napier's camp at Adigerat, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: General Sir Robert Napier's camp at Adigerat, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by 'Count Seckendorff, a distinguished officer of the Guards in the Prussian Army
The Abyssinian Expedition: arrival at Adigerat of an ambassador from Kassai, King of Tigre, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: arrival at Adigerat of an ambassador from Kassai, King of Tigre, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Mr. G. A. Henty, (war correspondent)
The Abyssinian Expedition: Adowa, from the road to Axum, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: Adowa, from the road to Axum, 1868. 'Adowa, or Adwa, the chief town of Tigre [Tigray, Ethiopia]...contains nearly 10, 000 inhabitants
The Abyssinian Expedition: a native ploughing in the province of Tigre, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: a native ploughing in the province of Tigre, 1868. Illustration of '...the plough used by a husbandman in that country [ie Ethiopia]
The Abyssinian Expedition: a sketch in the town of Adigerat, 1868. Creator: UnknownThe Abyssinian Expedition: a sketch in the town of Adigerat, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by 'Count Seckendorff, a distinguished officer of the Guards in the Prussian Army
Abyssinia, showing the route of the British forces, 1868. Creator: John DowerAbyssinia, showing the route of the British forces, 1868. 'A map of Abyssinia, showing the whole route of the British army, under General Sir Robert Napier, from its landing-place at Zulla
Abyssinian portraits, 1848. Walda Kyros, born in the south of Ethiopia and a native of Shoa, and Gabra Eugziabher, a native of Adowa in Tigray, northern Ethiopia