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Remembrance Collection

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Tyne Cot Cemetery, Passchendaele Ridge

Tyne Cot Cemetery, Passchendaele Ridge, Belgium, World War I, c1918-1919

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Cenotaph, Whitehall, London

The Cenotaph, Whitehall, London. The Cenotaph is the site of the annual national service of remembrance when those who fell in the Great War and subsequent conflicts are remembered

Background imageRemembrance Collection: 'Recollections of Boyhood, ' by E. Castan, 1872. Creator: W. H

"Recollections of Boyhood, " by E. Castan, 1872. Creator: W. H
"Recollections of Boyhood, " by E. Castan, 1872. Engraving of a painting

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: interior of the Round Tower of the Malakoff, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: interior of the Round Tower of the Malakoff, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: interior of the Round Tower of the Malakoff, 1869

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Martyrs Memorial, Smithfield, 1870. Creator: Unknown

The Martyrs Memorial, Smithfield, 1870. Creator: Unknown
The Martyrs Memorial, Smithfield, [London], 1870. A memorial of the martyrs who suffered at Smithfield has been erected by a committee formed through the exertions of the Protestant Alliance

Memorial Cross of Princess Alice at Balmoral, 1880. Creator: Unknown
Memorial Cross of Princess Alice at Balmoral, [Scotland], 1880

Memorial plaque on the Karl-Marx-Hof building, Vienna, Austria, 1998. Creator: LTL
Memorial plaque on the Karl-Marx-Hof building, Vienna, Austria, 1998. The building was a battlefield during the short-lived Austrian Civil War or February Uprising, of 1934

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: the French Cemetery, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: the French Cemetery, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: the French Cemetery, 1869. The cemetery...has been inclosed by a wall of about 7 ft. or 8 ft. high

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: the Battle-Field of Inkerman, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: the Battle-Field of Inkerman, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: the Battle-Field of Inkerman, 1869. Our Artist says: "This monument stands where the thick of the fight took place

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: monument at the Salient of the Redan, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: monument at the Salient of the Redan, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: monument at the Salient of the Redan, 1869

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: graves of British soldiers, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: graves of British soldiers, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: graves of British soldiers, 1869

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: Balaklava, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: Balaklava, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: Balaklava, 1869

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: the Tartar Shepherd, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: the Tartar Shepherd, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: the Tartar Shepherd, 1869. From "Illustrated London News", 1869

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: the room in which Lord Raglan died

The Crimea Revisited: the room in which Lord Raglan died at the head-quarters residence, near Sebastopol, 1869

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: Cathcart Hill, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: Cathcart Hill, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: Cathcart Hill, 1869

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Crimea Revisited: the Headquarters burial-ground, 1869. Creator: Unknown

The Crimea Revisited: the Headquarters burial-ground, 1869. Creator: Unknown
The Crimea Revisited: the Headquarters burial-ground, 1869

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le Cimetiere de Moosch, 1915. Creator: Charles-Jules Duvent

Le Cimetiere de Moosch, 1915. Creator: Charles-Jules Duvent
Le Cimetiere de Moosch, 1915. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Volume I" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1926]

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Models in Inkerman Stone of Monuments in the Crimea and at Scutari

Models in Inkerman Stone of Monuments in the Crimea and at Scutari, presented to Her Majesty by Capt. Brine, R.E. 1858

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Cimetieres Allemands; Ce que les allemands laissent aussi derriere eux

Cimetieres Allemands; Ce que les allemands laissent aussi derriere eux, 1918. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Les fetes de la victoire en Belgique; le 22 juillet

Les fetes de la victoire en Belgique; le 22 juillet, a Bruxelles, M Poincare depose une couronne au pied de Monument aux Morts, 1919

Background imageRemembrance Collection: La part de la douleur; au soir du 'jour de Gloire': le pelerinage pieux des peres

La part de la douleur; au soir du "jour de Gloire": le pelerinage pieux des peres et des meres

Background imageRemembrance Collection: 'Repose Un Soldat Francais Mort Pour la Patrie 1914-1918''

"Repose Un Soldat Francais Mort Pour la Patrie 1914-1918"'. From "L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919, Volume 2" [L'Illustration, Paris, 1924]

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' de Belgique; le roi Albert

Le "Soldat Inconnu" de Belgique; le roi Albert, debout, a droite, dans son uniforme de guerre, casque en tete, salue la depouille sacree, apres l'inhumation, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' de Belgique; le tombe du 'Soldat inconnu' belge au pied de la

Le "Soldat Inconnu" de Belgique; le tombe du "Soldat inconnu" belge au pied de la colonne du Congres, a Bruxelles, 1922

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' Americain; le cercueil contenent la depouille glorieuse arrive

