A garden pool: fragment of wall painting, Egyptian, 18th Dynasty, c1350 BC. Tomb painting of a pool full of ducks, lotus flowers and tilapia fish; papyrus grows along the edge
A Phoenix; De Natura Avium; De Pastoribus et Ovibus; Bestiarium; Mirabilia Mundi; Philosophia Mundi; On the Soul, 1277 or after. The mythological phoenix is an immortal bird associated with the sun
A Phoenix; De Natura Avium; De Pastoribus et Ovibus, 1277 or after. Creator: UnknownA Phoenix; De Natura Avium; De Pastoribus et Ovibus; Bestiarium; Mirabilia Mundi; Philosophia Mundi; On the Soul, 1277 or after. The mythological phoenix is an immortal bird associated with the sun
Fresco Depicting a Woman (Maenad?) Holding a Dish; Peacock and Fruit Below, A.D. 1-79. Additional Info: One of two colourful fresco fragments that once decorated the same wall
A Walk at Dusk, about 1830-1835. Creator: Caspar David FriedrichA Walk at Dusk, about 1830-1835. Additional Info: His head bowed, a man walks alone in the silvery, cold moonlit night while contemplating a megalithic tomb and its implicit message of death
Scarab: Aakheperkara (Thutmose I), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose I (about 1504-1492 BCE)
Raktayamari and Vajravetali, early 14th century. Creator: UnknownRaktayamari and Vajravetali, early 14th century. The Buddhist deity Raktayamari embraces his female partner, Vajravetali, their union symbolizing the bliss of enlightenment
Vessantara Jataka, Chapter 1, 1920-1940. Creator: UnknownVessantara Jataka, Chapter 1, 1920-1940
Vessantara Jataka, Chapter 1 (Ten Boons), c1850-1870. Creator: UnknownVessantara Jataka, Chapter 1 (Ten Boons), c1850-1870. Before her rebirth on earth as Vessantara's mother, Queen Phusati resided in heaven as the primary queen of Indra, king of the gods
"KULTUR"; Les Heures D'Ivresse; specimen des pages inspirees par le debut de la guerre au plus grand journal illustre d'Allemagne, l'Illustrierte Zeitung
Amulet of a Hare, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasties 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: UnknownAmulet of a Hare, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasties 26-31 (664-332 BCE)
Amulet of a Hare, Egypt, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (7th-1st centuries BCE)
Scarab, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE). Creator: UnknownScarab, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)
Scarab, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: UnknownScarab, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE)
Scarabs with Inscriptions on Base, Egypt, Early Middle Kingdom-New Kingdom, Dynasties 11-20 (about 2055-1069 BCE)
Scarab, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (304-30 BCE). Creator: UnknownScarab, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (304-30 BCE)
Scarab: Scarab Beetle with Hieroglyphs (wedjat eyes, nfr-signs, nbw-sign), Egypt, First Intermediate Period-Middle Kingdom, Dynasties 9-12 (about 2160-1773 BCE)
Scarab: Rabbit with Hathor Sistrum, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period, Dynasties 18-26 (about 1550-525 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (scarab beetle, nfr-sign, red crown), Egypt, Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period, Dynasties 12-17 (about 2055-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Winged Scarab Beetle with Hieroglyphs, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Ram (Amun), Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-New Kingdom, Dynasties 17-18 (about 1650-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period, Dynasties 18-26 (about 1550-525 BCE)
Scarab: Ankhesenamun, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Tutankhamun (abt 1336-1327Scarab: Ankhesenamun, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Tutankhamun (about 1336-1327 BCE)
Scarab: Wish Formula of Amon-Re, Egypt, Middle Kingdom (1991-1720 BCE). Creator: UnknownScarab: Wish Formula of Amon-Re, Egypt, Middle Kingdom (1991-1720 BCE)
Scarab: Linear Motifs, Egypt, First Intermediate Period-Early Middle Kingdom, Dynasties 9-12 (about 2160-1773 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (swt, nfr, Dd, anx, nb), Egypt, Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period, Dynasties 12-15 (about 1985-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Falcon Deity, Egypt, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period, Dynasties 19-21 (about 1186-945 BCE)
Scarab: Cross Pattern, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (nsw-bity, Dd, anx, nb), Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasties 12-14 (about 1985-1650 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (?), Egypt, Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period (?), Dynasties 12-15 (about 1985-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Falcon Deity, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-New Kingdom, Dynasties 15-20 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Cross Pattern, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Unlinked Scrolls and Spirals, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Baboon with Ma at Feather, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Central Cable (?), Egypt, Second Intermediate Period (?), Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Scarab Beetle with Sun Disc, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Cobras Addorsed and Linked, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Hathor Sistrum, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Hathor Head with Woven Pattern, Egypt, Middle Kingdom-New Kingdom, Dynasties 12-18 (about 1985-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Title and Personal Name (?), Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period (?), Dynasties 25-26 (about 747-525 BCE)
