Knight of the Order of Saint Mary of Montesa and St. George of Alfama or Order of Montesa, 1865
Isabella II of Spain, 1865. Creator: UnknownIsabella II of Spain, 1865. The queen wearing the cape of Grand Master of the military orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara and Montesa
Costume plate - Le Follet, 1865-1866. Creator: UnknownCostume plate - Le Follet, 1865-1866. 1. Sortie de bal Fortunia; 2. Casaque Saphir; 3. Paletot Fioretta; 4. Paletot Fanfreluche; 5. Casaque Aika; 6. Paletot Noema; 7. Burnouss Fenella
Fashion Plate - Petit Courrier des Dames Modes de Paris, 1860. Creator: Gilquin filsFashion Plate - Petit Courrier des Dames Modes de Paris, 1860
Fashion Plate - Fashions for December 1851. Creator: UnknownFashion Plate - Fashions for December 1851
Prince Meleager refuses to fight against the enemies of his country, 1804. Copy after Jonas Akerstrom
Slippers, American, ca. 1892. Creator: Rosenbloom sSlippers, American, ca. 1892
Gobelins tapestry and lacework, France and Germany, early 19th century, (1898). Fig 1: Panel of a Screen by Saint-Ange
Paris fashions for August, 1865. Creator: UnknownParis fashions for August, 1865. Fig. 1. Walking Dress. Plain slate-coloured foulard robe. Blue silk casaque open at the sides and trimmed round the edge and on the corsage with black passementerie
Miss Marie Goff, portrait photograph, 1918 Sept. 16. Creator: Arnold GentheMiss Marie Goff, portrait photograph, 1918 Sept. 16
Empress Jito Tenno, early 1840s. Creator: Utagawa KuniyoshiEmpress Jito Tenno, early 1840s. Series: Hundred Poets, One Poem Each
Portrait of Emperor Frans I of Austria and the Duke of Reichstadt, c1830-1900. Two uniformed men, holding hands. Le Duc de Reichstadt Avec Son Grand-Pere L'Empereur...'
Coverlet, c. 1940. Creator: Sarah F. WilliamsCoverlet, c. 1940
Woman's Coat, c. 1939. Creator: Dorothea MierischWoman's Coat, c. 1939
Indian Blanket, 1935/1942. Creator: Mary Edith BrooksIndian Blanket, 1935/1942
Tablecloth, c. 1937. Creator: Florence TruelsonTablecloth, c. 1937
Civil War Sash, c. 1936. Creator: Gladys C. ParkerCivil War Sash, c. 1936
High Post Bed, 1936. Creator: Florence ChoateHigh Post Bed, 1936
Blue & Grey Striped Dress, c. 1937
Afternoon Coat, c. 1938. Creator: Joseph L. BoydAfternoon Coat, c. 1938
Silk Purse, c. 1937. Creator: Hugh ClarkeSilk Purse, c. 1937
Man's Dancing Shoe, c. 1936. Creator: Ann Gene BuckleyMan's Dancing Shoe, c. 1936
Apron. Creator: UnknownApron
Apron, 1872-1873. Creator: UnknownApron, 1872-1873
The Civil War in America: Colonel of 4th Regiment European Brigade of the Confederate Army - from a photograph, 1862. From "Illustrated London News", 1862
Alfred Osborn Pope Nicholson of Tennessee, between 1855 and 1865. Creator: UnknownHon. Alfred O.P. Nicholson of Tenn. between 1855 and 1865. [Lawyer, newspaper editor, banker and politician]
Handwoven Coverlet, c. 1936. Creator: Dorothy LaceyHandwoven Coverlet, c. 1936
Children and Pets (Furnishing Fabric), Normandie, 1800 / 1820. Creator: UnknownChildren and Pets (Furnishing Fabric), Normandie, 1800/1820. Detail from a larger artwork
Picture Books and Coin Purse, 1824. Creator: Utagawa KunimitsuPicture Books and Coin Purse, 1824
Embroidery, c. 1941. Creator: Herman O. StrohEmbroidery, c. 1941
