Russian Ice Mountain on the Admiralty Square in St. Petersburg, 1850s. Private Collection
Catherine the Great Visiting the Ice Mountain in Saint Petersburg, 1788. From a private collection
Merrymakers at Shrovetide, ca. 1616-17. Creator: Frans HalsMerrymakers at Shrovetide, ca. 1616-17
Vue des montagnes de glace pendant le carnaval à MoscouVue des montagnes de glace pendant le carnaval a Moscou, 1817-1824. Private Collection
Magistratskaia Street at Shrove-Tide in 1897, 1897. Creator: Pavel Mikhailovich KosharovMagistratskaia Street at Shrove-Tide in 1897, 1897
Tomsk, Magistratskaya Street during the Shrovetide in 1897, 1897. Creator: KosharovTomsk, Magistratskaya Street during the Shrovetide in 1897, 1897. Found in the Collection of State University, Tomsk
The mummers, 1873. Creator: Solomatkin, Leonid Ivanovich (1837-1883)The mummers, 1873. Found in the Collection of State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Carnival Procession, c. 1660. Creator: Venne, Adriaen Pietersz. van de (1589-1662)Carnival Procession, c. 1660. Found in the Collection of Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava
Taking the Little Snow-town, 1891, (1965). Creator: Vasily SurikovTaking the Little Snow-town, 1891, (1965). Scene from a Siberian village entertainment, painted in Krasnoyarsk, inspired by the artists childhood memories
Ice Mountains, ca 1814. Artist: AnonymousIce Mountains, ca 1814. Private Collection
Shrove-Tide, 1916, (1939). Creator: Boris Mikhajlovich KustodievShrove-Tide, 1916, (1939). Winter scene with traditional sleigh-ride in the snow
Swing Ride at a Russian Fair, 1821. Found in the Collection of State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Moscow
Russian village in winter, 1915. Private Collection
Russian village in winter, . Private Collection
Russian Ice Mountain, 1817. Artist: Houbigant, Armand-Gustave (1789-1862)Russian Ice Mountain, 1817. Private Collection
Amusement on the Ice, 1813. Artist: Svinyin, Pavel Petrovich (1787-1839)Amusement on the Ice, 1813. Private Collection
Shrovetide. Artist: Vereshchagin, Pyotr Petrovich (1836-1886)Shrovetide. Found in the collection of State Art Gallery, Perm
Storm of Snow Fortress, 1891. Artist: Surikov, Vasili Ivanovich (1848-1916)Storm of Snow Fortress, 1891. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
Boy. Study for the Shrovetide Fete on Admiralty Square in St Petersburg, c. 1869. From a private collection
Show-booths, 1917. Artist: Kustodiev, Boris Michaylovich (1878-1927)Show-booths, 1917. From a private collection
Shrovetide, 1916. Artist: Kustodiev, Boris Michaylovich (1878-1927)Shrovetide, 1916. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Russian Winter. Artist: Korovin, Konstantin Alexeyevich (1861-1939)Russian Winter. From a private collection
Shrove-tide Fete on the Neva in St. Petersburg, Early 19th cen.. Found in the collection of the Russian National Library, St. Petersburg
Shrovetide. Artist: Sverchkov, Nikolai Yegorovich (1817-1898)Shrovetide. Found in the collection of the Regional Art Museum, Lugansk
A roller coaster. Illustration from Il costume antico e moderno o storia del governo? by Giulio Ferrario, 1831. From a private collection
Merchants wife wuth Nurse during Fasching, 1833. Artist: AnonymousMerchants wife wuth Nurse during Fasching, 1833. From a private collection