Bronze head of Augustus, Roman, from Meroe, Sudan, c27-c25 BC. This head once formed part of a statue of the emperor Augustus (27 BC-AD 14). From the British Museums collection
The War in the Soudan, 1883-1885: Battle of El Teb, February 29, 1884, (1901)
The Conquest of the Soudan, 1896-98: the Battle of Omdurman, September 2, 1898, (1901)The Conquest of the Soudan, 1896-98: The Charge of the 21st Lancers at the Battle of Omdurman, September 2, 1898, (1901)
Katchiba, King of the Obbo Country, going a journey, 1865. Creator: UnknownKatchiba, King of the Obbo Country, going a journey, 1865
Native of the Dinka tribe, white Nile, mending his drum; The Nile Valley above Khartum, 1875.From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London]
View of the White Nile; The Nile Valley above Khartum, 1875. Creator: UnknownView of the White Nile; The Nile Valley above Khartum, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London]
Doum palm of the Soudan; A journey through Soudan and Western Abyssinia, with Reminiscences of Captivity, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London]
Women of Kassala carrying water; A journey through Soudan and Western Abyssinia, with Reminiscences of Captivity, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates
Kassala; A journey through Soudan and Western Abyssinia, with Reminiscences of Captivity, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates. [Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, c1880, London]
The Death of the Khalifa, 1899, (c1900). Creator: Harold Robert MillarThe Death of the Khalifa, 1899, (c1900)
The Battle of Omdurman: MacDonald's Brigade Repelling the Dervish Onslaught, c1900. Scene from the Anglo-Egyptian conquest of Sudan
The Battle of Omdurman: The Defence of the Khalifa's Black Flag, 1898, (c1900). Episode during the Anglo-Egyptian conquest of Sudan
After Atbara: Brothers in Arms, 1898, (c1900). Creator: F. DAfter Atbara: Brothers in Arms, 1898, (c1900). Second Sudan War: Anglo-Egyptian forces defeated 15, 000 Sudanese rebels, called Mahdists or Dervishes, on the banks of the River Atbara
The Emir Mahmud Under Guard, 1898, (c1900). Creator: UnknownThe Emir Mahmud Under Guard, 1898, (c1900). African leader captured after the Battle of Atbara, during the Second Sudan War
Storming of Firket, c1900. Creator: UnknownStorming of Firket, c1900
Le village negre d'Omdourman; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownLe village negre d'Omdourman; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Khartoum et Omdourman (Le confluent des deux Nils); Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Vue de Karthoum; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownVue de Karthoum; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Un village de Chillouks; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownUn village de Chillouks; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Types de Bicharins; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownTypes de Bicharins; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Femmes Chillouks; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownFemmes Chillouks; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Guerriers Chillouks; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownGuerriers Chillouks; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Une tempete de sable s'avancant sur Khartoum; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Les berges du Nil a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
La seconde cataracte a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownLa seconde cataracte a Ouadi-Halfa; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Confluent des deux Nils; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownConfluent des deux Nils; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
Un aspect du Sudd; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. Creator: UnknownUn aspect du Sudd; Le Nord-Est Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
The Graphic Stanley Number; Execution of a Soudanese Mutineer at Mazamboni's, Albert Nyanza, 1890. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 41. January to June, 1890
Tunic (Jibbeh), Sudan, 1885/99. Creator: UnknownTunic (Jibbeh), Sudan, 1885/99
The Campaign at Suakin; The Tenth Soudanese Marching across the Desert from the Nile to Kosseir, for the relief of Suakin, 1888. From, The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper Volume 38
The Siege of Suakin (north eastern Sudan) Fort Gemaizeh in Action; from sketches by the late Mr. Richard Wake, shot while sketching at the fort December 6. 1888, 1888. From, The Graphic
The Siege of Suakin (north eastern Sudan) A New Redoubt, put up by Egyptian troops in one day, Inset portrait Richard Wake, reporter killed onsite, 1888. From, The Graphic
Bust of Said Abdullah of the Darfour People, 1848. Creator: Charles-Henri-Joseph CordierBust of Said Abdullah of the Darfour People, 1848
Young Nuba Woman, 1853-54. Creator: Pierre TremauxYoung Nuba Woman, 1853-54
Sudan, from Worlds Smokers series (N33) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, 1888
Sudanese soldier, Egypt, 1898. Creator: Christian Wilhelm AllersSudanese soldier, Egypt, 1898. Portrait of a North African man in profile. Sudanesische Soldat. From " Rund um die Erde" [Round the Earth], written and illustrated by C. W. Allers
Sirdars Palace (Site of General Gordons Death) and Shoebill Stork, Khartoum, c1930sSirdars Palace (on Site of General Gordons Heroic Death) - On Lawn, Shoebill Stork, Africas Rarest Bird, Khartoum, Alglo Egyptian Sudan, c1930s
