Shoeing, 1844, (1938). Artist: Edwin Henry LandseerShoeing, 1844. Painting held at the Tate Britain, London. From World-Famous Paintings edited by J. Greig Pirie [W. & G. Foyle, Ltd, London, 1938.]
Between Two Fires, c1892, (1938). Artist: Francis Davis MilletBetween Two Fires, c1892. Painting held at the Tate Britain, London. From World-Famous Paintings edited by J. Greig Pirie [W. & G. Foyle, Ltd, London, 1938.]
A First Rate Taking in Stores, 1818. Artist: JMW TurnerA First Rate Taking in Stores, 1818. Painting held at the Tate, London. From The Studio Volume 120 [The Studio Ltd. London & New York, 1940]
The Vigil, c1884, (1938). Artist: John PettieThe Vigil, c1884. The Vigil of Arms was one of the religious exercises, which in the Middle Ages preceded the conferment of knighthood
Portsmouth, c1824-5, (1905). Artist: JMW TurnerPortsmouth, c1824-5. Painting held in the Tate, London. From The Connoisseur 1905 [Otto Limited, London, 1905.]
The Bath of Psyche, c1890. Painting held in the Tate Britain, London. From Penroses Pictorial Annual 1903-4, edited by William Gamble. [A. W. Penrose & Co. London, 1903-4]
King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid, 1884, (1911). Artist: Sir Edward Coley Burne-JonesKing Cophetua and the Beggar Maid, 1884, 1911. Painting held at the Tate Britain, London. From Bibbys Annual 1911. [J. Bibby & Sons, Liverpool, 1911]
Seated Nude: The Black Hat, c1900. Artist: Philip Wilson SteerSeated Nude: The Black Hat, c1900. Painting housed at the Tate Britain, London. From The Studio Volume 122. [The Studio Ltd, London, 1941]
Off Valparaiso, 1899, (1938). Artist: J Greig PirieOff Valparaiso, 1899. Painting held at the Tate Britain, London. From World-Famous Paintings edited by J. Greig Pirie [W. & G. Foyle, Ltd, London, 1938.]
The Thames near Walton Bridges, 1805, (1938). Artist: JMW TurnerThe Thames near Walton Bridges, 1805. After an original oil paint on mahogany veneer by Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851). Original housed in the Tate, London
Ophelia, c1852, (1935). Creator: WF MansellOphelia, c1852, (1935)
Hope, 1886, (1912). Artist: George Frederick WattsHope, 1886, (1912). Painting held at the Tate Britain, London. From Bibbys Annual 1912, [J. Bibby & Sons, Liverpool, 1912]
Ophelia, 1851-2, (1911). Artist: John Everett MillaisOphelia, 1851-2. Here Millais shows a scene from Shakespeares Hamlet, in which Ophelia drowns herself in a stream, after been driven out of her mind when her father is murdered by her lover Hamlet
A Nymph and Cupid: The Snake in the Grass, 1784, (1914). Artist: Sir Joshua ReynoldsA Nymph and Cupid: The Snake in the Grass, 1784. After an original painting by Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792). Original painting housed in the Tate, London. From The Connoisseur Vol
Punch or May Day, 1829, (c1915). Artist: Benjamin Robert HaydonPunch or May Day, 1829, (c1915). The painting is part of the collection of the Tate Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Annunciation, 1892, (c1900). Artist: Arthur HackerThe Annunciation, 1892, (c1915). Held at the Tate Britain, London. From Famous Pictures of the World, c1900
Beyond Mans Footsteps, c1894, (1928). Artist: Briton RiviereBeyond Mans Footsteps, c1894, (1928). Painting held at the Tate Britain. From The Book of Polar Exploration, by E. L. Elias M.A. [George G. Harrap & Company Ltd, London, 1928]
Catspaws off the Land, 1885, (c1915). Artist: Henry MooreCatspaws off the Land, 1885, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Inside of a Stable, 1791, (c1915). Artist: George MorlandThe Inside of a Stable, 1791, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
