The Goose Girl, c1878, (c1915). Artist: Valentine Cameron PrinsepThe Goose Girl, c1878, (c1915). From Famous Pictures of the World, c1900
Performing bear in a Russian village, 1877. A print from The Illustrated London News, (19 May 1877). Hand-coloured later
A pair of straw boys, Ireland, 1922. Artist: AW CutlerA pair of straw boys, Ireland, 1922
Your Life or Your Portrait, about 1870. Creator: UnknownYour Life or Your Portrait, about 1870. Boy in cap seated with stick and titled photographic album at his feet
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian of Rome, 1575. Creator: Ambrosius Francken IThe Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian of Rome, 1575
Minerva Overcoming Ignorance, 1632-1633?. Creator: Peter Paul RubensMinerva Overcoming Ignorance, 1632-1633?
The Fight Between Robin Hood and Little John, 1932. Creator: Howard DavieThe Fight Between Robin Hood and Little John, 1932
Centre console of a 2004 Landrover Discovery
A Husband Beating his Wife with a Stick; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: UnknownA Husband Beating his Wife with a Stick; Roman de la Rose, about 1405
Man in a Straw Coat, 1866-1867. Creator: Felice BeatoMan in a Straw Coat, 1866-1867
Girl on the Sand, 1912. Creator: Helene SchjerfbeckGirl on the Sand, 1912
Boys Playing on the Shore, study, 1884. Creator: Albert EdelfeltBoys Playing on the Shore, study, 1884
Stone, exercise, 1858. Creator: Magnus von WrightStone, exercise, 1858
The Abuses of the Law, Plate 7. n. d. Creator: Hendrik GoltziusThe Abuses of the Law, Plate 7.n.d
Allegory of the four seasons: Winter, 1749-1797. Creator: Jean-Charles LevasseurAllegory of the four seasons: Winter, 1749-1797
Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals)Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium (Hunts of wild animals, birds and fish). Plate 85. Catching swallows from the rooftops using discs, 1596
The Abyssinian Expedition: a native ploughing in the province of Tigre, 1868. Illustration of...the plough used by a husbandman in that country [ie Ethiopia]
Portrait of a boy with double chin, after 1880. Creator: UnknownPortrait of a boy with double chin, after 1880
Hercules, c.1498. Creator: Albrecht DurerHercules, c.1498
Hindoo bathers in the River Jumna surprised by a snake, 1864. Creator: J. A. BHindoo bathers in the River Jumna surprised by a snake, 1864. Large water-snakes abound in the canals and nullahs flowing into the Jumna about Delhi
Training German boys for army, between 1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceTraining German boys for army, between 1914 and c1915. German boys in a field, being trained to be soldiers in world War I
Embarking cattle at the port of Tamatave, Madagascar, 1864. Creator: Mason JacksonEmbarking cattle at the port of Tamatave, Madagascar, 1864. Engraving from a sketch by Lieutenant S. P
Costumes de Différents Pays, Homme-Nord-Est de l'AsieCostumes de Differents Pays, Homme-Nord-Est de l'Asie, c1797
Blind Man and His Daughter, Vaiala, Samoa, 1890. Creator: John La FargeBlind Man and His Daughter, Vaiala, Samoa, 1890
Françoise Ravel as Roquinet, 1855-1859. Creator: Alfred Jacob MillerFrancoise Ravel as Roquinet, 1855-1859
Parable of the Sticks, c1855. Creator: Felix Octavius Carr DarleyParable of the Sticks, c1855
The Story of the Courtesan Jigokudayu and Priest Ikkyu, 1886. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiThe Story of the Courtesan Jigokudayu and Priest Ikkyu, 1886. From A New Selection of Eastern Brocade Pictures
Punished by order of the King; A journey through Soudan and Western Abyssinia, with Reminiscences of Captivity, 1875. From, Illustrated Travels by H.W. Bates
Costumes de Différents Pays, HottentotCostumes de Differents Pays, Hottentot, c1797
