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Supply Line Collection

Background imageSupply Line Collection: The Indian Store Department, Belvedere-Road, Lambeth, 1868. Creator: Unknown

The Indian Store Department, Belvedere-Road, Lambeth, 1868. Creator: Unknown
Her Majesty's Indian Government Store Department, Belvedere-Road, Lambeth, [south London], 1868. 'Through this range of buildings

Background imageSupply Line Collection: The British Expedition to Abyssinia: the intrenched position of Adigerat, 1868. Creator: Unknown

The British Expedition to Abyssinia: the intrenched position of Adigerat, 1868. Creator: Unknown
The British Expedition to Abyssinia: the intrenched position of Adigerat, 1868. British army camp in Ethiopia. 'This about forty miles from Senafe

Background imageSupply Line Collection: The British Expedition to Abyssinia: Shohos bringing in grass to the Commissariat, Undel Wells

The British Expedition to Abyssinia: Shohos bringing in grass to the Commissariat, Undel Wells, 1868 Creator: Unknown
The British Expedition to Abyssinia: Shohos bringing in grass to the Commissariat, Undel Wells, 1868. The British Army in Ethiopia needed forage for their pack animals which included Indian

Background imageSupply Line Collection: The Expedition to Abyssinia: waterfall on the Mai Muna, near Senafe, 1868. Creator: Unknown

The Expedition to Abyssinia: waterfall on the Mai Muna, near Senafe, 1868. Creator: Unknown
The Expedition to Abyssinia: waterfall on the Mai Muna, near Senafe, 1868. 'The scenery of Abyssinia is now becoming familiar to the readers of this Journal

Background imageSupply Line Collection: The Expedition to Abyssinia: water-carriers and camp followers, 1868. Creator: Unknown

The Expedition to Abyssinia: water-carriers and camp followers, 1868. Creator: Unknown
The Expedition to Abyssinia: water-carriers and camp followers, 1868. 'General Sir Robert Napier...reached Attegerat on the 5th March

Background imageSupply Line Collection: The Abyssinian Expedition: a sketch on the shore at Zulla, Annesley Bay, 1868. Creator: C. R

The Abyssinian Expedition: a sketch on the shore at Zulla, Annesley Bay, 1868. Creator: C. R
The Abyssinian Expedition: a sketch on the shore at Zulla, Annesley Bay, 1868. Engraving of a sketch by Captain F. F. Atkinson, of the 45th Regiment (British Army)

Background imageSupply Line Collection: Abyssinia, showing the route of the British forces, 1868. Creator: John Dower

Abyssinia, showing the route of the British forces, 1868. Creator: John Dower
Abyssinia, showing the route of the British forces, 1868. 'A map of Abyssinia, showing the whole route of the British army, under General Sir Robert Napier, from its landing-place at Zulla

Background imageSupply Line Collection: Loading supplies for our army in France, between 1917 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service

Loading supplies for our army in France, between 1917 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service
Loading supplies for our army in France, between 1917 and c1920. A ship next to a dock, on which buckets, rope, crates and other supplies are being prepared for transport to France during World War I

Background imageSupply Line Collection: The War in the Herzegovina: insurgents surprising a Turkish convoy...1876. Creator: Unknown

The War in the Herzegovina: insurgents surprising a Turkish convoy...1876. Creator: Unknown
The War in the Herzegovina: insurgents surprising a Turkish convoy, from a sketch by our special artist, 1877. It is considered worthy of remark that the insurgent bands were able to hold their

Background imageSupply Line Collection: Preparatifs d'offensive; Vue d'ensemble d'un depotde munitions sur le front, avec... 1917

Preparatifs d'offensive; Vue d'ensemble d'un depotde munitions sur le front, avec... 1917. Creator: Unknown
Preparatifs d'offensive; Vue d'ensemble d'un depot de munitions sur le front, avec le reseau de pistes et de voies d'acces

Background imageSupply Line Collection: La campagne d'hiver en Orient; Le ravitaillement dans la neige des postes francais et... 1917

La campagne d'hiver en Orient; Le ravitaillement dans la neige des postes francais et... 1917. Creator: Unknown
La campagne d'hiver en Orient; Le ravitaillement dans la neige des postes francais et italiens a plus de 2, 000 metres d'altitude, entre Monastir et la lac Prespa, 1917

Background imageSupply Line Collection: French success on the Italian front; Supply convoy between Monte Pallone... 1917. Creator: Unknown

French success on the Italian front; Supply convoy between Monte Pallone... 1917. Creator: Unknown
French success on the Italian front; Supply convoy between Monte Pallone and Monte Tomba, 1917. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageSupply Line Collection: Le repli allemand et l'intervention Americaine; Une installation ingenieuse

Le repli allemand et l'intervention Americaine; Une installation ingenieuse: chariots suspendus rou Creator
Le repli allemand et l'intervention Americaine; Une installation ingenieuse: chariots suspendus roulant sur deux fils de fer, pour le ravitaillement des premieres lignes, 1917

Background imageSupply Line Collection: Le repli allemand et l'intervention Americaine; Les voitures regimentaires dans une gare de

Le repli allemand et l'intervention Americaine; Les voitures regimentaires dans une gare de ravitai Creator
Le repli allemand et l'intervention Americaine; Les voitures regimentaires dans une gare de ravitaillement, 1917. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919

Background imageSupply Line Collection: Cotton bales lying at the Bombay terminus of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway, 1862

Cotton bales lying at the Bombay terminus of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway, 1862. Creator: Unknown
Cotton bales lying at the Bombay terminus of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway ready for shipment to England, 1862. Engraving from a photograph by Messrs. M'Combie and Wright

Background imageSupply Line Collection: Messrs. Allsopp and Sons pale-ale brewery at Burton-on-Trent, 1862. Creator: Unknown

Messrs. Allsopp and Sons pale-ale brewery at Burton-on-Trent, 1862. Creator: Unknown
Messrs. Allsopp and Sons pale-ale brewery at Burton-on-Trent, 1862. [This] establishment...[has] attained a world-wide celebrity. Messrs

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