Dr. Johnson in Ante-Room of Lord Chesterfield, 1748, (c1915). Artist: Edward Matthew WardDr. Johnson in Ante-Room of Lord Chesterfield, 1748, (c1915). Held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Poringland Oak, c1818-1820, (c1915). Artist: John CromeThe Poringland Oak, c1818-1820, (c1915). The painting is held by the Tate Modern, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney. [Virtue & Company, London, c1915]
The Bay of Baiae, with Apollo and the Sibyl, c1823, (c1915). Artist: JMW TurnerThe Bay of Baiae, with Apollo and the Sibyl, c1823, (c1915). The painting is held by the Tate Gallery, London. From International Art: Past and Present by Alfred Yockney
Edinburgh from Arthurs Seat, 1778, (1935). Artist: Thomas HearneEdinburgh from Arthurs Seat, 1778, (1935). From the collection of the Tate Modern, London. From A Catalogue of the Pictures and Drawings in the Collection of Frederick John Nettleford, Volume II
Scene from ?Twelfth Night? (?Malvolio and the Countess?), c1840, (c1915). Held at Tate Britain, London. From Famous Pictures of the World, c1900
St Martin s-in-the-Fields, 1888, (c1915). Artist: William LogsdailSt Martin s-in-the-Fields, 1888, (c1915). Held at Tate Britain, London. From Famous Pictures of the World, c1900
Blossoms, 1881, (c1900). Artist: Albert MooreBlossoms, 1881, (c1900). Held at the Tate Britain, London. From Famous Pictures of the World, c1900
The Graces Decorating a Terminal Figure of Hymen, 1773, (1911)
The Modeller, 1891. Artist: Charles ShannonThe Modeller, 1891. Housed at the Tate Britain, London. From The Studio Volume 46. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1909]
The Angler, c1912. Artist: William Newenham Montague OrpenThe Angler, c1912. Painting held by the Tate. From The Studio Volume 82. [London Offices of the Studio, London, 1921]
Monna Pomona, 1864. Painting housed at the Tate Britain, London. From The Worlds Greatest Paintings, edited by T. Leman Hare. [Odhams Press Ltd, London, 1934]
Burg Eltz and Trutz Eltz from the North, 1840. Artist: JMW TurnerBurg Eltz and Trutz Eltz from the North, 1840. Painting housed at the Tate Britain, London. From The Connoisseur Volume 96, edited by Edward Wenham. [International Studio, London, 1934-35]
Nocturne: Blue and Gold - Old Battersea Bridge, c1872-5. Painting housed in the Tate, London. [The Offices of the Studio, London & New York, 1944]
Old Battersea Bridge, 1874 (1933). Artist: Walter GreavesOld Battersea Bridge, 1874 (1933). Painting held at the Tate Gallery, London. From The Studio Volume 106. [The Offices of the Studio, London, 1933]
A Laundry Maid Ironing, c1765, (1905). Artist: Henry Robert MorlandA Laundry Maid Ironing, c1765. Painting held at the Tate, London. From The Connoisseur 1905 [Otto Limited, London, 1905.]
Ecce Ancilla Domini! (The Annunciation), 1849-50, (1911). Artist: Dante Gabriel RossettiEcce Ancilla Domini! (The Annunciation), 1849-50. Painting held in the Tate, London. From A History of Painting Volume VIII by Haldane MacFall [T. C. and E. C. Jack, Lodon & Edinburgh, 1911.]
The Sun of Venice Going to Sea, exhibited 1843, (1937) Artist: JMW TurnerThe Sun of Venice Going to Sea, exhibited 1843. After an original work by Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775?1851). Original housed in the Tate, London. From The Studio Vol
Harmony, 1877, (1938). Artist: Frank DickseeHarmony, 1877. Painting held at the Tate Britain, London. From World-Famous Paintings edited by J. Greig Pirie [W. & G. Foyle, Ltd, London, 1938.]