A Séance. Creator: Hugo SalmsonA Seance, unknown date
Continuant... Le divertissement des tables tournantes... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierContinuant... Le divertissement des tables tournantes... 19th century. Parisian Sketches - continuing to engage in what is known as turntable entertainment
Lady Macbeth. Study, 1899. Creator: Kristian ZahrtmannLady Macbeth. Study, 1899
Chut...! ma fille entre en communication avec l'Esprit de Dante!... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierChut...! ma fille entre en communication avec l'Esprit de Dante!... 19th century. Shh! my daughter is entering into communication with the spirit of Dante!
Spiritualist meeting in Leipzig, Germany, 1893. Communicating with spirits by table-turning. From L Illustration. (Paris, 1853). (Colorised black and white print)
Planchette or Ouija board, 1885Planchette or Ouija board, c1880. Method of using the Planchette for spirit writing during a seance. From The Practical Dictionary of Mechanics, edited by Edward H Knight
Planchette or Ouija board, 1885Planchette or Ouija board, c1880. Method of using the Planchette for spirit writing during a seance. From The Practical Dictionary of Mechanics, edited by Edward H Knight. (New York and London, c1880)
Spirit unmasked at a London seance, 1880. Top: forming a circle by joining hands. Centre: a mediums assistant being placed behind a curtain (left), while spirit manifestations occur (right)
Spiritualist meeting in a Paris drawing room, 1853. Communicating with the other side by means of the hat, table-turning, and the pendulum. From L Illustration (Paris 1853)
Spiritualist meeting in Leipzig, Germany, 1893. Communicating with spirits by table-turning. From L Illustration. (Paris, 1853)