Reading Aloud, 1884, (1936). Creator: Albert Joseph MooreReading Aloud, 1884, (1936). Women in classical dress recline while reading a book. Victorian oil on canvas by Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893). Held at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Two Sisters (On the Terrace), 1881. Creator: Pierre-Auguste RenoirTwo Sisters (On the Terrace), 1881
Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, 1885-86, (1938). Artist: John Singer SargentCarnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, 1885-86. Painting held at the Tate Britain, London. From World-Famous Paintings edited by J. Greig Pirie [W. & G. Foyle, Ltd, London, 1938.]
The Frankland Sisters, 1795. Creator: John HoppnerThe Frankland Sisters, 1795
Ekalavya, 1913. Artist: Nandalal BoseEkalavya, 1913. In the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, Ekalavya is a young prince of the Nishadha tribes and an excellent archer
Dolly sister, portrait photograph, 1916. Creator: Arnold GentheDolly sister, portrait photograph, 1916
The Youngers, American outlaws, c1868-1876 (1954). Left to right: Bob, Rhetta, James and Cole. The brothers formed part of the notorious James-Younger gang, with Jesse and Frank James
The Cholmondeley Sisters, 1600-1610. Double portrait of the sisters sitting in bed, each holding a baby. From the Tate Gallery, London
The Babes in the Wood, 1903. From A Peep into Fairyland, by E. F. & C. Manning. [Frederick Warne & Co. London, New York, 1903]
Brother Tying his Sisters Shoe, pub. 1854. Creator: Robert Barnes (1840 - 1895)Brother Tying his Sisters Shoe, pub. 1854 (colour lithograph)
Young Woman, unknown date. Creator: Henri DoucetYoung Woman, unknown date.
The Pierce Children, 1887. Creator: Theodore Clement SteeleThe Pierce Children, 1887.
A June Idyl, 1887. Creator: Theodore Clement SteeleA June Idyl, 1887.
Portrait of Two Sisters Holding Statue and Wreath, 1907-1943. Creator: Louis FleckensteinPortrait of Two Sisters Holding Statue and Wreath, 1907-1943.
Miss Ellen and Miss Agnes Milne, 1843-1848. Creator: Hill & AdamsonMiss Ellen and Miss Agnes Milne, 1843-1848. A portrait of two girls standing side by side. The girl on the right has her arm looped through the other girl's arm.
'Queen Mary with her granddaughters', 1930s, (1951). Creator: Unknown'Queen Mary with her granddaughters', 1930s, (1951). '...on a ten-mile trip down the river to Wooolwich, where they watched the unloading and the loading of ships'
Sketches at the Presentation of Address to the King of Greece by the Corporation of London, 1880
"She had made her sisters' pinafores when they were younger; now she cut out their bonnets and dresses, turning her nimble fingers to anything", 1880
Courtesy, 1862. Creator: Jean-Baptiste MadouCourtesy, 1862.
Gaston and His Sister, 1923. Creator: Gustave van de WoestijneGaston and His Sister, 1923.
The two Sisters from Bretagne, 1928. Creator: Jules PascinThe two Sisters from Bretagne, 1928.
Inconsolable, 1878. Creator: Franz VerhasInconsolable, 1878.
Children, c1890-1940. Creator: Jacques Emile BlancheChildren, c1890-1940.
Portrait Group with the Artist's Father Amilcare Anguissola and her siblings MinervaPortrait Group with the Artist's Father Amilcare Anguissola and her siblings Minerva and Astrubale, c1559.
Death in the Sickroom, 1893. Creator: Edvard MunchDeath in the Sickroom, 1893. Additional Info: The picture shows what we can assume to be the artist's family grouped around his sister Sophie, who died in 1877
The Children's Meal, c1665. Creator: Jan SteenThe Children's Meal, c1665.
Jan van der Voort and His Sister Catharina with a Servant, 1661. Creator: Ferdinand BolJan van der Voort and His Sister Catharina with a Servant, 1661.
Doctor Cornelis van der Heijde and Ariaentgen Ariens de Buijser with their Children, 1639.
Children Bathing, c1890-1940. Creator: Eugene LaermansChildren Bathing, c1890-1940.
Hans and Bolette Puggaards three children, 1827. Creator: Christian Albrecht JensenHans and Bolette Puggaards three children, 1827.
A Boy bringing Home a sick Lamb, probably 1864. Creator: Adolph TidemandA Boy bringing Home a sick Lamb, probably 1864.
