The Lawyer's Office, 1628. Creator: Pieter de BlootThe Lawyer's Office, 1628
1910 Darracq taxis, New York, c1910. Taxi drivers queue in a busy road in New York City
Traffic queue at level crossing in Brockenhurst, HampshireLevel crossing traffic queue at Brockenhurst in New Forest, Hampshire
Satellite navigation system in Alfa Romeo Giulietta 2011 in heavy traffic
Fuel crisis 2000. Queues for petrolQueue for petrol in fuel crisis, 2000
New York City traffic jam
Waterloo Station, 1910. A line of cars, and two horse drawn carriages outside the station. A group of porters with their trolleys can be seen in the right hand corner
Train passing through level crossing in Lincoln 2014
May Bank Holiday traffic, Bournemouth, 1939. A build up of traffic on a wet bank holiday weekend
Fuel crisis 2000. Queues for petrolQueue for petrol in fuel crisis 2000 at Beaulieu, Hampshire
A view of Piccadilly Circus, c1912-c1914. A rooftop view looking down on the Statue of Eros, with lines of buses and cars
The M25 Motorway taken in 1991
World's Fair, 1940. Creator: Gottscho-Schleisner, IncWorld's Fair, 1940
Brooklyn Public Library (Ingersoll Memorial), Prospect Park Plaza, Brooklyn, 1941
The Book of Fate: a sketch at the Royal Academy of Arts, 1871. Creator: Joseph SwainThe Book of Fate: a sketch at the Royal Academy of Arts, [London], 1871. Artists wating to find out the decision of the selection committee
Relief of Paris: the rush to the provision shops, 1871. Creator: UnknownRelief of Paris: the rush to the provision shops, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
Relief of Paris: distribution of the English gift at the Maison du Grand CondeRelief of Paris: distribution of the English gift at the Maison du Grand Condé, rue de Seine, 1871. Franco-Prussian War - humanitarian aid from England
Relief of Paris: distribution of the English gift at the Magasin du Bon MarcheRelief of Paris: distribution of the English gift at the Magasin du Bon Marché, rue de Sèvres, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
Relief of Paris: the English gift of food - entrance to the Magasin du Bon Marché, rue de Sèvres, 1871. Franco-Prussian War
Waiting for coke at the gasworks, Barrière d'Italie, Paris, (sketch by balloon post), 1871
The Thames Subway at Tower-Hill: entrance to tunnel, 1870. Creator: UnknownThe Thames Subway at Tower-Hill: entrance to tunnel, 1870. Tunnel under the River Thames in London, designed by William Henry Barlow
Feeding poor in Noyon, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceFeeding poor in Noyon, between c1915 and c1920
Applying for subway work, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceApplying for subway work, between c1910 and c1915
Waiting to register, 6/5/17, 1917. Creator: Bain News ServiceWaiting to register, 6/5/17, 1917. Shows line of men next to Bahnsen & Roeloffs grocery store in New York City, waiting to register for the draft during World War I
Metropolitan Opera House, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceMetropolitan Opera House, between c1910 and c1915
Dinner Hour - Gettysburg, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceDinner Hour - Gettysburg, 1913. Shows the Gettysburg Reunion (the Great Reunion) of July 1913, which commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg
Dinner Time - Gettysburg, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceDinner Time - Gettysburg, 1913. Shows the Gettysburg Reunion (the Great Reunion) of July 1913, which commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg
Hygiene Congress delegates, Ellis Island, between c1910 and c1915
Orphans at horse show - N.Y. 11/13, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceOrphans at horse show - N.Y. 11/13, 1913. Shows orphans at the National Horse Show at Madison Square Garden, New York City
Taxi Strike, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceTaxi Strike, between c1910 and c1915
Lady Henry and T.P. O'Connor distribute cabbages, 1913. Creator: Bain News ServiceLady Henry and T.P. O'Connor distribute cabbages, 1913. Shows Lady Henry Somerset (1851-1921) and Thomas Power O'Connor (1848-1929) in a garden distributing cabbages to children
N.Y. Playground, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceN.Y. Playground, between c1910 and c1915
Distributing soup at the Strangers Home, Limehouse, 1868. Creator: UnknownDistributing soup at the Strangers Home, West India-road, Limehouse, 1868
Hippodrome, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceHippodrome, between c1915 and c1920
Milk House, Tompkins Sq.; hot day, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceMilk House, Tompkins Sq.; hot day, between c1910 and c1915
1st Depositor, Postal Bank, N.Y. between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service1st Depositor, Postal Bank, N.Y. between c1910 and c1915
Osterhaus at City Hall, 1912. Creator: Bain News ServiceOsterhaus at City Hall, 1912. Shows U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Hugo Osterhaus (1851-1927), at City Hall, New York City during a naval mobilization
Women enlisting - England, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceWomen enlisting - England, between c1910 and c1915
Line for Tetrazzini seats, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News ServiceLine for Tetrazzini seats, between c1915 and c1920
Crowd at convention hall, Baltimore, Maryland, 1912. Creator: Bain News ServiceCrowd at convention hall, Baltimore, Maryland, 1912. Photo taken at the 1912 Democratic National Convention held at the Fifth Regiment Armory, Baltimore, Maryland, June 25-July 2