Le "Soldat Inconnu" Americain; le cercueil contenent la depouille glorieuse arrive a l'amphitheatre du cimetiere national d'Arlington

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' Americain; dans l'amphitheatre d'Arlington: les plus hautes

Le "Soldat Inconnu" Americain; dans l'amphitheatre d'Arlington: les plus hautes personnalites americaines et les hommes d'Etat etrangers autour de la glorieuse depouille, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' Americain; les corps quitte le Capitole pour etre transporte au

Le "Soldat Inconnu" Americain; les corps quitte le Capitole pour etre transporte au cimetiere national d'Arlington, le Pantheon des Etats-Unis, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' Americain; au Capitole de Washington: le president Harding dispose

Le "Soldat Inconnu" Americain; au Capitole de Washington: le president Harding dispose sur le cercueil le ruban de la Croix de guerre americaine, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' Americain; au Havre: le transport du cercueil a bord de l 'Olympia'

Le "Soldat Inconnu" Americain; au Havre: le transport du cercueil a bord de l "Olympia", dans une chapelle de drapeaux a l'arriere du croiseur, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' Americain; la chapelle ardente ou le corps reposa d'abord a l'hotel

Le "Soldat Inconnu" Americain; la chapelle ardente ou le corps reposa d'abord a l'hotel de ville de Chalons-sur-Marne, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' italien; Place de Venise: la glorieuse biere est portee par seize

Le "Soldat Inconnu" italien; Place de Venise: la glorieuse biere est portee par seize officiers a l'Autel de la Patrie

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' italien; a Rome: le corps est conduit a l'eglise Santa Maria degli

Le "Soldat Inconnu" italien; a Rome: le corps est conduit a l'eglise Santa Maria degli Angeli, sur un affut de canon, et suivi, a pied, du roi

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' italien; la population agenouillee le long du trajet: les hommes avec

Le "Soldat Inconnu" italien; la population agenouillee le long du trajet: les hommes avec des drapeaux, les femmes et les enfants avec des fleurs, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' italien; la population agenouillee le long du trajet: les hommes avec

Le "Soldat Inconnu" italien; la population agenouillee le long du trajet: les hommes avec des drapeaux, les femmes et les enfants avec des fleurs, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' italien; le wagon decouvert

Le "Soldat Inconnu" italien; le wagon decouvert, somtueusement decore, qui transporta le cercueil, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' italien; la locomotive du train qui ramena le corps d'Aquilee a Rome

Le "Soldat Inconnu" italien; la locomotive du train qui ramena le corps d'Aquilee a Rome, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Soldat Inconnu' italien; le cercueil

Le "Soldat Inconnu" italien; le cercueil, tel qu'il repose sous l'Autel de la Patrie, 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Combattant Inconnu' Britannique; a Westminster: le roi George V et

Le "Combattant Inconnu" Britannique; a Westminster: le roi George V et, derriere lui, ses fils, le prince de Galles et le duc d'York, devant le cercueil, 1920

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Combattant Inconnu' Britannique; a Londres: le 11 novembre

Le "Combattant Inconnu" Britannique; a Londres: le 11 novembre, au onzieme coup de 11 heurs, le roi George V vient de devoiler le Cenotaphe de Whitehall, devant lequel s'est arrete

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Combattant Inconnu' Britannique; a Boulogne: le cercueil est porte sur le contre

Le "Combattant Inconnu" Britannique; a Boulogne: le cercueil est porte sur le contre-torpilleur britannique "Verdun", 1920

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Le 'Combattant Inconnu' Britannique; le corps du Combattant britannique inconnu arrive au

Le "Combattant Inconnu" Britannique; le corps du Combattant britannique inconnu arrive au chateau de Boulogne, 1920

Background imageRemembrance Collection: La mise au tombeau; Penches sur l'ouverture du caveau

La mise au tombeau; Penches sur l'ouverture du caveau
d'honneur, la Medaille militaire et la Croix de guerre; a gauche, de profil, M Barthou, ministre de la Guerre, qui a preside la breve et emouvante ceremonie

Background imageRemembrance Collection: La mise au tombeau; descendu de la salle haute de l'Arc de Triomphe

La mise au tombeau; descendu de la salle haute de l'Arc de Triomphe, ou il avait ete depose le 11 novembre 1920, le cercueil du Soldat inconnu est porte, le 27 janvier 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: L'apotheose du Soldat; Un arret place de la Concorde: M Millerand et le groupe

L'apotheose du Soldat; Un arret place de la Concorde: M Millerand et le groupe officiel derriere le canon portant le cercueil du Soldat, 1920

Background imageRemembrance Collection: L'apotheose du Soldat; les drapeaux

L'apotheose du Soldat; les drapeaux, venant du Pantheon, descendent la rue Soufflot en tete du cortege qui se dirige vers l'Arc de Triomphe, 1920

