Raiko Enters the Treasure Mountain, 1882. Creator: Tsukioka YoshitoshiRaiko Enters the Treasure Mountain, 1882. From Sketches by Yoshitoshi
Sake Cup Shaped like a Buddhist Gong, 19th century. Creator: UnknownSake Cup Shaped like a Buddhist Gong, 19th century
Gourd-Shaped Sake Cup, Mid-19th century. Creator: Ohara MitsuhiroGourd-Shaped Sake Cup, Mid-19th century
Back to back, from a series of 12 prints, c. 1700. Creator: Furuyama MoroshigeBack to back, from a series of 12 prints, c. 1700. Attributed to Furuyama Moroshige
A Professional Buffoon, from an untitled series of 12 prints, c. 1710. Attributed to Torii Kiyonobu I
Watching the Shellfish Gathering during Low Tide at Shinagawa... late 18th-early 19th century. Creator: Hosoda EishiWatching the Shellfish Gathering during Low Tide at Shinagawa (Shinagawa shiohigari kenbutsu), late 18th-early 19th century
Jurojin, from the series "A Comparison of the Treasures of the Gods of Good Fortune... c. 1795Jurojin, from the series "A Comparison of the Treasures of the Gods of Good Fortune (Fukujin takara awase)", c. 1795
The Scoop-Net, Japan, c. 1800 / 01. Creator: Kitagawa UtamaroThe Scoop-Net, Japan, c. 1800/01
Enjoying the Cool in a Garden, Japan, c. 1788 / 90. Creator: Kitagawa UtamaroEnjoying the Cool in a Garden, Japan, c. 1788/90
Pleasure-Boating on the Sumida River, Japan, 1788/90. Creator: Kitagawa UtamaroPleasure-Boating on the Sumida River, Japan, 1788/90
Courtesan Plying Shojo with Sake, no. 4 from a series of 12 prints, c. 1708
Parody of Palace Attendants Burning Maple Leaves to Heat Sake from " The Tale of Heike", c. 1750
Around the Kotatsu, c. 1789. Creator: Katsukawa ShunchoAround the Kotatsu, c. 1789. Two women keep warm at a kotatsu, a low table wrapped in a heavy blanket, with a charcoal brazier underneath
Snow, from the series "Snow, Moon, and Flowers of the Floating World (Ukiyo... c)Snow, from the series " Snow, Moon, and Flowers of the Floating World (Ukiyo setsugekka)", c. 1784/85
Drinking Sake at a Housewarming Party (Takubiraki shuen no zu), 1863
Large Lacquer Sake Cup Reading "Full House", 1794, year of the tigerLarge Lacquer Sake Cup Reading " Full House", 1794, year of the tiger
An Actors Image in a Sake Cup, ca. 1825. Creator: Utagawa Toyokuni IIAn Actors Image in a Sake Cup, ca. 1825
Wine Pot, Wine Cup and Folded Fan, 19th century. Creator: GakuteiWine Pot, Wine Cup and Folded Fan, 19th century
Portrait of Arashi Kichizaburo III (1810-1864) in the Role of Baiomaru, ca. 1840. caPortrait of Arashi Kichizaburo III (1810-1864) in the Role of Baiomaru, ca. 1840
Wine-Set, 19th century. 19th century. Creator: ShinsaiWine-Set, 19th century
Framed Painting, Small Stand with a Wine Cup and a Dish with a Fish, 19th century
Wine-pot and Cup for the New Year Ceremony, 19th century. 19th century. Creator: ShinsaiWine-pot and Cup for the New Year Ceremony, 19th century