Initial Letter V (Column) to Volpone, 1898. Creator: Aubrey BeardsleyInitial Letter V (Column) to Volpone, 1898. Illustration for an edition of Ben Jonsons eponymous comedy play, published by Leonard Smithers
Portrait of Himself, 1894. Creator: Aubrey BeardsleyPortrait of Himself, 1894. British artist and eccentric Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898) depicts himself as a tiny figure in an enormous canopied bed
Bedcover, England, c. 1720 / 40. Creator: UnknownBedcover, England, c. 1720/40
Bag, England, 17th century. Creator: UnknownBag, England, 17th century
Armorial with an Unidentified Coat of Arms, Flanders, c. 1550. Creator: UnknownArmorial with an Unidentified Coat of Arms, Flanders, c. 1550. Ave Maria Gracia Plena - Hail Mary full of grace
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), England, c. 1820. Creator: UnknownPanel (Furnishing Fabric), England, c. 1820. Chinese-inspired design, window and tasselled curtains
Portiere, Chicago, 1880 / 1900. Creator: UnknownPortiere, Chicago, 1880/1900. Hanging curtain for a door or doorway, designed by Anna G. Lyman
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), France, 1785 / 1890. Creator: UnknownPanel (Furnishing Fabric), France, 1785/1890. Floral pattern with tassels. Engraved by Pierre Charles Canot after Jean Baptiste Pillement
Hat, Peru, A. D. 600 / 900. Creator: UnknownHat, Peru, A.D. 600/900
Civil War Regalia of Major Levi Gheen McCauley, 1887. Creator: George CopeCivil War Regalia of Major Levi Gheen McCauley, 1887. Military equipment used by an officer in the Union Army
The Arrival of Telemachus on Calypsos Island, from The Story of Telemachus, France, after 1776
The Fall of Phaeton, Aubusson, after 1776. Creator: Manufacture royale d AubussonThe Fall of Phaeton, Aubusson, after 1776. The Fall of Phaeton (Phaetontis casus) from Ovids Metamorphoses
Epaulet, c. 1936. Creator: Erwin SchwabeEpaulet, c. 1936
Table Scarf, c. 1938. Creator: Erwin SchwabeTable Scarf, c. 1938
Man with a Pen, 1827 / 30. Creator: Jonas Welch HolmanMan with a Pen, 1827/30. The sitter wears a gold and pearl tie-pin, and holds a quill pen
Ceremonial Scarf (bufando or ufanta), Bolivia, 1850 / 1900. Creator: UnknownCeremonial Scarf (bufando or ufanta), Bolivia, 1850/1900
Childs Cape, 1935 / 1942. Creator: Edna C. RexChilds Cape, 1935/1942
Ceremonial Headdress, Hokkaido, Edo period (1615-1868), first half of the 19th century or earlier
Speaking Trumpet, c. 1938. Creator: Samuel O. KleinSpeaking Trumpet, c. 1938
Curtain Tassel, 1938. Creator: J. Howard IamsCurtain Tassel, 1938
Childs Shoe, 1940. Creator: Alexander AndersonChilds Shoe, 1940
Bag, 1935 / 1942. Creator: Samuel O. KleinBag, 1935/1942
Portrait of Francesco I de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, ca. 1707
Headdress, c. 1937. Creator: Bessie FormanHeaddress, c. 1937
The Madonna and Child in a Rosary, c. 1490. Creator: UnknownThe Madonna and Child in a Rosary, c. 1490
Mary Leypold Griffith (1838-1841), 1841. Creator: Sarah Miriam PealeMary Leypold Griffith (1838-1841), 1841
Samuel Eells, c. 1800. Creator: UnknownSamuel Eells, c. 1800
Evening pouch, American, second quarter 19th century. Creator: UnknownEvening pouch, American, second quarter 19th century
Parasol, American, 1850-69. Creator: UnknownParasol, American, 1850-69
