Vessel with Humans, Skeletons, Owls, Birds, Pumas, Seals, and Frogs, 100 B. C. / A. D. 500
Vessel with Humans, Skeletons, Owls, Birds, Pumas, Seals, and Frogs, 100 B.C./A.D. 500
Seal-Hunting, Newfoundland, 1916. Artist: Lowther, C. G
Seal-Hunting, Newfoundland, 1916. From America in Pictures, by H. Clive Barnard, M.A. B.Litt. [A. & C. Black, Limited, London, 1916]
Cliff House and Seal Rocks, Golden Gate, California, USA, 1893. Artist: John L Stoddard
Cliff House and Seal Rocks, Golden Gate, California, USA, 1893. Illustration from Portfolio of Photographs of Famous Cities, Scenes and Paintings, (The Werner Company, Chicago, c1893)