Background imageRemembrance Collection: L'apotheose du Soldat; le cercueil du Soldat sort du Pantheon: sur la place

L'apotheose du Soldat; le cercueil du Soldat sort du Pantheon: sur la place, le canon de 155 qui va le recevoir et la char sur lequel a ete porte le coeur de Gambetta, 1920

Background imageRemembrance Collection: L'apotheose du Soldat; le ceremonie du Pantheon: pendant le discours du president

L'apotheose du Soldat; le ceremonie du Pantheon: pendant le discours du president de la Republique devant le catafalque

Background imageRemembrance Collection: L'apotheose du Soldat; le 11 novembre 1920

L'apotheose du Soldat; le 11 novembre 1920, le cercueil du Soldat, porte par huit adjudants-chefs, morte les degres du Pantheon

Background imageRemembrance Collection: le Soldat inconnu; le meme jour

le Soldat inconnu; le meme jour, le cercueil du Soldat inconnu est transporte de la citadelle a la gare de Verdun, 1920

Background imageRemembrance Collection: le Soldat inconnu; le choix Soldat inconnu

le Soldat inconnu; le choix Soldat inconnu, le 10 novembre 1920, a 3 heurs de l'apres-midi, a la citadelle de Verdun: le soldat Auguste Thin, du 132e

Background imageRemembrance Collection: L'appel des morts; le 21 aout 1919

L'appel des morts; le 21 aout 1919, a Rouen, sur la place de l'hotel-de-Ville, la 5e division du 3e corps d'armee fait l'appel de ses morts, 1919

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Reconnaissance national; la ceremonie du 2 aout 1919

Reconnaissance national; la ceremonie du 2 aout 1919, a Paris, dans le Grand Amphitheatre de la Sorbonne, 1919

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Primrose Day at Westminster - Tributes to the memory of Lord Beaconsfield

Primrose Day at Westminster - Tributes to the memory of Lord Beaconsfield, 1886. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper Volume 33. January to June, 1886"

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Turkish Women at a Tomb, 1854. Creator: Unknown

Turkish Women at a Tomb, 1854. Creator: Unknown
Turkish Women at a Tomb, 1854. From "Cassells Illustrated Family Paper; London Weekly 31/12/1853 - 30/12/1854"

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday, October 18, 1890, 1890. Creator: Unknown

The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday, October 18, 1890, 1890. Creator: Unknown
The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday, October 18, 1890, 1890.From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper", Volume 42. July to December, 1890

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Platter, c. 1938. Creator: Paul Ward

Platter, c. 1938. Creator: Paul Ward
Platter, c. 1938

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Glorious Remembrance of September 16th

Glorious Remembrance of September 16th, n.d

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Design for a Monument to Sailors, n.d. Creator: John Bacon II

Design for a Monument to Sailors, n.d. Creator: John Bacon II
Design for a Monument to Sailors, n.d

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Forget Me Not (valentine), 1850 / 59. Creator: George Meek

Forget Me Not (valentine), 1850 / 59. Creator: George Meek
Forget Me Not (valentine), 1850/59

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Forget Me Not (valentine), c. 1857. Creator: George Meek

Forget Me Not (valentine), c. 1857. Creator: George Meek
Forget Me Not (valentine), c. 1857

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Forget Me Not (valentine), 1840 / 60. Creator: John Windsor

Forget Me Not (valentine), 1840 / 60. Creator: John Windsor
Forget Me Not (valentine), 1840/60

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Perfume Bottle, c. 1936. Creator: William P. Shearwood

Perfume Bottle, c. 1936. Creator: William P. Shearwood
Perfume Bottle, c. 1936

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Flowers: Poppies and Daisies, c. 1867. Creator: Odilon Redon

Flowers: Poppies and Daisies, c. 1867. Creator: Odilon Redon
Flowers: Poppies and Daisies, c. 1867

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Sampler, c. 1937. Creator: Katherine Hastings

Sampler, c. 1937. Creator: Katherine Hastings
Sampler, c. 1937

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Remembrance of My Village (Souvenir de mon village). Creator: Alphonse Legros

Remembrance of My Village (Souvenir de mon village). Creator: Alphonse Legros
Remembrance of My Village (Souvenir de mon village)

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Remembrance of Italy (Souvenir d Italie). Creator: Alphonse Legros

Remembrance of Italy (Souvenir d Italie). Creator: Alphonse Legros
Remembrance of Italy (Souvenir d Italie)

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Southern Belle, 1932. Creator: C. T. Howard

The Southern Belle, 1932. Creator: C. T. Howard
The Southern Belle, 1932. Southern Railway service running from Victoria Station in London to Brighton on the south coast, later known as the Brighton Belle