The Cotton Famine: operatives waiting for their breakfast in Mr. Chapman's courtyard, Mottram, near Manchester, 1862. Unemployed mill workers. Engraving of a photograph by Mr. Gothard
The Cotton Famine: distributing tickets for bread, soup, meat, meal, coal etc, at the office of a district provident society, Manchester, 1862. From "Illustrated London News", 1862
The Cotton Famine: the Manchester and Salford Provident Society distributing clothing, 1862. Charitable donations for unemployed Lancashire textiles workers
The Cotton Famine: the Society of Friends soup-kitchen, Ball-street, Lower Moseley-street, Manchester, 1862. Unemployed Lancashire textiles workers queue for food
Seeking relief at a Mairie, Paris, 1914. Creator: Bain News ServiceSeeking relief at a Mairie, Paris, 1914. People at the city hall (mairie) in the 11th Arrondissement, Boulevard Voltaire, Paris, France during World War I
Awaiting relief, Paris, between c1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News ServiceAwaiting relief, Paris, between c1914 and c1915. French people, mostly women, waiting in line for relief at the beginning of World War I, Paris, France
German women after second grade meat, 1914. Creator: Bain News ServiceGerman women after second grade meat, 1914. German women in line for meat during the beginning of World War I
The 70th Bengal Native Infantry drawing rations at the Commissariat Stores, Canton, 1858. Indian soldiers in China
In Soviet Russia; A polling station in Petrograd, November 21, 1917, during elections for the Constituent Assembly, 1917
La queue au lait (The queue for milk), c.1796. Creator: Boilly, Louis-Léopold (1761-1845)La queue au lait (The queue for milk), c.1796. Private Collection
Sketches in China - Heads of the People - a sketch at the Rev. Mr. Huleatt's Rice Distribution at Canton, 1858
Des Parisiens dans l'attente du plaisir.. 1855. Creator: Honore DaumierDes Parisiens dans l'attente du plaisir.. 1855. Des Parisiens dans l'attente du plaisir - Deux heures de queue a un theatre quelconque
American Prison Life, Blackwell's Island, New York: Dinner-Time, 1876....the inmates, who are here treated with compulsory hospitality
La Nouvelle Europe; les elections Allemandes; les elections a Berlin: le 19 janvier, electeurs et electrices se pressant a l'entree d'une section de vote, 1919
Menu card with flags, 27 April 1889. Creator: Theo van HoytemaMenu card with flags, 27 April 1889. Flags spelling the word Dinner'. The auditorium, the hortus and the museum of natural history. Queue of people
The Legend of the Baker of Eekloo, 1550-1650. Creator: UnknownThe Legend of the Baker of Eekloo, 1550-1650
The Division Lobby, House of Commons: Taking the Votes, 1857. Creator: UnknownThe Division Lobby, House of Commons: Taking the Votes
Queue of people waiting, c.1890-c.1920. Creator: Isaac Lazerus IsraelsQueue of people waiting, c.1890-c.1920
Les rapatries du Nord de la France a annemasse (Haute-Savoie); une arrivee de rapatries, par le tramway venant de Geneve qui fut leur derniere halte avant la France, 1916
Refreshing the Thirsty, c.1646-c.1649. Creator: Michiel SweertsRefreshing the Thirsty, c.1646-c.1649
Une visite aux bains, 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierUne visite aux bains, 19th century. Summer sketch - A visit to the baths
Dis donc, mon homme, s'ils savaient... 19th century. Creator: Honore DaumierDis donc, mon homme, s'ils savaient... 19th century. Wow, my man, if they knew if they knew how we make their cheeses I think they wouldn't be in such a hurry
Flood Scenes, Dayton, Ohio, 1913. People queuing
Group of laborers, New Orleans or Charleston, South Carolina, between 1920 and 1926
Fort McHenry - Groups, 1917. Creator: Harris & EwingFort McHenry - Groups, 1917
Trois heures, 1839. Creator: Honore DaumierSingles Day (La Journee du Celibataire) - Trois heures, 1839. Three hours
Premières impressions - StupéfactionPremieres impressions - Stupefaction, compression et suffocation, 19th century. The Universal Exposition. First impressions - Stupefaction, compression and suffocation
Les Funerailles a La Hofburg; La foule est admise a defiler devant la catafalqueLes Funerailles a La Hofburg; La foule, contenue par la police, est admise a defiler devant la catafalque'
Breadline, 1900. Creator: George Benjamin LuksBreadline, 1900
Red Cross, between 1910 and 1920
Un Guichet de théâtre, 1862. Creator: Charles MaurandUn Guichet de theatre, 1862
Esquisse pour l'Hôtel de Ville de ParisEsquisse pour l'Hotel de Ville de Paris. Queues a la porte d'une boucherie municipale. Le siege de Paris en 1870, 1889. Sketch for the town hall (prefect's office), Hotel de Ville, Paris
Queue à la porte d'une épicerie (angle de la rue Réaumur et du boulevard Sébastopol)Queue a la porte d'une epicerie (angle de la rue Reaumur et du boulevard Sebastopol) en novembre 1870, 1871
Group of people in line at White House gate, Washington, D.C. between 1910 and 1917
In You Rejoiceth, between 1615 and 1648. Creator: Franghias KavertzasIn You Rejoiceth, between 1615 and 1648
Distress in London - Unemployed waiting at a Soup Kitchen, 1886. Creator: UnknownDistress in London - Unemployed waiting at a Soup Kitchen, 1886. From "The Graphic. An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper Volume 33. January to June, 1886"
Colonial Rifles - Reunion of G.A.R. And Confederate Veterans Who Had Fought At Gettysburg, On The Battlefield, 1918
The Emigration of the Russian Jews - Sketches on board the Guion Liner "Wisconsin", The Rush for the First Meal, 1891. From "The Graphic
La Bouchée de pain : groupe d'hommes montant les marchesLa Bouchee de pain : groupe d'hommes montant les marches, between 1904