Composition, 1921. Creator: Popova, Lyubov Sergeyevna (1889-1924)Composition, 1921. Found in the collection of the Regional I. Savitsky Art Museum, Nukus
Constructive composition, 1919. Creator: Echeistov, Georgy Alexandrovich (1897-1946)Constructive composition, 1919. Found in the Collection of Regional I. Savitsky Art Museum, Nukus
On the knees, 1920s. Creator: Galperin, Lev Solomonovich (1886-1938)On the knees, 1920s. Found in the Collection of Regional I. Savitsky Art Museum, Nukus
The Zindan (Prison), 1930s. Creator: Bure, Leon (Lev) Leonardovich (1887-1943)The Zindan (Prison), 1930s. Found in the Collection of Regional I. Savitsky Art Museum, Nukus
Apocalypse, 1918. Creator: Rybnikov, Alexey Alexandrovich (1887-1949)Apocalypse, 1918. Found in the Collection of Regional I. Savitsky Art Museum, Nukus
Self-Portrait, 1920s. Creator: Komarovsky, Vladimir Alexeevich (1883-1937)Self-Portrait, 1920s. Found in the Collection of Regional I. Savitsky Art Museum, Nukus
Prince Alexander Sergeyevich Vyazemsky (1806-1867), 1840. Found in the Collection of Regional I. Kramskoi Art Museum, Voronezh
Count Andrey Pavlovich Shuvalov (1817-1876), 1838-1839. Found in the Collection of Regional I. Kramskoi Art Museum, Voronezh