Juan Martin Diez El Empecinado (the Undaunted) defeats a column of French soldiers in the Battle of Retortillo, Spanish War of Independence 1808-1813
Forum Indicum, a manuscript translated to a perfectly constructed Catalan language, this text precedes the Homilies d Organya
Reproduction of the Santa Maria ship with which Christopher Columbus made ??the voyage to America
Sant Antoni Maria Claret (1807-1870). Torras i Bages, Josep (1846 - 1916), Bishop, Paintings of the Cambril de la Virgen de Montserrat
Portrait of Enric Prat de la Riba, (1870-1917), Spanish and Catalan politician, first president of the Mancomunidad of Cataluna, charcoal by Ramon Casas
Scene of market and traders, detail El Bornet, oil on canvas
Jaume Marquilles gives his book to the Counselors of Barcelona in the presence of King Alfons IV the Magnanimous (1416-1458), miniature in the Comentaris als Usatges de Catalunya
Detail of hand-presses at a winery, engraving, 1900
Marius Torres i Perena (1910 - 1942), Catalan poet, photograph taken on November 6, 1941 and reproduced in photolithography by Tomas Tomas de Barcelona i Pi
Poster of a costume jewellery factory in Mahon, Menorca. Ad of post Modernist style from the early 20th century, intended for export, drawing by Josep Camins