Cupid and Psyche - Cupid finding Psyche asleep in the Garden, 1880
Company of ladies and gentlemen in a court with rose bushes that are lit by the moon, 1847
Portrait of a Woman, probably Sophia Anna van Pipenpoy (c)Portrait of a Woman, probably Sophia Anna van Pipenpoy (c.1618-70), Countess of Schellart, 1659
"Newmar, " Senator George Almer Newhall house, 1761 Manor Drive, Hillsborough, California, 1917. House: Lewis Parsons Hobart, completed 1910. Landscape: Bruce Porter, completed 1910
"Glen Oaks, " James Hobart Moore house, East Valley Road, Montecito, California, 1917. House Architecture: Unknown, possibly Stanford White. Landscape: W
"Senuelo, " Edward Ditmars Wetmore house, Fairway Road, Montecito, California, 1917. House Architecture: Francis Townsend Underhill
Street with Caroline Restout roses, Portland, Oregon, 1923
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 1921. House architecture: James Hoban and others, from 1792. Landscape: George Elberton Burnap, planted fall 1913
Frances Benjamin Johnston's house and photography studio, 1332 V. Street, NW, Washington, DC. 1898, printed later. Roses and bloom and the skylight and ivy-covered wall of the photography studio
Virgin and Child, ca. 1495-1500. Creator: Jan ProvoostVirgin and Child, ca. 1495-1500
Sunnyside Rose Garden, Charlotte, N. C. 1942. Creator: UnknownSunnyside Rose Garden, Charlotte, N.C. 1942. From " Souvenir of the Beautiful Carolinas". [Curt Teich & Co. Chicago, 1942]
The Madonna of the Rose Garden (Madonna del Roseto), c.1425. Found in the collection of Musei Civici, Verona
The Madonna of the Rose Garden (Madonna del Roseto). Found in the Collection of Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan
The houses of York and Lancaster, 15th century, (c1920). Members of the opposing sides in the Wars of the Roses whose symbols were the red rose (Lancaster), and the white rose (York)
Portrait of Yvonne Lerolle, 1897. Artist: Maurice DenisPortrait of Yvonne Lerolle, 1897. Private Collection
Saadi in a Rose Garden, 1645. Artist: GovardhanSaadi in a Rose Garden, 1645. From a manuscript of the Gulistan (Rose Garden), by Saadi. Saadi (c1184-c1292) was a Persian poet of the 13th century