Beater in Best, 1868. Creator: Johannes TavenraatBeater in Best, Netherlands, 1868. Portrait of a sitting beater with a stick to flush out game for a hunting party
Caricature of Scholar, n.d. Creator: A. LingosteCaricature of Scholar, n.d
The Genre Painting (image 7 of 28), 1710. Creator: UnknownThe Genre Painting (image 7 of 28), 1710
Running Man Holding an Assegai in His Right Hand and Four Assegais in His Left, 1776-1795. Xhosa warrior
Man holding three assegais and a knobkerrie, 1776-1795. Creator: Robert Jacob GordonMan holding three assegais and a knobkerrie, 1776-1795
Costumes de Différents Pays, Negres de StCostumes de Differents Pays, Negres de St. Domingue se Battant au Baton, c1797
The Arminian Serpent, 1710-1720. Creator: AnonThe Arminian Serpent, 1710-1720. Snake with severed head bearing the portrait of Oldenbarnevelt
Cartoon of Volkert Sloot, 1710-1720. Creator: AnonCartoon of Volkert Sloot, 1710-1720. Volkert Sloot was a judge of Van Oldenbarnevelt; Death with an hourglass and stick, sitting on a crocodile
A Peasant Woman with a Stick, 1890. Creator: Richard Roland HolstA Peasant Woman with a Stick, 1890
Pigs in a Barnyard, 1860-1891. Creator: Guillaume Anne van der BrugghenPigs in a Barnyard, 1860-1891
Farm boy pointing with right hand, 1778-1808. Creator: Aletta de FreyFarm boy pointing with right hand, 1778-1808
Portrait of a man, 1639. Creator: AnonPortrait of a man, 1639
Portrait of Samuel Cornelisz van Esch, 1632. Creator: AnonPortrait of Samuel Cornelisz van Esch, 1632
Sexton, Mr. standing outdoors, between 1932 and 1936. Creator: Arnold GentheSexton, Mr. standing outdoors, between 1932 and 1936
Un sorcier au Congo francais (Il porte en main l'insigne de ses fonctions)Un sorcier au Congo francais (Il porte en main l'insigne de ses fonctions: une queue d'elephant); L'Ouest Africain, 1914. From "Grande Geographie Bong Illustree", 1914
"Urith: A Tale of Dartmoor", By S. Baring Gould, M. A.; "I will thrust, and do thou ! and see which can drive the other to death", 1890. From "The Graphic
A prodigal son, 1899. Creator: Jay Campbell PhillipsA prodigal son, 1899
Mort de M. de Pelleport qui s'interposait pour sauver M. de Losme, officier de la Bastille, devant l'Hotel de Ville, le 14 juillet 1789 (Revolution), actuel 4eme arrondissement, c1784-1794
Zway khindt aus Windischlanndt... c. 1503. Creator: Master of the Legend ScenesZway khindt aus Windischlanndt... c. 1503
Le marquis de Pelleport (1754-1807) tente, en vain, de sauver le major de la Bastille, Antoine-Jerome de Losme-Salbray, le 14 juillet 1789, c1789
Luxor, Arab holding a stick sitting in a street, 1892. Creator: Henry BrokmanLuxor, Arab holding a stick sitting in a street, 1892
Vallkulla, 1912. Creator: Anders Leonard ZornVallkulla, 1912
Sami man with a stick, 1868.. Creator: Lotten von DubenSami man with a stick, 1868. From Lotten von Duben's photo album with motifs from the ethnological expedition to Lapland led by her husband Gustaf von Duben in 1868
Two Leggings, 1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisTwo Leggings, 1908. Photograph shows head-and-shoulders portrait of Two Leggings, seated, holding stick, facing right
Crazy dancers-Cheyenne, c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisCrazy dancers-Cheyenne, c1910. Cheyenne dancers around stick tripod
The altar, c1910. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisThe altar, c1910
Gathering hanamh - Papago woman picking cactus fruit with wooden stick, Arizona, c1907
Big Road (Chanckin Tan-Ka), 1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff CurtisBig Road (Chanckin Tan-Ka), 1907. Photograph shows head-and-shoulders portrait of Big Road, wearing headdress, holding stick and shield, facing front
Standing male nude, 1917. Creator: Josef WawraStanding male nude, 1917
Children aiming sticks as guns, lined up against a brick building, Washington, D.C.?