Lord Kitcheners Conquest of the Soudan, 1896-98: after the Battle of Atbara, (1901)Lord Kitcheners Conquest of the Soudan, 1896-98: Mahmaud, the Khalifas Chief Lieutenant, Taken Captive after the Battle of Atbara, (1901). Episode during the Second Sudan War
The War in the Soudan, 1883-1885: Gallant Recapture of the Guns... March 13, 1884, (1901)The War in the Soudan, 1883-1885: Gallant Recapture of the Guns by the Bluejackets at the Battle of Tamanier, March 13, 1884, (1901)
A Dongola Horse, c1850, (c1879). Creator: James WardA Dongola Horse, c1850, (c1879). The Dongola, riding horse native to Sudan and western Eritrea. From " The Book of the Horse", by S. Sidney
A characteristic Dinka attitude, Terrakekka to Aweil, Sudan, 1925 (1927). A print from Cape to Cairo, by Stella Court Treatt, George G Harrap & Company Ltd, 1927
Niam Niam lunatic, Mongalla to Terrakekka, Sudan, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A GloverNiam Niam lunatic, Mongalla to Terrakekka, Sudan, 1925 (1927). A print from Cape to Cairo, by Stella Court Treatt, George G Harrap & Company Ltd, 1927
A Bishari Hamite, Nubian Desert, between the Nile and the Red Sea, 1912. Artist: JP SebachA Bishari Hamite, Nubian Desert, between the Nile and the Red Sea, 1912. From The Living Races of Mankind, Vol. II. [Hutchinson & Co, London, 1912]
Young girls with sticks in their noses and lips, Terrakekka to Aweil, Sudan, 1925 (1927). A print from Cape to Cairo, by Stella Court Treatt, George G Harrap & Company Ltd, 1927
Sudanese warrior riding a camel, c1928. Creator: UnknownSudanese warrior riding a camel, c1928. Man from the Sudan holding a spear. From " Die Welt in Bildern", (The World in Pictures), cigarette card album, c1928. [Georg A Jasmatzi, A.-G
Nubian boy from Southern Kordofan, 1912. Artist: G PluschowNubian boy from Southern Kordofan, 1912. From The Living Races of Mankind, Vol. II. [Hutchinson & Co, London, 1912]
Hamegs, people of the Blue Nile, 1912. Artist: L LoatHamegs, people of the Blue Nile, 1912. From The Living Races of Mankind, Vol. II. [Hutchinson & Co, London, 1912]
The Mahdi, c1885The Mahdi, c1880. Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah, (1844-1885), religious leader of Sudan. From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. IV, by James Grant
Arabs of the Soudan, c1881-85. Episode of the Mahdist War (1881-1899). From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. IV, by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris & Melbourne, c1880]
The Bahr-El-Gazelle, c1881-85, . Episode of the Mahdist War, (1881-1899). From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. IV, by James Grant. [Cassell Petter & Galpin, London, Paris & Melbourne, c1880]
The Battle of Tamai, c1885. Artist: WI MossesThe Battle of Tamai, c1885. Battle of Tamai, (13 March 1884), between the British forces and the Mahdist Sudanese army. From British Battles on Land and Sea, Vol. IV, by James Grant
Battle of Tamai: Plan, 1902. The Battle of Tamai, (13 March 1884 ), fought between United kingdom and Sudan. From Battles of the Nineteenth Century, Vol. II
The Charge of the 21st Lancers at Omdurman, 1898 (1906). From Cassells History of England, Vol. IX, [Cassell and Company, Limited, London, Paris, New York & Melbourne, 1906]
The ruins of the Mahdis tomb in Omdurman, Sudan, c1898. Artist: Newton & CoThe ruins of the Mahdis tomb in Omdurman, Sudan, c1898
Khartoum Palace, Sudan, c1890. Artist: Newton & CoKhartoum Palace, Sudan, c1890
Arab woman of the Southern Sudan, Abu Matarik to Halfa, Sudan, 1925 (1927). A print from Cape to Cairo, by Stella Court Treatt, George G Harrap & Company Ltd, 1927
Nuan Atojian, the Bahr el Arab, Sudan, 1925 (1927). Artist: Thomas A GloverNuan Atojian, the Bahr el Arab, Sudan, 1925 (1927). A print from Cape to Cairo, by Stella Court Treatt, George G Harrap & Company Ltd, 1927
Native men seeing a white woman for the first time, Mongalla to Terrakekka, Sudan, 1925 (1927). A print from Cape to Cairo, by Stella Court Treatt, George G Harrap & Company Ltd, 1927
A girl of the Tigre people, Africa, 1922. The girl has thickly oiled and buttered hair
Sudanese Arabs and a female Shilluk slave, Sudan, 1895. Artist: Ivan PranishnikoffSudanese Arabs and a female Shilluk slave, Sudan, 1895. From The Universal Geography with Illustrations and Maps, division XXII, written by Elisee Reclus and published by Virtue & Co
People of the Shilluk (Chollo), Sudan, Africa, 1936. Artist: Major R WhitbreadPeople of the Shilluk (Chollo), Sudan, Africa, 1936. From Peoples of the World in Pictures, edited by Harold Wheeler, published by Odhams Press Ltd (London, 1936)
The tomb of the Mahdi at Omdurman, Sudan, 1905. Artist: Underwood & UnderwoodThe tomb of the Mahdi at Omdurman, Sudan, 1905. The tomb [before us is] a low, roofless building with arched windows, surrounded by a court with an arched door on the right
The Battle of Khartoum, 1885 (1900). British forces commanded by General Garnet Wolseley were dispatched to the Sudan to relieve General Gordon, besieged at Khartoum
Sudanese cavalry, France, 1915. Many thousands of troops from across the British and French Empires fought in the First World War
Souakiny chief, 1848. Artist: Ebenezer LandellsSouakiny chief, 1848. An inhabitant of the port of Suakin in north eastern Sudan, on the Red Sea
View of Mount Barkal, Sudan, 1842-1845. Artist: E WeidenbachView of Mount Barkal, Sudan, 1842-1845. Jebel Barkal is a mountain 400 kilometres north of Khartoum
A Qadi, Islamic judge, Khartoum, Sudan, late 19th century. A Qadi (Cadi or Kadi) is a judge who makes decisions according to Islamic Shari ah law
The Mahdi, rebel against Egyptian rule in the Sudan, c1885