The Zeppelin Bombardment of Antwerp in August, 1814, in Defiance of the Hague Convention, 1915
British sailors wearing Dutch clogs, First World War, 1914-1918, (1933). Creator: UnknownBritish sailors wearing Dutch clogs, First World War, 1914-1918, (1933). Some 2, 000 of the sailors who were sent over by Mr
Ruins of the Citadel of Antwerp after the siege, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetRuins of the Citadel of Antwerp after the siege, 1832, (1833). Soldiers in the foreground. Part of the series of 24 prints about the siege of the Citadel of Antwerp, November 30-December 23, 1832
Exterior of the shell-proof field hospital, Citadel of Antwerp, 1832, (1833). Exterieur de l'hopital blinde'. On the left a regiment soldiers
Surrender of the Citadel of Antwerp, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetSurrender of the Citadel of Antwerp, 1832, (1833). Cheering people (civilians and soldiers) at a large fort. In the background towers of a city
Building the pithead, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetBuilding the pithead, 1832, (1833). Construction de la descente de Fosse'. Soldiers with baskets and wooden beams in a nocturnal hilly landscape
Soldiers dig a trench, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetSoldiers dig a trench, 1832, (1833). Ouverture de la troisieme paralelle'. Opening of the third parallel. Explosion displacing the gabions of the palisade
Artillery, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetArtillery, 1832, (1833). Batterie basse, etablie au rentrant de droite du Bastion de Fernando'. Soldiers busy with a row of guns; On the left in the foreground is an injured person
Soldiers at a mineshaft, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetSoldiers at a mineshaft, 1832, (1833). Communication de la descente de Fosse'. Soldiers making a fire. On the right in the foreground a large basket (gabion)
Armoured battery, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetArmoured battery, 1832, (1833). Soldiers and cannon; baskets or gabions. A wounded man is carried away
Lighting a mortar in an armoured battery, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetLighting a mortar in an armoured battery, 1832, (1833). Batterie de mortiers blindee - Etabli sur la Courtine qui joint le Bastion de Tolede au Bastion Pacioto'
Ruins of the Church and the House of General ChasséRuins of the Church and the House of General Chasse, 1832, (1833). On the right in the foreground a group of soldiers carrying mattresses
Inside of the shell-proof field hospital in the citadel of Antwerp, 1832, (1833). Interieur de l'hopital blinde'. Interior with sick and wounded, and military medical staff
Group of soldiers file through an opening in the palisade, 1832, (1833). Caponniere - ouvrage palissade en avant de la demi-Lune'
The French conquer the Flemish Head, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetThe French conquer the Flemish Head, 1832, (1833). Les Francais prennent possession de la Tete de Flandre'. Antwerp, December 26, 1832. Soldiers in rowing boats
Destroyed bridge, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetDestroyed bridge, 1832, (1833). Vues du pont ruine del la porte de secours, du Rentrant de gauche du Bastion Pacioto et du Flanc gauche de la Demin-Lune'
Conquest of the Lunette St. Laurent, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetThe taking of the Lunette St. Laurent, 1832, (1833). Prise de la Lunette St. Laurent'
Gun emplacement hit by a bomb, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetGun emplacement hit by a bomb, 1832, (1833). Blindage enfonce par une bombe'. Soldiers fleeing. On the left is an injured person
Mills of Berchem, 1832, (1833). Creator: Auguste RaffetMills of Berchem, 1832, (1833). Moulins de Berchem'. A street with figures on horseback, a cart, soldiers. Two mills on the left, in the background the towers of a city
Map of Antwerp during the siege by the FrenchPlan showing Schelde and Antwerp with the location of the forts in Dutch hands, during the siege of the Citadel by the French, 1832, (1832-1833). Dutch gunboats on the Scheldt
The Citadel of Antwerp shortly after the Siege of 19 November-23 December 1832, and the Surrender of the Dutch Garisson to the French, 1832-1839
Antwerp and its Roots, 1915. Creator: UnknownAntwerp and its Roots, 1915. Antwerp was ringed by forts known as the National Redoubt, besieged and captured during the German invasion of Belgium in August 1914
The District Round Antwerp, 1915. Creator: UnknownThe District Round Antwerp, 1915. Antwerp was ringed by forts known as the National Redoubt, besieged and captured during the German invasion of Belgium in August 1914
King Albert of the Belgians during the siege of Antwerp, Belgium, September-October 1914 (1926)