Possibly: Chris Ament, German-Russian dry land wheat farmer[Untitled, possibly related to: Chris Ament, German-Russian dry land wheat farmer, who survived in the Columbia Basin. Washington, Grant County, three miles south of Quincy.]
Roadside meeting with Durham County farmer, North Carolina, 1939. Creator: Dorothea LangeRoadside meeting with Durham County farmer. North Carolina. He gives road directions by drawing in dirt with stick
Possibly: Tobacco strung on sticks[Untitled, possibly related to: Tobacco strung on sticks. Granville County, North Carolina]
Tobacco strung on sticks, Granville County, North Carolina, 1939. Creator: Dorothea LangeTobacco strung on sticks. Granville County, North Carolina
Possibly: Stringing tobacco, Granville County[Untitled, possibly related to: Stringing tobacco. Note " horses" for holding the sticks while stringing. Granville County, North Carolina]
Stringing tobacco, Granville County, North Carolina, 1939. Creator: Dorothea LangeStringing tobacco. Note " horses" for holding the sticks while stringing. Granville County, North Carolina
Possibly: Young son of tenant farmer gathering sticks[Untitled, possibly related to: Young son of tenant farmer gathering sticks for workers to string tobacco on. Granville County, North Carolina]
Members of Ola self-help sawmill co-op rolling white fir log to lumber truck with peavies. Hooked and spiked sticks used as levers. Gem County, Idaho
Zheng Tianshou (Hakumenrokun Teitenja), from the series " One Hundred and Eight Heroes of the Popular Water Margin (Tsuzoku Suikoden goketsu hyakuhachinin no hitori)", c. 1827/30
"An Eye to Effect", Just before an eviction on Lord Clanricardes Estate" An Eye to Effect", Just before an eviction on Lord Clanricardes Estate, Woodford, Ireland, 1888. From, The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper Volume 38. July to December, 1888
Yoshitsune and Benkei at Ataka barrier, 1765. Creator: Ran-uYoshitsune and Benkei at Ataka barrier, 1765
Ohatsu, c. 1847 / 48. Creator: Utagawa KuniyoshiOhatsu, c. 1847/48
Iwafuji, c. 1847 / 48. Creator: Utagawa KuniyoshiIwafuji, c. 1847/48
Force of Habit, 1870 / 91. Creator: Charles Samuel KeeneForce of Habit, 1870/91
Doctors Differ, etc. 1813. Creator: Charles WilliamsDoctors Differ, etc. 1813
Teasing the Daruma, 1905. Creator: Helen HydeTeasing the Daruma, 1905
Shed Sticks (?), Peru, 1000 / 1476. Creator: UnknownShed Sticks (?), Peru, 1000/1476
The Flight into Egypt, c. 1485. Creator: Bernardino ButinoneThe Flight into Egypt, c. 1485
Spinning Stick, c. 1938. Creator: Maud M HolmeSpinning Stick, c. 1938
Beggar Woman, 17th century. Creator: UnknownBeggar Woman, 17th century
Beggar Eating. Creator: UnknownBeggar Eating
Beggar Woman Receiving Charity. Creator: UnknownBeggar Woman Receiving Charity
Beggar with a Stick. Creator: UnknownBeggar with a Stick
Shepherd and Ruins, c. 1617. Creator: Jacques CallotShepherd and Ruins, c. 1617
Beggar Woman and Child, 17th century. Creator: UnknownBeggar Woman and Child, 17th century