Le coiffeur, 1893. Creator: Henri de Toulouse-LautrecLe coiffeur, 1893
Rehearsal of the Serenade by Jean Jullien, at the Theatre Libre, 1889
Fourth Performance: Le Devoir, for Le Theatre Libre, 1892-93
First Performance: Le Grappin, l Affranchie, for Le Theatre Libre, 1892-93
Third Performance: A Bas le progres!, Mademoiselle Julie, Le Menage Bresile, for Le Theatre Libre, 1892-93
Second Performance: Les Fossiles, for Le Theatre Libre, 1892-93
Fifth Performance: Mirages, for Le Theatre Libre, 1892-93
Eighth Performance: La Belle au bois revant, Mariage d argent, Ahasvere, for Le Theatre Libre, 1892-93
Seventh Performance: Les Tisserands, for Le Theatre Libre, 1892-93
Sixth Performance: Boubourouche;Valet de CoeurSixth Performance: Boubourouche; Valet de Coeur, for Le Theatre Libre, 1892-93
Menages d artistes;Le Maitre, 1890. Creator: George AuriolMenages d artistes; Le Maitre, 1890
La Fille d Artaban;La Nebuleuse;Dialogue inconnu, 1896. Creator: Louis AnquetinLa Fille d Artaban; La Nebuleuse; Dialogue inconnu, 1896
Le Theatre Libre: La Fumee, puis la Flamme, 24 October 1895. [Theatre Libre: Smoke, then Fire]
Le Theatre Libre: La Fumee, puis la Flamme, 1895. [Theatre Libre: Smoke, then Fire]
The Hairdresser - Program for the Theatre-Libre (Le coiffeur - Programme du ThéThe Hairdresser - Program for the Theatre-Libre (Le coiffeur - Programme du Theatre-Libre), 1893
Cover of a programme of the Theatre Libre, 1890. Creator: Vuillard, EdouardCover of a programme of the Theatre Libre, 1890. Private Collection
Le Coiffeur - Programme de Theatre Libre, 1893. Creator: Toulouse-LautrecLe Coiffeur - Programme de Theatre Libre, 1893. Private Collection