Roman Relief of Saturn. Saturn is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in myth as god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation
King Avenir, Josaphat and the Pagan Scholars Behold the Personification of Saturn; Barlaam und Josaphat, 1469
Plate 1: Saturn in a niche devouring his son, standing before a scythe, from a series of mythological gods and goddesses, 1526
Plate 1: Saturn; statue of the nude god standing on a socle, holding a scythe in his right hand and a child in his left; from Statues of Roman Gods after Jacques Jonghelinck, 1586
The Principal Idols of the Saxons, worship d in Britain, late 16th-early 17th century? Depiction of Saxon deities or Germanic gods which gave their names to the days of the week
The Moon, Venus and Saturn (Plate XXX), 1822The Moon, Venus and Saturn (Plate XXX), from A Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, pub. London 1822 (hand coloured engraving). Showing the different phases of the Moon
Saturn, c1585. Creator: Johann Sadeler ISaturn, c1585. Series: The Seven Planets, pl. 4
Circular Design with Saturn, 1583. Creator: Jonas SilberCircular Design with Saturn, 1583
History Taught through Truth, 1677-1755. Creator: Elias van NijmegenHistory Taught through Truth, 1677-1755. Design for a painting
Saturn, 1597. Creator: Jacob MathamSaturn, 1597
Saturno (Saturn), probably c. 1470. Creator: Master of the S-Series TarocchiSaturno (Saturn), probably c. 1470
Saturn, 1525/1530. Creator: Giuseppe Nicola RossiglianiSaturn, 1525/1530
Saturn or winter, between 1652 and 1655. Creator: Charles le BrunSaturn or winter, between 1652 and 1655
Saturnus, plate one from Der VII Planeten, n.d. Creator: Conrad MeyerSaturnus, plate one from Der VII Planeten, n.d
Saturn, plate 47 from Planets and Spheres, c.1465. Creator: UnknownSaturn, plate 47 from Planets and Spheres, c.1465
The Seat of Saturn; Saturn at center, seated on a throne of rubble
Nations of Europe ballets, 17th century. 17th century. Creator: AnonNations of Europe ballets, 17th century
Templum Saturni, from a Series of 24 Depicting (Reconstructed) Buildings from Roman Antiquity, Plate ca. 1530-50
Denarius Serratus (Coin) Depicting the God Saturn, 106 BCE. Creator: UnknownDenarius Serratus (Coin) Depicting the God Saturn, 106 BCE
Winter, from The Seasons, Paris, 1700 / 20. Creator: Gobelins ManufactoryWinter, from The Seasons, Paris, 1700/20. Saturn (god of agriculture and time) and Juventas (cupbearer to the gods on Mount Olympus) floating on a cloud
Venus entrusting Cupid to Time, 1758-80. Creator: Giovanni Domenico TiepoloVenus entrusting Cupid, [or possibly her son Aeneas], to Time, 1758-80
Saturn from The Gods Who Preside Over the Planets, 1525. Creator: Master I. BSaturn from The Gods Who Preside Over the Planets, 1525
Saturn, from Game of Mythology (Jeu de la Mythologie), 1644
Panel with figure of Saturn, plate 1, ca. 1550-65. Creator: Rene BoyvinPanel with figure of Saturn, plate 1, ca. 1550-65. Saturn, devouring one of his children. After Leonard Thiry
Hercules, Bacchus, Pan, and Saturn, from a series of eight compositions after Francesco Primaticcios designs for the ceiling of the Ulysses Gallery (destroyed 1738-39) at Fontainebleau, 1560s
Head of a Bearded Old Man ( Saturn ), 1516, (1943). Creator: Hans BaldungHead of a Bearded Old Man ( Saturn ), 1516, (1943). Drawing in the Albertina Museum, Vienna
Saturn devouring his son. Creator: Lama, Giulia (1681-1747)Saturn devouring his son. Private Collection
Two-image mosaic of Saturns Rings, seen from Voyager 1 spacecraft, 1980. Creator: NASATwo-image mosaic of Saturns Rings, seen from Voyager 1 spacecraft, 1980
Saturn Cutting off Cupid?s Wings with a Scythe, 1802. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Saturn and the Scholar (also called "Death and Old Age"), 1584-1625
Saturnian System from Voyager 1, c1980s. Creator: NASASaturnian System from Voyager 1, c1980s. The Voyager 1 space probe was launched by NASA on 5 September 1977, 16 days after its twin, Voyager 2
Saturns rings, range 717, 000 km, seen from Voyager 1 spacecraft. Creator: NASASaturns rings, range 717, 000 km, seen from Voyager 1 spacecraft
The planet Saturn with moons Tethys and Dione. Creator: NASAThe planet Saturn with moons Tethys and Dione. View of Saturn showing shadows cast by its rings