Portrait of a Family, about 1783-1793. Creator: Gilbert StuartPortrait of a Family, about 1783-1793.
The Two Sisters or The Serruys Sisters, 1894. Creator: Georges LemmenThe Two Sisters or The Serruys Sisters, 1894.
Child learning to walk, before 1859. Creator: Wilhelm MarstrandChild learning to walk, before 1859.
Busts of Two Sisters...Mme Brigitte Francois Elisabeth de LansireBusts of Two Sisters: Bust of Mme. Brigitte François Elisabeth de Lansire, née Garnier d'Isle; Bust of Mme. Adélaïde Julie Mirleau de Neuville, née Garnier d'Isle, 1750s
The Rosebud Garden of Girls, 1868. Creator: Julia Margaret CameronThe Rosebud Garden of Girls, 1868
Portrait of Five Children, about 1870. Creator: UnknownPortrait of Five Children, about 1870. Additional Info: Four girls and one boy standing
Grave Naiskos of Theogenis with her Mother, Nikomache, and her Brother Nikodemos, about 360 BC
The Red and White Roses, 1865. Creator: Julia Margaret CameronThe Red and White Roses, 1865. Portrait of Kate and Elizabeth Keown leaning against each other, Elizabeth with her hands clasped together in prayer
Two Sisters, 1860s. Creator: Petros MoraitesTwo Sisters, 1860s. Additional Info: A statue in an alcove of two woman of ancient Greece, one seated and one standing. Possibly representing Demeter and Persephone
Joseph and Susanna Parrish, 1860s. Creator: Frederick GutekunstJoseph and Susanna Parrish, 1860s. Portrait of a young girl and young boy standing on either side of a table. A small dog is sitting on the table
Double Portrait of the Artist's Daughters, 1889. Creator: Adolf von HildebrandDouble Portrait of the Artist's Daughters, 1889. Additional Info: Two young sisters share a moment of unguarded reflection and warmth
Paris Theatre: Les Soeurs Badia, 1875. Creator: Alphonse J. LiebertParis Theatre: Les Soeurs Badia, 1875. Advertising flyer for the Paris Theatre, featuring a portrait of Les Soeurs Badia, two sisters wearing sequined dresses
The Daughters of Cecrops Finding the Child Erichthonius, 1617. Creator: Jacob Jordaens IThe Daughters of Cecrops Finding the Child Erichthonius, 1617
Landscape with Procne and Philomela, 2nd quarter 16th century. Creator: AnonLandscape with Procne and Philomela, 2nd quarter 16th century
It Is Pleasant To Think Of Him Working Quietly With His Lovely Sister In His GloriousIt Is Pleasant To Think Of [Sir Philip Sidney] Working Quietly With His Lovely Sister In His Glorious Retreat, c1929
Saint Nicholas Rescuing Three Youths from a Tub; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520
The Raising of Lazarus; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530
Moses Driving Away the Shepherds at the Well in Midian; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Sarah before Pharaoh: Discussion of Abraham and Lot about the Division of the Land; Weltchronik, about 1400-1410
Trudy Ederle & sister, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceTrudy Ederle & sister, between c1915 and c1920. Shows Gertrude "Trudy" Caroline Ederle (1906-2003), an American competitive swimmer and Olympic champion
Childrens clothing from 1850-1860, 1907, (1937). Creator: Cecil W TroutChildrens clothing from 1850-1860, 1907, (1937). From " History of American Costume - Book One 1607-1800", by Elisabeth McClellan. [Tudor Publishing Company, New York, 1937]
Portrait of the Sisters Zenaide and Charlotte BonapartePortrait of the Sisters Zénaïde and Charlotte Bonaparte, 1821
Carrying Children, 1870s-1890s. Creator: Kusakabe KimbeiCarrying Children, 1870s-1890s. Six children, with the two smallest on the backs of the two biggest
Youth, 1870s-1890s. Creator: Kusakabe KimbeiYouth, 1870s-1890s. Portrait of two girls in matching robes. One girl's arm is resting on the other girl's shoulder
Two Sisters, 1866-1867. Creator: Felice BeatoTwo Sisters, 1866-1867. Two standing woman shielded by one umbrella
Chapel of Ptah-Sokar, Temple of Seti I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, New Kingdom, c1300 BC. Relief depicting the resurrection of Osiris