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Memorial service for Edith Cavell, St. Pauls Cathedral, London, 29 October 1915, (c1920)

Memorial service for Edith Cavell, St. Pauls Cathedral, London, 29 October 1915, (c1920)

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Cenotaph, Whitehall, London, c1920. Creator: Unknown

The Cenotaph, Whitehall, London, c1920. Creator: Unknown
The Cenotaph, Whitehall, London, c1920. The Cenotaph is the site of the annual national service of remembrance when those who fell in the Great War and subsequent conflicts are remembered

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Agra. The Taj Mahal near view, c1910. Creator: Unknown

Agra. The Taj Mahal near view, c1910. Creator: Unknown
Agra. The Taj Mahal near view, c1910. From " Cities of the Moguls". [Plate Ltd. Ceylon, ]

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Agra. The Gateway of the Taj Mahal, c1910. Creator: Unknown

Agra. The Gateway of the Taj Mahal, c1910. Creator: Unknown
Agra. The Gateway of the Taj Mahal, c1910. From " Cities of the Moguls". [Plate Ltd. Ceylon, ]

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Pericles Delivering the Funeral Oration Over the Athenians, 1890. Creator: Unknown

Pericles Delivering the Funeral Oration Over the Athenians, 1890. Creator: Unknown
Pericles Delivering the Funeral Oration Over the Athenians, 1890

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Cuban Minister lays a wreath in homage to the Unknown Belgian Soldier

The Cuban Minister lays a wreath in homage to the Unknown Belgian Soldier
The Minister of the Cuban Republic lays a wreath in homage to the Unknown Belgian Soldier, Brussels, Belgium, 1927

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Tombs of July from The Complete Works of Beranger, 1836. Creator: Auguste Raffet

The Tombs of July from The Complete Works of Beranger, 1836. Creator: Auguste Raffet
The Tombs of July from The Complete Works of Beranger, 1836

Background imageRemembrance Collection: War Memorial, c1947. Creator: Unknown

War Memorial, c1947. Creator: Unknown
War Memorial, c1947. Kings Park war memorial, dedicated by family members to Western Australian service men and women who died in World War I and World War II

Background imageRemembrance Collection: With The Men Who Remember, 1936 (1937)

With The Men Who Remember, 1936 (1937). British Legion Rememberance Festival, Royal Albert Hall, London. From Coronation Souvenir Book 1937, edited by Gordon Beckles. [Daily Express, London, 1937]

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, c1865. Artist: Robert Dudley

Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, c1865. Artist: Robert Dudley
Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, c1865. View of the memorial to Westminster scholars who died in the Crimean and Indian Wars in Broad Sanctuary, Westminster

Background imageRemembrance Collection: The Glorious Dead, c1914-1919

The Glorious Dead, c1914-1919
Laying wreaths at the Feet of the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London c1914-1919

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Bronze casket containing the Italian Unknown Soldier, c1921

Bronze casket containing the Italian Unknown Soldier, c1921. The Italians unveiled their Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 1921

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Marshal Foch, French general, saluting the British Unknown Soldier, c1918c1920(?)

Marshal Foch, French general, saluting the British Unknown Soldier, c1918c1920(?)

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Funeral procession for Horst Wessel in the Juedenstasse, Berlin, 1930 (1938). Artist

Funeral procession for Horst Wessel in the Juedenstasse, Berlin, 1930 (1938). Artist
Funeral procession for Horst Wessel in the Juedenstasse, Berlin, 1930, (1938). Wessel (1907-1930) joined the Nazi party and the Sturmabteilung (SA) in 1926

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Hitler and Goering leading a rally through Munich on Martyrs Day, 9th November, 1935

Hitler and Goering leading a rally through Munich on Martyrs Day, 9th November, 1935. From Deutsche Gedenkhalle: Das Neue Deutschland compiled by General Von Eisenhart Rothe, 1939

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Adolf Hitler leading a procession of World War I veterans on Martyrs Day

Adolf Hitler leading a procession of World War I veterans on Martyrs Day
Adolf Hitler leading a procession of German World War I veterans on Martyrs Day, 9th November 1935. From Deutsche Gedenkhalle: Das Neue Deutschland compiled by General Von Eisenhart Rothe, 1939

Background imageRemembrance Collection: Wreath laid by Adolf Hitler on Martyrs Day at the Hall of the Fallen, 9th November, 1933

Wreath laid by Adolf Hitler on Martyrs Day at the Hall of the Fallen, 9th November, 1933
Wreath laid by Adolf Hitler on Martyrs Day at the newly built Hall of the Fallen, 9th November, 1933. From Deutsche Gedenkhalle: Das Neue Deutschland compiled by General Von Eisenhart Rothe, 1939

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