The Temple of Music by Robert Fludd, 1617. Artist: AnonymousThe Temple of Music by Robert Fludd, 1617. From a private collection
Star Fort defended by a moat coming under siege, 1617-1619. From Utriusque cosmi...historia by Robert Fludd. (Oppenheim, 1617-1619)
Portrait of Robert Fludd (1574-1637), 1626. Private Collection
An astrologer casting a horoscope, 1617 (late 19th century). Copy of an illustration from Utriusque Cosmi Historia by Robert Fludd, (Oppenheim 1617), used in A History of Magic, late 19th century
Portrait of Robert Fludd (1574-1637), 17th century. Artist: AnonymousPortrait of Robert Fludd (1574-1637), 17th century. From a private collection
Interior of the Globe Theatre, Bankside, London, 1617-1619. Stage of the second Globe, built on the foundations and in the same style as the first immediately after the fire of 1613
Portrait of Robert Fludd (1574-1637), 1626. Artist: AnonymousPortrait of Robert Fludd (1574-1637), 1626. Found in the collection of the Russian State Library, Moscow
The Cabalistic analysis of the mind and the senses, 1617. This attributed different functions to different regions of the brain. From Ultriusque cosmi...historia by Robert Fludd. (Oppenheim, 1617-1619
Using a cross-staff to measure the height of a tower, 1617-1619. From Utriusque cosmi...historia by Robert Fludd. (Oppenheim, 1617-1619)
Measuring the distance of an inaccessible object by triangulation using a hinged staff, 1617-1619. From Utriusque cosmi...historia by Robert Fludd. (Oppenheim, 1617-1619)
Surveyors using quadrants to measure the height of a tower, 1617-c1619. Quadrants fitted with plumb bobs and marked with shadow scales to measure the height of a tower
Finding the angular distance between two edges of a wood using a cross-staff, 1617-1619. From Utriusque cosmi...historia by Robert Fludd. (Oppenheim, 1617-1619)
Surveying, early 17th century. Method of using a quadrant fitted with a plumb line and marked with shadow scales to measure the depth of a well. From Utriusque cosmi... historia by Robert Fludd
Geocentric or Earth-centred Universe, c1617
The divine harmony of the microcosm and the macrososm, c1617The divine harmony of the microcosm and the macrososm according to the Hermetic and Cabalistic teaching, c1617. God is always at the apex of the triangle. From Ultriusque cosmi
The relation of Man, the microcosm, with the Universe, the macrocosm, c1617
The divine harmony of the universe, c1617. The hand of God turns the peg to tune the universe. From Utriusque cosmi... historia by Robert Fludd. (Oppenheim, 1617-1619)
Synopsis of the diviners arts, 1617-1619. Chiromancy, prophecy, mnemonics, physiognomy, pyramidology, geomancy, astrology, the seven sources of human knowledge. From Utriusque cosmi
Clepsydra (water clock) indicating hours and chiming, 1617-1619. From Utriusque cosmi...historia by Robert Fludd (Oppenheim, 1617-1619)
Chiromancy, 1617-1619. Title page of a chapter on chiromancy from Robert Fludds Utriusque cosmi...historia, showing the lines of the hand. (Oppenheim, 1617-1619)
Design for an encampment outside a besieged fortress, 1617-1619. From Utriusque cosmi... historia by Robert Fludd. (Oppenheim, 1617-1619)
Divine harmony, 1617-1619. The divine harmony existing between Man the microsm, and the universe the macrocosm, with God at the top. From Utriusque cosmi... historia by Robert Fludd
Diagram showing mans position in the universe, 1617-19. Artist: Robert FluddDiagram showing mans position in the universe, 1617-19
Utriusque cosmi historia, 1517-19. Artist: Robert FluddUtriusque cosmi historia, 1517-19. Gunners laying siege to moated and fortified enclosure. Attackers are using earth-filled Gabions to protect their guns and themselves