Saturns cloud deck. Creator: NASASaturns cloud deck. There are three different layers of clouds, or clouddecks, in Saturns atmosphere
Saturn from 27 million miles, seen from Voyager 2 spacecraft. Creator: NASASaturn from 27 million miles, seen from Voyager 2 spacecraft
Saturn and its moon Dione, seen from the Voyager 2 spacecraft. Creator: NASASaturn and its moon Dione, seen from the Voyager 2 spacecraft
SYSTEME SOLAIRE (no. 1), pub. Paris, 1839. Creator: Auguste-Henri Dufour (1795-1865)SYSTE ME SOLAIRE (no. 1), from Tableaux du Systeme Planetaire pub. Paris, 1839. Engraved by Auguste-Henri Dufour (1795-1865) French astronomer, after Sigismond Visconti
Saturn devouring one of his children by Francisco de Goya
Saturn Exiled, Late 15th cen. Artist: Giorgione (1476-1510)Saturn Exiled, Late 15th cen. Found in the collection of National Gallery, London
Saturn devouring his son. Artist: Goya, Francisco, de (1746-1828)Saturn devouring his son. Found in the collection of Museo del Prado, Madrid
Saturn devouring his son, 1636-1638. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)Saturn devouring his son, 1636-1638. Found in the collection of the Museo del Prado, Madrid
The first fruits from earth offered to Saturn, 1655-1657. Found in the collection of the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence
Planeten - Fig. 2. Saturn, c1902Planeten - Fig.2. Saturn, c1902. From Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, c1902
The Temples of Saturn and Vespasian, the Roman Forum, Rome, Italy, 19th century
Sir William Herschel, German-born British astronomer. Artist: E ScrivenSir William Herschel, German-born British astronomer. Holding a diagram of planets and their planetry rings. Herschel (1738-1822) constructed his own telescope after taking up astronomy as a hobby
Saturn, 1757. Artist: Bernard de MontfauconSaturn, 1757. A plate from Supplement au livre de L antiquite expliquee et representee en figures, Paris, 1757. Private Collection
Saturn Devouring one of his Children, 1821-1823. Artist: Francisco GoyaSaturn Devouring one of his Children, 1821-1823. Found in the collection of the Prado, Madrid, Spain
Series of observations of the planet Saturn, 1656
Paris Observatory, France, 1740. Astronomers using telescopes to observe objects in the night sky including Saturn and the Moon
Colour-enhanced view of Saturn, 1980. Taken from the Voyager 2 spacecraft. The enhancement brings out the details in the cloud bands
The planet Saturn, 1980. This picture was taken from Voyager 1 at 34 million kilometres and shows clear detail in Saturns rings
Close up of Saturns rings, 1981. Taken by Voyager 2 the clear ring structure can be seen as well as the distinct gap in the rings
Detail of a Neo-Punic relief dedicated to the god Saturn showing a priestDetail of a Neo-Punic relief on a stelae dedicated to Saturn showing a priest with a lion, from the British Museums collection
Head of a Bearded Old Man (Saturn), 1516. Artist: Baldung, Hans (1484-1545)Head of a Bearded Old Man (Saturn), 1516. Found in the collection of the Albertina, Vienna
Gravestone to a priest of Saturn in Carthage, 2nd century
Detail of a gravestone in a sanctuary sacred to Saturn, 1st centuryDetail of a gravestone in a sanctuary sacred to Saturn in Carthage, from the Roman period, 1st century
Saturn, 1659. Diagram of Saturn and its orbit and the altering appearance of its rings from different angles
Christiaan Huyghens (1629-1695), Dutch physicist. Artist: F HenrionnetChristiaan Huyghens (1629-1695), Dutch physicist. Portrait from obverse of commemorative medal
Detail of a Neo-Punic relief showing a priestDetail of a Neo-Punic relief on a stelae dedicated to Saturn showing a priest with a lion, from the British Museums collection
Saturn, Roman god of time, 1569. Saturn (Greek Kronos) riding in his chariot drawn by dragons. He devoured all his children except Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto
Galileo presenting his telescope to the Muses, 1655-56Galileo presenting his telescope to the Muses, and pointing out a heliocentric system. Note Jupiter and its satellites, the phases of Venus, and the triple nature of Saturn