Ensemble, American, ca. 1875. Creator: UnknownEnsemble, American, ca. 1875
Charles Benoise, 1651. Creator: Robert NanteuilCharles Benoise, 1651
Two mules bearing panniers and outfitted with blinders, plumes, and tassels; one muTwo mules bearing panniers and outfitted with blinders, plumes
Her Majestys State Chair, Great Hall, Lincolns Inn New Buildings, 1845
Eboshi (a court hat). Creator: Totoya HokkeiEboshi (a court hat)
Fan, Bag and Incense-Tube, 19th century. 19th century. Creator: ShinsaiFan, Bag and Incense-Tube, 19th century
Accoutrements for a Bride From the Spring Rain Collection (Harusame shu), vol. 1, probably 1816 (Year of the Rat)
Portrait of Shah Jahan on Horseback, 17th century. Creator: UnknownPortrait of Shah Jahan on Horseback, 17th century
Fashion Drawing with a Woman Seated in a Chair with a Boy and Girl, 19th century
Catafalque for the Empress Catherine the Great of Russia (Front Elevation). 1796
Portrait of a Young Man, 1470s. Creator: Cosme TuraPortrait of a Young Man, 1470s
Bashi-Bazouk, ca. 1868-69. Creator: Jean-Leon GeromeBashi-Bazouk, ca. 1868-69
Bashi-Bazouk, 1868-69. Creator: Jean-Leon GeromeBashi-Bazouk, 1868-69
German Renaissance wall painting and ornament in stone and wood, (1898). Creator: UnknownGerman Renaissance wall painting and ornament in stone and wood, (1898)
Tokio, late 19th-early 20th century. Creator: UnknownTokio, late 19th-early 20th century. Decorative illustration for the city of Tokyo, capital of Japan, with a stylised crane and theatrical masks
Emperor Frederick III, c1888, (1936). Creator: UnknownEmperor Frederick III, c1888, (1936). Kaiser Friedrich III
Charles du Houx de Viomenil, 1804, (1839). Creator: Julien Leopold BoillyCharles du Houx de Viomenil, 1804, (1839). Viomenil (Charles-Joseph-Hyacinthe du Houx marquis de), Marechal de France
Guillaume Marie Anne Brune, 1804, (1839). Creator: ContenauGuillaume Marie Anne Brune, 1804, (1839). Brune (Guillaume-Marie-Anne, Comte), Marechal de France
Charles XIV John of Sweden, 1804, (1839). Creator: Francois PigeotCharles XIV John of Sweden, 1804, (1839). Bernadotte (Jean-Baptiste-Jules) Prince de Ponte-Corvo, Marechal de France
Etienne Jacques Joseph Alexandre MacDonald, 1804, (1839). Creator: Francois PigeotEtienne Jacques Joseph Alexandre MacDonald, 1804, (1839). Macdonald (Etienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre) duc de Tarente, Marechal de France
Francois Joseph Lefebvre, 1804, (1839). Creator: Francois PigeotFrancois Joseph Lefebvre, 1804, (1839). Lefebvre (Francois Joseph) Duc de Dantzick, Marechal de France
Louis Nicolas d Avout, 1804, (1839). Creator: LadoererLouis Nicolas d Avout, 1804, (1839). Davoust (L. Nicolas) Prince d Eckmuhl, Marechal de France. Portrait of Louis Nicolas d Avout (1770-1823), Duke of Auerstaedt and Prince of Eckmuhl
Andre Massena, 1804, (1839). Creator: LegrisAndre Massena, 1804, (1839). Massena (Andre) Duc de Rivoli, Marechal de France. Portrait of Andre Massena (1758-1817), Marshal of France
Portrait of Yevgraf Vladimirovich Davydov, 1822, (1965). Creator: Orest KiprenskyPortrait of Yevgraf Vladimirovich Davydov, 1822, (1965). Russian soldier Yevgraf Davydov (1775-1823) fought in the Napoleonic Wars at the Battle of Austerlitz and the Battle of Ostrovnoye