Portrait of the Arctic explorer Baron Adolf Erik Nordenskiold (1832-1901), 1886. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Portrait of Kunz von der Rosen, ca. 1515 / 1518. Creator: Daniel HopferPortrait of Kunz von der Rosen, ca. 1515/1518
Rosen, Walter T. Mrs. baby of, portrait photograph, 1915. Creator: Arnold GentheRosen, Walter T. Mrs. baby of, portrait photograph, 1915
Still Life: Fruit, 1855. Creator: Severin RoesenStill Life: Fruit, 1855
Still Life: Flowers and Fruit, 1850-55. Creator: Severin RoesenStill Life: Flowers and Fruit, 1850-55
Still Life Fruit and Wine Glass, 1865-70. Creator: Severin RoesenStill Life Fruit and Wine Glass, 1865-70
Still Life with Strawberries in a Compote, 1865-70. Creator: Severin RoesenStill Life with Strawberries in a Compote, 1865-70
The Christmas Fair, 1872. Creator: Rosen, Georg von (1843-1923)The Christmas Fair, 1872. Found in the Collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Portrait of General Baron Georg Andreas von Rosen (1782-1841). Found in the Collection of State History Museum, Moscow
Portrait of General Baron Georg (Grigory Vladimirovich) von Rosen (1782-1841), 1813. Private Collection
Napoleon Leaving The French Army At Smorgoni, 1812, (1896). French troops under Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) during the invasion of Russia - winter scene. Typogravure after the painting by J Rosen
Baron Dmitry Grigoryevich von Rosen (1815-1885), 1839. Private Collection
The Sphinx, 1887. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
The Entry of Sten Sture the Elder into Stockholm, 1864. Found in the collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich of Russia at the Cavalry Review on the Saxon Square in Warsaw, 1824, 1889. From a private collection
Portrait of Decembrist Baroness Anna von Rosen (1797-1883), 1832. Found in the collection of the Russian State Library, Moscow
Portrait of Decembrist Baron Andrei von Rosen (1799-1884), 1832. Found in the collection of the Russian State Library, Moscow
Count Georg von Rosen (1843-1923), Swedish painter, 1893. After an etching by Anders Leonard Zorn (1860?1920).From The Studio Volume Twelve by [London Offices of the Studio V, London, 1898]
King Eric XIV of Sweden (1533-1577), 1871. Found in the Collection of Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Vase de roses, peches et raisins, 1894. Artist: Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836-1904)Vase de roses, peches et raisins, 1894. From a private collection
Treaty of Portsmouth peacemakers on board the Mayflower, 1905. Count de Witte, Baron Rosen, President Theodore Roosevelt, Baron Komura and M. Takahira
Diplomats arrive for the Treaty of Portsmouth, New York Yacht Club, 1905. Count de Witte, Baron Rosen and American Secretary of State Pierce are pictured