Scarab: Falcon-Headed Deity with Cobra, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-New Kingdom, Dynasties 15-19 (about 1650-1186 BCE)
Scarab: The God Ptah with Ma at Feather and Djed-Pillar, Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside Period, Dynasties 19-20 (about 1295-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Confronted Cobras with Falcon, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Hathor Sistrum with Hieroglyphs (xaw-signs, hAt-signs, child signs, papyrus stalk), Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (about 1950-1773 BCE)
Scarab: Amun-Re, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period, Dynasties 18-26 (about 1550-525 BCE)
Scarab: Two Standing Deities, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Two Seated Deities, Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside Period, Dynasties 19-20 (about 1295-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Scarab Beetle with Hieroglyphs (cobras, anx-signs, nbw-sign), Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (about 1950-1773 BCE)
Scarab: Falcon and Hieroglyphs, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period, Dynasties 18-26 (about 1550-525 BCE)
Scarab: Inscription, Egypt, Middle Kingdom (about 2055-1650 BCE). Creator: UnknownScarab: Inscription, Egypt, Middle Kingdom (about 2055-1650 BCE)
Scarab: Falcon with Red Crown and Cobra (?), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (?) (about 1550-1186 BCE)
Scarab: Criosphinx and Ma at with Name of Amun-Ra, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period, Dynasties 18-26 (about 1550-525 BCE)
Scarab: Abstract Designs, Egypt, Iron Age II (?) (9th-7th century BCE). Creator: UnknownScarab: Abstract Designs, Egypt, Iron Age II (?) (9th-7th century BCE)
Scarab: Title and Personal Name (?), Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasties 11-14 (about 2055-1650 BCE)
Scarab: Title (Seal-Bearer of the King of Lower Egypt, Overseer of Sealed Goods) and Personal Name (Har), Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasties 15-17 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Animal Motifs (Bird, Antelope, Hippopotamus), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 19-20 (about 1295-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Amun-Ra and Hieroglyphs, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Striding Lion Motif, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Neferkara and Hieroglyphs (ankh and djed signs), Egypt, Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period, Dynasties 12-17 (about 2055-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Antelope with Foliage Motif, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (wedjat-eye, nefer-signs, nbw-sign), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE) (?)
Scarab: Interlocking Scrolls and Spirals, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Title (Greatest of the Tens of Upper Egypt) and Personal Name, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, Reign of Senusret III-Sobekneferu (about 1870-1773 BCE)
Scarab: The God Ptah with a Standing King and the Name of Usermaatra Setepenra (Ramesses II), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Reign of Ramesses II (about 1279-1213 BCE)
Scarab: Floral Motifs, Hieroglyphs, and Geometric Designs, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: The God Ptah with Name of Usermaatra Setepenra (Ramesses II), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Reign of Ramesses II (about 1279-1213 BCE)
Scarab: Floral Motif, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period - early New Kingdom, Dynasties 15-18 (about 1650-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Usermaatra Setepenra (Ramesses II), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Reign of Ramesses II (about 1279-1213 BCE)
Scarab: Gods and Hieroglyphs, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period, Dynasties 18-26 (about 1550-525 BCE)
Scarab: Wish Formula, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasties 21-25 (about 1069-664 BCE)
Scarab: Uraeus with Lotus, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1068 BCE)
Scarab: Menmaatra (Sety I), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Reign of Sety I (about 1294-1279 BCE)
Scarab: Scorpion Motifs, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE)
Scarab: Uninscribed, Egypt, First Intermediate Period-Early Middle Kingdom (?), Dynasties 9-12 (about 2160-1773 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15 (about 1650-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (Red Crown, nfr- and nb-Signs: Trigramme of Amun), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (Hs-vessel and wAs-Scepters), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (?) (about 1550-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Name of Amun-Ra, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Nefera with Hieroglyphs (kA-signs, xaw), Egypt, Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period, Dynasties 12-17 (about 2055-1550 BCE)
Scarab: Falcon with Cobra and Ma at Feather, Egypt, Middle Kingdom-New Kingdom, Dynasties 12-18 (about 2055-1295 BCE)
Scarab: Hovering Falcon over Name of God Amun, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (wAs-sign, Dd-sign, anx-sign), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)
Scarab: Hieroglyphs (mwt-sign, nfr-signs, di-sign), Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period, Dynasties 21-30 (about 1069-343 BCE)
Scarab: Seated Ptah, Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside Period, Dynasties 19-20 (about 1295-1069 BCE)