A Boy Feeding his Little Sister, 1881. Creator: Helene SchjerfbeckA Boy Feeding his Little Sister, 1881
Michael and Xenia, Children of Tsar Alexander III, 1881-1882. Creator: Albert EdelfeltMichael and Xenia, Children of Tsar Alexander III, 1881-1882
Girls Binding Garlands (The Artist's Sisters Annie and Berta Binding Garlands), study, c1886
The Fates - Three Studies for one of the Lovers / or Cupid and Psyche, 1865
The Perseus Series - Perseus and the Graiae, c1870s, (1900). Creator: UnknownThe Perseus Series - Perseus and the Graiae, c1870s, (1900)
Two Sisters, 1610-1615. Creator: Cornelis de VosTwo Sisters, 1610-1615
The Brandt Family Children (By the Lamp), 1889. Creator: Albert EdelfeltThe Brandt Family Children (By the Lamp), 1889
"The Anniversary, " by F. Huard, in the French Gallery, 1871
Mrs. R.L. Gerry, Carol Harriman, 1916. Creator: Bain News ServiceMrs. R.L. Gerry, Carol Harriman, 1916. Shows Mrs. Robert Livingston Gerry (Cornelia Harriman Gerry) (1884-1966) and Carol A. Harriman (1889-1948), daughters of railroad owner E.H
Misses C.A. & E.L. Navratil, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceMisses C.A. & E.L. Navratil, between c1915 and c1920. Shows Charlotte and Luella Navratil and their Pomeranian dogs on board the ship Philadelphia
Marg. & Wm. Sims, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceMarg. & Wm. Sims, between c1915 and c1920. Shows the children of William Sowden Sims (1858-1936), who was the leader of U.S. Naval forces in Europe during World War I
Jascha Heifetz, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceJascha Heifetz, between c1915 and c1920. Shows violinist Jascha Heifetz (1901-1987) with his sisters Pauline and Elza
Lady Alan Johnstone, Amos Pinchot, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceLady Alan Johnstone, Amos Pinchot, between c1910 and c1915. Shows Lady Alan Johnstone (Antoinette Pinchot) with her brother, politician Amos Pinchot (1872-1944)
Lorina and Alice Liddell in Chinese Dress, 1860. Creator: Lewis CarrollLorina and Alice Liddell in Chinese Dress, 1860
Plate 3: Psyches two sisters are married to kings, from The Fable of Psyche, 1530-60
The Dolly Sisters, 1920s. Creator: WaleryThe Dolly Sisters, 1920s
Flora Rankin, Irene MacDonald, and Mary Josephine MacDonald at Elm Lodge, July 1863. Irene and Mary MacDonald were the children of Scottish novelist and poet George MacDonald
The Daughters of Catulle Mendes, Huguette (1871-1964), Claudine (1876-1937), and Helyonne (1879-1955), 1888
The Painters Daughters with a Cat, c1760, (1944). Creator: Thomas GainsboroughThe Painters Daughters with a Cat, c1760, (1944). Unfinished portrait of the artist Thomas Gainsboroughs daughters Mary (1750-1826) and Margaret (c1751-1820)
Mrs. Sheridan and Mrs. Tickell, c1772, (1908). Creator: UnknownMrs. Sheridan and Mrs. Tickell, c1772, (1908). Portrait of the Linley sisters, Elizabeth Ann Sheridan (1754-1792) and Mary Linley (1758-1787), daughters of the composer Thomas Linley
Pelagia and Philammon, 1887, (c1930). Creator: Arthur HackerPelagia and Philammon, 1887, (c1930)
Queen Mary, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret... Armistice Day, 1945, (1951)Queen Mary, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret and the Duchess of Kent on Armistice Day, 1945, (1951)
Queen Mary with her granddaughters, 1930s, (1951). Creator: UnknownQueen Mary with her granddaughters, 1930s, (1951)....on a ten-mile trip down the river to Wooolwich, where they watched the unloading and the loading of ships
The sleepy model, before 1912. Creator: Ruth HollingsworthThe sleepy model, before 1912
Achilles and the daughters of Lycomedes, c1760s. Creator: Pompeo BatoniAchilles and the daughters of Lycomedes, c1760s
Princes Gustaf Adolf - Sigvard & Bertil & Princess Ingrid of Sweden, between c1910 and c1915
Lady Sybil Grey & Lady Evelyn Grey Jones on VATERLAND, 1914. Creator: Bain News ServiceLady Sybil Grey & Lady Evelyn Grey Jones on VATERLAND, 1914